Liu Qi looked at the narrow ancient road that could not reach the side, and asked Chen Wen: "I also feel a little mysterious, this primeval forest is too weird. Second brother, are you sure this ancient road is marked on the map?"

Chen Wen replied affirmatively: "Third brother, you should be right. Judging from the bones, broken carriages, and remnants of helmets along the way, someone must have been there, but they didn't go out. Although the road ahead is difficult, there are some weeds, which means It’s still a road, why no one walks, there must be something weird here.”

E Huantian was not afraid of anything, and shouted: "What's so strange, is there still an anthropoid ape?"

One word awakened the dreamer, Liu Qi looked at more and more apes, and after E Huan yelled, a poem popped up in his mind, "The apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and a thousand miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day." This ancient poem probably said That is, there are many, many apes in Jiangling. Judging from the human bones seen along the road, I am afraid that there are quite a few man-eating apes.

Liu Qi suddenly had a premonition that there might really be man-eating apes in this primeval forest, and he said anxiously: "General E, tell the carriage behind to be careful. Second brother and I went to explore the road, there may be a swamp."

"Yes." E Huan got off the carriage with his halberd and reminded the bronze guards to be careful.

Liu Qi and Chen Wen also got out of the carriage, disassembled the two horses, and carefully explored the ancient path of the weeds.

Less than [-] meters leading the way, Liu Qi found some rocks blocking the way. Suddenly there were endless screams from all directions. Countless apes jumped out and surrounded Liu Qi, Chen Wen and the four carriages. Hearing the sound of ping-pong-pong smashing the iron sheet of the carriage, and the sound of Liu Qi and Chen Wen's iron armor being hit by stones, the sixteen war horses tightly wrapped in cowhide were also knocked on the spot by the stones, and Liu Qi was shocked. For surprise - apes.

These apes look three parts human-like and seven parts monkey-like, with huge heads, well-developed limbs, fluffy bodies, and malicious eyes.Clever apes would actually move stones to block the way, throw stones to hurt people, and of course smash the carriages with hard pine cones. They just surrounded them from a distance and did not approach them, presumably to smash the humans who went deep into the forest Die and eat human flesh again.

However, fortunately, there are not many large stones in the primeval forest, but even if Liu Qi and others are indestructible, they can't stand the crazy Shi Yu, and the iron-covered car crown of the carriage is only used to prevent cold arrows. He never expected to be attacked by a group of apes and stone rain, and the iron box was smashed into pits, but the iron was quite thick, although it was not as good as the steel plate, it was not smashed.

Seeing this scene, E Huan became angry. He was attacked by crocodiles two days ago, and today he was besieged by apes. It was really bad luck.E Huan picked up Fang Tianji and jumped out of the carriage, headed straight for the group of apes against the stone rain. Hearing a whistle, the group of apes scattered and fled. It was because E Huan, who was so powerful, had no way out. It seemed that these apes had grown up and knew the power of human beings, so they didn't dare to fight hard. They bared their teeth at E Huan, making Liu Qi and his party dumbfounded.

"Wow, it's so annoying..." E Huan stomped his feet angrily, looking at the group of apes who were hiding to provoke E Huan.

E Huan stared at the group of apes and asked, "My lord, what should we do?"

Seeing that although there are many apes, they are afraid of death, Liu Qi sneered and waved his hand: "Don't worry about it, remove the stone and move on."

Several bronze guards removed the stones blocking the way of the monkeys, and continued to move forward, but they heard a whistle again, and the group of apes surrounded them again, and another wave of stones and pine cones hit, disturbing the horses neighing. forward.

Fortunately, Liu Qi and his party came prepared. Otherwise, if they didn't have iron armor to protect them, they would have been smashed by the apes and died on the ancient forest road with only three or two stones. Bandits, the biggest enemy in the forest is the apes.

The group of apes adopted the guerrilla tactics of Mao Taizu of later generations. If you go, they will chase them, and if you chase them, they will leave. The target was used by the apes to perfection, but it made it difficult for Liu Qi to move. Hundreds of apes planned to trap Liu Qi and others in the virgin forest to death.

Besieged by the apes, he couldn't move anymore, Liu Qi ordered the carriage to stop, and the ten bronze men were holding strange soldier pills, waiting for Liu Qi's order to prepare to fight. The apes seemed to feel the danger, and another whistle sounded, The group of apes retreated several tens of meters to a stalemate with Liu Qi and the others.

E Huan took a few steps forward, waving his halberd into the air, trying to provoke the group of apes to attack, but the group of apes sat idly by, and E Huan cursed angrily: "Some stupid monkeys beat and don't hit, and don't go away. A monkey has become a spirit, and it will kill me in anger."

Chen Wen smiled: "General E, what are you doing with the bastard, I have my own magic method to get rid of the ape."

E Huan shouted: "Brother Wen, tell me quickly, what's the trick?"

Chen Wen rolled his eyes, pointed to the giant ape hidden in a tall tree crown a hundred meters away, and said, "Did you see that big monkey making a gesture of its head?"

"I see, it's just bigger."

"That's the leader ape, the king of the apes, and the whistle came from the king of the apes. Isn't General E capable of piercing Yang with [-] steps? If you shoot the king of the apes with one arrow, the group of apes will naturally disperse."

"Oh, I see, haha, look at me." E Huan laughed, and took out the old wooden bow from his back, bent the bow and set an arrow, and was about to shoot.

"Wait a minute." Seeing this, Liu Qi quickly stopped E Huan and said, "This method is not appropriate."

"My lord, what's the matter?" E Huan put down his bow and arrow, then turned to look at Chen Wen, puzzled.

The method of shooting the leader ape was proposed by Chen Wen. Liu Qi had a premonition that this method was extremely dangerous. He might shoot the leader ape and anger the group of apes. Yes, I can't bear it, you must know that it is an ape, although no one is good-looking, but it is also a humanoid animal with seven emotions and six desires, thoughts and emotions!

Liu Qi explained to Chen Wen: "Second Brother, this method can drive away apes, but it is extremely risky. The battle between the Yangtze River and the crocodile the day before yesterday was a lesson learned from the past. Today, the apes retreat from time to time because we have not yet killed or killed any other species. Enrage them. If we shoot the leader ape and trigger a siege of apes all over the forest, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out."

Chen Wen sighed and said: "What the third brother said is true, I also know this truth, but there is no way to keep stalemate like this. If we can't get out of this forest before dusk, we may never be able to get out."

Liu Qi said: "Don't worry, there are always more solutions than difficulties."

E Huan said: "My lord, is there a way?"

Liu Qi said: "Not for the time being, let's rest on the spot first."

"Yes." E Huan was discouraged, shook the apes, and put away Fang Tianji.

Liu Qi paced back and forth, pondered for a while, and asked, "Second brother, I was thinking, we didn't offend the apes, why did they attack us?"

Chen Wenxu replied: "Judging from the bones of people and animals along the way, I am afraid that many of them are the bones of apes. It should be that someone shot and killed the apes, which aroused the hatred of the apes."

"Oh, if that's the case, I'm afraid the group of apes won't disperse. I want to throw some crocodile meat and a few hens to the group of apes. I don't know if these beasts will let them go if they benefit from it?"

Chen Wen nodded and said, "I'm not sure, give it a try."

"Okay, I'll do it." Without ordering, E Huan brought a few pieces of marinated crocodile meat from the carriage, caught another hen, and threw it vigorously at the apes, only to see the hen just opened up in the air. The wings were caught by an ape who flew up into the air, and instead of sending them to his feet, he seemed to be very excited and quickly climbed to the hiding place of the great ape, offering the hen to the leader ape.

"Putting up, dead monkey." Liu Qi cursed, looking at the apes catching chickens and flattering him, he suddenly felt funny, daring to flatter the chief to show loyalty is not a patent of human beings, it turns out that it is also very popular in the animal world.

The leading giant ape took the hen, and patted the head of the ape that offered the chicken with his huge palm. Swallowing it down, he hiccupped so much that he bared his fangs, showing a satisfied expression.

After the leader ape king swallowed the hen, several apes grabbed the crocodile meat thrown by E Huan in their hands and climbed up to offer it to the giant ape. The ape king accepted them all with a smile, but he was not in a hurry To eat, he sticks out his big tongue and eats it lightly. After confirming that the fish pieces are not poisonous and the humans have no malicious intentions, he swallows the crocodile pieces in one gulp, and then throws the fish pieces offered by the ape cubs under the tree, and the apes immediately burst into joy , screaming and scrambling to eat the spoils rewarded by the leading ape king—the pickled Yangtze crocodile meat.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qi thought there was a way, so he hurriedly asked E Huan to throw some more pieces of crocodile meat. Similarly, another great ape picked it up and offered it to the king of apes. Throwing down the piece still caused the crowd of apes below to jubilate.

Presumably the giant ape saw Liu Qi stop E Huan from shooting arrows, and then offered delicious hen and crocodile meat. Seeing the jubilation of the apes, Liu Qi knew that the apes would no longer have such strong hostility as before.

After the group of apes rejoiced for a while, they yelled at Liu Qi again, and looked at Liu Qi with longing eyes. Such a few pieces of crocodile meat are really too much for thousands of apes, and I hope Liu Qi will still be kind.

Liu Qi cursed secretly: "Dead monkey, take it when you see it. The crocodile meat that I caught with my life is not for feeding you beasts. It has to be reserved for the three hundred soldiers in Huaguo Mountain."

The eager eyes of the monkeys are very obvious, and the greedy psychology is no different from that of humans. Since the apes have the same psychological characteristics as humans, Liu Qi feels that it is possible to communicate with the leading ape king.

Liu Qi whispered instructions to E Huan, ordering the bronze guards to put away their weapons, first put on a peaceful gesture, and then tried to bow their hands to the ape king in the canopy, without saying a word, just opened their mouths and moved , expressing that we would like to make friends, we have no malicious intentions, we are just borrowing the way.

After arching his hands, the ape king didn't respond. Liu Qi loosened his fists and spread his hands, still moving his mouth but making no sound. Speaking human language with a monkey is like playing the piano with a cow. Liu Qi will not do such stupid things. In human terms it is not.

A strange thing happened, when Liu Qi spread his hand, the ape king seemed to understand Liu Qi's intention, and covered his mouth with his hand, and suddenly there was a long whistle, and the group of apes ran in all directions, and even dispersed.

An even more strange thing happened. The apes dispersed, and the ape king sat on a branch with a big red buttocks. He imitated Liu Qi's movements and put his two huge palms together, arched towards Liu Qi, and then jumped up. The ground jumped three feet and disappeared into the dense virgin forest.

"Haha, the ape group has retreated, but you are still the master." E Huan sincerely admired Liu Qi.

"Third brother is mighty, fighting without bloodshed is the best policy." Chen Wen bowed respectfully to Liu Qi, his eyes revealing incomparable admiration, Liu Qi, the son of sworn brothers, has extraordinary wisdom.

"Let's go." Liu Qi looked at the carriage that had been smashed into holes by the apes, and smiled helplessly. Instead of killing the apes, he retreated from the apes. It's quite human.

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