E Huan woke up in the late afternoon. Fortunately, E Huan was in excellent shape. He was only hit by the tail of the python and suffered a head injury. He did not suffer a concussion. After a few kicks, he cursed: "Death is more than a crime."

Liu Qi said with a smile: "General E, don't be angry, the reason why the python died was because he was loyal to his duty, so you should treat him kindly."

However, Chen Wen suggested: "Young Master, I think the python skin is tough and impenetrable to arrows, so you can use the skin as armor. It's a pity to discard it."

After what Chen Wen said, Liu Qi was moved, but looking at the giant squid that had been disemboweled and beheaded, he couldn't bear it anymore, and decided to give up the idea of ​​using python skin as an armor, and said: "Brother Wen, the giant python is dead. Just let him go, leave a whole body, and bury him with the owner of the tomb after the tomb is opened."

"Yes." Chen Wen glanced at the giant python regretfully. The gallbladder was not taken, the python blood was not drunk, and the python skin was useless. A hundred-year-old snake spirit, it is a pity.

However, Chen Wen appreciated Liu Qi's compassion for the snake, and said, "Young master, I'll get some dead branches to cover the python corpse for a few days, so as to protect it from the wind and the sun, so I can keep it for a few more days."

"Go, after covering the body of the python, start exploring the tomb." After Liu Qi finished speaking, he and E Huan dragged the body of the python to a cool place aside.

While dragging the python corpse, Liu Qi found a long scar five feet away from the python's tail, probably Huang Zhong's injury. As for how Huang Zhong could injure the giant python and how he could escape, I really can't imagine.

Liu Qi, Chen Wen, E Huan, the Eight Great Bronze Men and Hua Tuo's highly poisonous pills managed to kill the giant python. From this point of view, Huang Zhong's courage and martial arts are extraordinary, and he is a peerless hero and a peerless magic skill , Liu Qi thought that after returning to Xiangyang, he had to learn a few tricks from his master Huang Zhong.

After Chen Wen and a few bronze guards covered the boa constrictor with some dead branches and leaves, everyone began to poke around the pool.

There is no suspense. The results of the drilling show that there is indeed a Chu tomb next to the pool. Then Liu Qi selected dozens of drilling points far or near to conduct drilling, and basically determined the direction, orientation and location of the Chu tomb. Excavation point.

After a night's rest, after confirming the excavation plan, at dawn the next day, Liu Qi adopted slope excavation, from far to near, from shallow to deep, and dug a tunnel at noon.

After replenishing the dry food, the excavation continued along the corridor. When a closed masonry room was dug, several bronze guards pushed it together, and saw the bricks falling down. Big, but full of gophers, countless.

The rats in the stone room ran around after being frightened, and rushed towards the bronze guard's face like moths flying towards the flame.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Liu Qi drew out his sword and shouted to run. After breaking with Chen Wen and E Huan, he danced the sword tightly, and the corridor was filled with dead rats in an instant. Continuously coming out of the earth walls on both sides of the corridor, two bronze guards had their faces scratched.

Everyone is fighting and retreating, and the mouse pile is chasing after him.When everyone exited the corridor and returned to the road, the rats all over the place were still rushing towards Liu Qi and others like locusts.

The two bronze guards whose faces were scratched retreated to the road and walked less than ten meters. After shaking twice, they heard two bangs and fell to the ground on their backs. Chen Wen exclaimed: "No, Shuoshu!" poisonous."

Liu Qi glanced at it, but saw that the bronze guards twitched a few times after falling to the ground, kicked their legs, and before they had time to close their eyes, they died of exasperation. Immediately, countless mice in the tomb jumped on the corpses of the two bronze guards, Crazy bite, horrible.

After a moment of distraction, he saw a few tomb rats rushing towards Liu Qi's face. E Huan was surprised to see a leap, and ignored the attack of the tomb rats behind him, and blocked the tomb rat's attack on Liu Qi with his whole body.

Several tomb rats pounced on Liu Qi's crocodile armor and knocked them unconscious immediately. Two tomb rats behind him climbed onto E Huan's crocodile armor, bit the crocodile armor a few times, and fell to the ground Death is not because the crocodile's shell can't bite, you know, crocodiles are also the natural enemies of mice.

The Tomb Rat is an elf in the tomb, and it seems to have an IQ. When he found out that the Tomb Rat would die if he bit the crocodile armor, he gave up his attack on E Huan and focused his main force on Liu Qi, who could be attacked by the Tomb Rat if he was not careful To face the door, it is very likely to encounter the same fate as the bronze guard who fell to the ground and died.

Fortunately, fighting rats on the open ground, as long as you are careful, you can block it for a while.

Chen Wen, E Huan, and the Tongren guards' eyes were reddened, rat corpses were piled up like a mountain in front of them, Liu Qi and others' physical strength was gradually exhausted, but the tomb rats were still pouring out from the corridor, and they couldn't be killed.

While fighting with the rats, Liu Qi wanted to escape, but there were too many rats in the tomb, and there was no way to get rid of the rats' attack. I am afraid that when everyone was exhausted from the battle, the Tomb of the King of Chu would become the tomb of Liu Qi and others It will become a delicious meal for tomb rats.

Let it go, since you can't escape, then fight with the tomb rats until the last moment. Liu Qi tried to force the rats back with crazy slashing, but it didn't work. They rushed towards Liu Qi.

No, two more bronze guards were bitten by tomb rats and fell down to the ground and died of rat poison.

Along the way, he experienced many dangers without losing any troops, but he never expected that just when the Chu King's Mausoleum was about to see the light of day, he was attacked by thousands of tomb rats in the tomb, killing four bronze guards in a row. Liu Qi's heart aches when he sees this. The bronze guards are carefully selected by the housekeeper Liu Zhong for Liu Qi, and they are also the family business that Liu Qi relies on to make things happen. Every bronze guard is a precious asset.

Looking at the four bronze guards who once fought side by side in front of the mansion with Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng's [-] soldiers died one after another, Liu Qi felt sad and angry from his heart, and shouted: "Avenge the guards, kill me!" , kill, kill."

Liu Qi kept yelling "kill, kill, kill", he pulled himself together, the blade of the sword was already covered in rat blood, with one strike, he was going to chop off more than a dozen tomb rats by the waist.

Chen Wen, E Huan, and the other four living bronze guards saw Liu Qi slashing and killing the tomb rats, everyone's eyes were red, and they slashed and slashed wildly with the last bit of strength, killing as many as they could. Anyway, he couldn't get out of the rats, and only the strong man broke his wrist and fought to the last moment of his life.

The strange thing is that Liu Qi and the others were exhausted from the battle, their hands and feet were sore and numb, and their movements obviously slowed down. When they were about to be fatally attacked by the rats, the rats were no less, and there were still a large number of tomb rats pouring out of the corridor like rushing to the market It seems that the clever ancestors used pools of cobras and huge pythons on the ground to protect the tombs in order to prevent future generations from robbing the tombs. In the tombs, a special type of tomb rat that reproduced extremely fast was also developed to protect the tombs.

Regarding the Goujian sword, Liu Qi suddenly felt a kind of sadness that is close at hand but far away in the world. If there is no miracle, death by the claws of the tomb rat, which is not as small as a potato, is a certainty. The glory of the rebirth of the Three Kingdoms may be such a tragedy is over.

When Liu Qi fought with the tomb rats until his consciousness was blurred, the sadness of the last moment of his life gradually rose from his heart. At this last moment, he suddenly heard a familiar whistle, and a huge ape rushed to Liu Qi. The ape king, the ape king in the ancient forest road appeared.

There was a chaotic sound of apes, and then countless apes rushed out of the mountains and plains, stomping on the tomb mice, pinching their mouths and biting, a wonderful and frantic battle between apes and mice was staged.

I saw the swarm of rats around Liu Qi of the Ape Dynasty trampling desperately, good guy, stepping on the huge soles is a large piece of rat intestines, belly, and blood. The appearance of the forest apes instantly reversed Liu Qi's decline. The rats in the tomb Forced to retreat, they retreated from the tunnel like a tide, and the apes chased after them. The ground of the Chu King's Mausoleum was full of corpses of tomb rats, and it was impossible to set foot.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qi breathed a sigh of relief. A miracle really happened at the last moment of his life. It really is a road that never stops, and I, Liu Qi, have a big fate.

The swarm of rats retreated, Liu Qi panted for a while, and breathed evenly, and saw that the ape king was looking nervously at the rat corpses scattered all over the ground and the four bronze guards who fell to the ground, as if he was silently mourning for these lost creatures.

Knowing that the ape king understands human nature, fortunately, the ape king was not shot and killed in the ancient forest road.Throwing away the saber that was sticky with rat blood, rat flesh and rat hair, Liu Qi cupped his fists at the ape king, bent slightly, and bowed: "Thank you for your help."

Following Liu Qi's example, the ape king also bowed and bowed, his mouth was slurred, and he couldn't hear what he said. Judging from the shape of his mouth, it probably meant thank you for helping him. This ape king understands human nature.

Liu Qi ordered to clean up the battlefield, and ordered E Huan to carry the corpses of the four bronze guards back to the tent. The ape king followed Liu Qi step by step to the tent, obviously shocked by the cobra corpses floating in the pool in front of him and the shade not far in front of him. The corpse of a python covered by branches.

Liu Qi took out a piece of crocodile meat from a large sack and gave it to the ape king. Not enough to satisfy my hunger at all.

In order to thank the Monkey King for saving his life, Liu Qi gritted his teeth and simply offered several large bags of crocodile meat. The crocodile bag was thrown to the group of apes who were helping the guards to clean up the battlefield, which immediately caused a group of apes to scramble for it.

Seeing that the ape king was not greedy, Liu Qi felt that the quality of the ape was not bad. This beast was much better than some corrupt officials of human beings, so he raised his foot and patted the furry arm of the ape king lightly.

The ape king also followed Liu Qi's example and patted Liu Qi's shoulder, almost knocking Liu Qi down. He is such a powerful ape king.

Liu Qi and the Ape King are like brothers if you take pictures of me and I take pictures of you. If the King of Apes and the group of apes can be left behind, you won’t have to worry about the tomb rats’ attack when you excavate King Chu’s tomb. Thinking of this, Liu Qi put it down. Come to my heart, no longer frowning.

When the ape king saw Liu Qi getting close to him, he cracked his lips and smiled. Although the smile was ugly, it could be seen that the smile was sincere. Although the primitive apes have not yet fully evolved into a human race, they are still very naive. There is no city to speak of. Getting along with the ape king is much more realistic than some close-knit friends in later generations.

Seeing that the guards had swept away the rat corpses on the ground, Liu Qi ordered them to pour oil on the fire and set it on fire. Suddenly, the flames shot up into the sky, and the smell of rats was unpleasant. However, the group of apes cheered and jumped around the fire when they saw the fire. I can't help but regard fire as sacred, and I will worship the humans who use fire.

After finishing all this, Liu Qi ordered Chen Wen to check the feng shui of the nearby tombs, and planned to dig a nearby pit to bury the four bronze guards, so that the four bronze guards who had been bitten beyond recognition by the tomb rat could be buried as soon as possible.

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