Chapter 005 Attack (1)

"Chief, I brought back two rabbits? We roast them and eat them. Unfortunately, there is no salt." At this time, Shen Ren came back from work, carrying two rabbits that had been disemboweled. As for the fur and internal organs, it is estimated that Just dump it.

"It doesn't matter if there is no salt. In the afternoon, we will leave here a little later." Although, with the means and knowledge of special forces, he could not starve to death in this deep mountain and dense forest for a year, but Wu Aihua is not a person who sits on the sidelines and waits for a rabbit. attack.

Wu Aihua thinks this way: the Red Army staying on the border of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi needs victory to cheer up their spirits; the main force of the Red Army going out of Xiangxi or Guizhou also needs to contain more enemy troops from the rear.

Wu Aihua, who has studied history, knows that from October 34 to October 10, and even before the autumn of 35, the environment of the Red Army was very harsh.Although the Red Army has won one victory after another, in Wu Aihua's view, those victories can only be regarded as consolation prizes.There is no fundamental change in the living environment. When an enemy regiment is wiped out, the enemy replenishes another regiment. After an enemy division is wiped out, the enemy quickly mobilizes another division.

Fortunately, the Red Army's anti-Japanese proposition won the hearts of the people, and the Northwest Army and Northeast Army couldn't bear to be cruel. After all, they were "like-minded".If Lao Jiang came directly: "Don't you gcd want to resist the Japanese? Well, now, all of your people should drive to Chahar!"

This situation is not impossible!If it does happen, you're in big trouble!

Therefore, Wu Aihua decided to do something in western Fujian.Although there were only him and Shen Ren, so many Red Army soldiers could definitely be regarded as his allies.

Zhou Ruan, a big landlord in a small town called "Zhenru" to the east of Changting County, this guy is an extreme anti-g. After the Red Army arrived in this area, he ran to Hangzhou, Shanghai, Fuzhou and other places. Once the Red Army left , He made a comeback, recruited more than [-] dog legs, and formed a "True Shovel Group"!The reason why Zhou Ru'an is so anti-g, of course, is also for a reason. His uncle is a small rightist in the Kuomintang. He is currently working in the party headquarters of Fujian Province, and the reason why he can make a fortune in Changting basically depends on his uncle. To "cover".Therefore, in Zhou Ru'an's place, what the uncle said was the imperial decree. If the uncle said that the gangsters were wrong, then it was wrong. The uncle said that the gangsters wanted to "strike the local tyrants and divide the land." Sure enough, after he left home, the land was divided, and the house at home Get messed up.

Therefore, Zhou Ru'an has only one attitude towards the gangsters, and that is to kill them all.Previously, before the Red Army arrived in western Fujian, there were only 5 guards and 3 guns in Zhou Ruan Kongli, of which only 1 was a fast gun and the other two were shotguns.But this time when he returned home, Zhou Ruan bought 2000 brand-new fast guns and 30 Czech-style light machine gun with more than 1 yuan. As for the bullets, each rifle was equipped with 200 rounds, and the machine gun was equipped with 2000 rounds.

Although Zhou Ruan's "communist shoveling regiment" was aggressive, he didn't dare to send people deep into the mountains. He just checked the Red Army at intersections and towns, but this threat was even greater to the Red Army.Because the Red Army is also a human being and has to live, like salt, if you don’t eat it for a long time, you will have problems.Towns and intersections were checked and blocked, and then the main force of the national army went into the mountains to suppress them. This kind of "cage policy" was basically impossible for the Red Army to break.

In addition, Zhou Ru'an was worried that a large group of Red Army would seek revenge on him. He not only raised the fence of his manor, but also dug a deep trench outside the fence. However, it is very difficult to take down this "soil fence".

However, Zhou Ru'an's tricks are nothing in front of Wu Aihua.

Zhou Ru'an's "Shoveling Communist Regiment" has a combat power of only 95, while Wu Aihua's combat power is 200, so it stands to reason that they can be easily defeated.However, Wu Aihua did not want to do this.He wanted to attract a few people, such as Lin Xiugu and the others, to let them experience a victory, share the fruits of victory, and build up their confidence in victory.Perhaps, in this way, some Red Army soldiers' perception of him will be changed.

Shen Ren had a big appetite. He ate three quarters of two hares. "Eat more, add more energy, I still rely on you to protect me." Looking at Shen Ren's "eating appetite", Wu Aihua joked.

"Chief, if there is electricity, it only takes 3 minutes for me to fully recharge my energy. I can increase my energy by eating, and the speed is very slow." Shen Ren explained.

"Oh, that's right. This is easy to handle, but it will take a while to get a chance."

After eating the hares, putting away the tent, and then erasing the traces of the activity, Wu Aihua and Shen Ren were going to find Lin Xiugu and the others.

"Host, your personal belongings can be stored in the merit space." Wu Aihua suddenly heard the voice of the system.

"Ah, that's great!" Wu Aihua was really happy, even happier than the sudden acquisition of the system.Because, if there is a "space" to transport materials, then their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

As for the appearance of the original system, in a sense, it actually "overlaps" with Wu Aihua's own strength, or in other words, it is just an enhanced version of Wu Aihua's ability.For example, although the system can be exchanged for weapons, it is relatively easy and does not require money.However, Wu Aihua believes that he will definitely not lack weapons in future wars.The computer he brought does not lack information on conventional light weapons. As for more complex or larger weapons, when the strength becomes stronger, just find someone to produce them.

However, Wu Aihua could not "create" the "space", nor could it be seized from the enemy.This thing, in this era, can be called an "artifact".

"How big is the space?" Wu Aihua who calmed down began to care about his "immediate interests".

"1 cubic meters."

"Okay. That's enough. But, can the space be upgraded?" Wu Aihua asked.

"Space upgrade requires a lot of merit points, which is not possible at the moment." The system looks very "honest".

Need a lot of merit points?This will not trouble Wu Aihua, try to kill the enemy!Now that you've traveled to this world, what do you do if you don't kill the enemy.

Now that he has the artifact of "space", Wu Aihua changed his mind. Naturally, the 92-style 5.8mm pistol and the qbz03-style automatic rifle can no longer be held in his hands, because the bullets of these two guns are getting fewer and fewer. Before finding the bullet, or before the critical moment, he is not going to take it out and put it into the "space".Laptops from the future, as well as items with the color of "future", are all permanently placed in the "space".As for cigarettes, when you are alone, take them out secretly and take a few puffs.Of course, Wu Aihua did not put things like the telescope in the "space", because this thing will be used at any time, and it will be inconvenient to pick it up.

Next, of course, is to exchange weapons. 2 Mauser 98, 200 rounds of bullets; 2 shell guns, 200 rounds of bullets.Wu Aihua and Shen Ren are half of each other.Taking care of the gun and bullets, Wu Aihua felt a little regretful, why there is no grenade, if there is a grenade, it would be even better!

The Mauser 98, while not the most advanced rifle of the era, was one of the best quality and most consistent.The domestically produced middle-of-the-road rifle is an imitation of the Mauser 98 rifle. In 1924, the Mauser company began to improve it on the basis of the Mauser 98. This is the famous Mauser 98k. Wu Aihua remembers very clearly that this gun was equipped with the German Army in 1935. However, this "meritorious system" There is no such product.

This delay lasted another 10 minutes, and then, the two were "fully armed" and walked towards the hill where Lin Xiugu and the others were.

In Wu Aihua's view, the fact that 36 guns from the enemy were seized and given away casually was as it should be.However, this extremely simple matter, when it came to the Red Army, changed its taste.

In other words, the Red Army who stayed in the original base area was like a frightened bird, and any disturbance made them frightened.At this time, if there is one evaluation for these Red Army soldiers, it is strong, fragile and sensitive.

Strong refers to their revolutionary beliefs; fragile refers to their strength; sensitive refers to their psychology or emotions.

The topic was naturally aroused by Wu Aihua, a person who turned out to be out of nowhere.

The 12 people in the cave are clear about the details of Bai Gouzi's sudden search of the mountains to the cave where they lived, company commander Lin Xiugu and soldier Chameizi rushing out to lure Bai Gouzi away, and then Bai Gouzi shot.Later, Liu Changxiu, the instructor Liu, arrived at the scene and finally got 36 rifles and 2000 rounds of trophies. Liu Changxiu also explained clearly to everyone.

But in the middle, only Lin Xiugu and Chameizi were present, why Wu Aihua appeared, why he took action, including why the weapons were given to the Red Army, which formed a huge debate.

The focus of the debate was initially defined on Wu Aihua's motives.The faction headed by Liu Changxiu believes that Wu Aihua's motives are not pure, and he wants to join the revolutionary ranks. Good for the Red Army, because he is an American gcd. As for meeting him in Shangganling, it was purely a coincidence.It's a pity that there are only Lin Xiugu and Chameizi in Lin Xiugu's school.

The debate on motivation was fruitless, and later, it slowly shifted to Wu Aihua's identity.That is, who is Wu Aihua? He said he came back from the United States, and he said he was an American gcd. There is no evidence.

Among the three wounded and sick of the Red Army in the cave was Zhong Shoufu, who was a deputy division commander of the Red [-]th Army of the Red Army before being injured.In fact, Lin Xiugu and Liu Changxiu stayed behind to take care of the three wounded headed by Zhong Shoufu. Of course, no one knows what the actual situation is.For example, keeping these female Red Army soldiers may be due to consideration that the battle after the breakout may be more brutal.

Therefore, the seven female Red Army led by Lin Xiugu formed a company to take care of the five wounded (two of them were able to get out of bed, walk around and shoot, and the system did not consider such people as wounded).

Zhong Shoufu, as can be seen from his name, was not originally born well. In fact, he was born as a simple farmer.But farmers have the wisdom of farmers.When the two parties were quarreling, Zhong Shoufu said, "Company Commander Lin, Instructor Liu, I am a wounded person and should not join your discussion, but I understand a little bit. So, I have something to say Say it."

"Deputy Master Zhong, please tell me." The two expressed their opinions hastily.When the main force left, the chief specifically explained that the daily combat safety was in charge of the two people, and they could consult Deputy Commander Zhong when they encountered difficulties.

(Three sentences: 1. This book will not be very traditional; 2. The signing agreement has been sent; 3. There are two updates today, and this is the second one.)

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