022 Chapter Chengjun

At 1934 o'clock in the morning on December 12, 6, Mai Maiyi and a 7-year-old boy named Yu Wensen left the Rongshuping Base to travel to the United States.

Wu Aihua, Zhong Shoufu, Lin Xiugu, Li Yanbing and other main cadres of the independent detachment went to see off outside the canyon.Wu Aihua was really reluctant to leave. After traveling to this world, only Shen Ren and Mai Maiyi understood their origin and current situation. However, such a master had to leave him.

"Commander Wu, a confidant in the sea is like a neighbor in the world. Since we are friends, we will always meet again." Lin Xiugu comforted Wu Aihua when she saw that Wu Aihua was not in a good mood.

"Thank you. I just think that Mai Maiyi and Yu Wensen are in the United States, and it will be very difficult." Wu Aihua collected his mood, turned and walked to the base.

Since the last time Zhang Binxian's battalion went into the mountains to suppress them, the area around Jinhua Mountain and Shangganling has been really quiet for more than half a month.

"Okay. Since you don't come to trouble me, I will train my soldiers first, and then I will go to you!" Back at the base, Wu Aihua began to concentrate on training soldiers.

Later generations of PLA have a good way of training troops, especially Commander L who is known as military salute. Those training methods and combat methods are very applicable. , Conduct all-round training for the troops!

Of course, the training has to be done one by one.

The first item is the queue.This is the unique skill of later generations, and it is also something Wu Aihua is particularly proud of.Wu Aihua insisted on 2 hours of team training every morning according to the team training method of later generations.

The second item is weight-bearing long-distance running.The running place is within a few hundred acres of the base. At first, each person paid 10 kilograms and ran 5 kilometers a day. When it was almost the same, the weight was gradually increased, and the distance was gradually increased.In the end, I stayed at the level of running a cross-country 20km with a load of 10kg.

In later generations, Wu Aihua was originally a graduate of special operations. For some online novels, the statement that he carried a load of 40 kilograms and ran 40 kilometers a day was simply bragging.Running 40 kilometers with a load of 40 kilograms is not impossible, nor is it impossible to finish the run. A marathon long-distance run is more than 42 kilometers. However, it must be understood that marathon running does not carry weight.That is to say, it is possible to run 40 kilometers with a load of 40 kg, but the speed cannot be guaranteed.In fact, the special forces of the later generations usually run 20 kilometers with a load of 20 kilograms, and this kind of running is done once a week. If it is once a day, it will definitely be unbearable.

The characteristics of special forces lie in the characteristics of combat methods and combat skills, not the characteristics of the body.

The third item is military boxing.Every soldier is required to be proficient in military boxing, which is also one of the contents of daily morning exercises.This item is more popular with Red Army soldiers than weight-bearing running.

The fourth item is shooting.In addition to the advanced shooting training methods of later generations, Wu Aihua required each soldier to fire at least 50 rounds of ammunition per day during the training period.This regulation of Wu Aihua made the original old Red Army soldiers shout "prodigal son". The Red Army fought, and each soldier had 3-5 bullets in his gun. Don't these bullets cost money?After finishing the official bullets, buy them from the system immediately, until 90.00% of the soldiers can reach the score of 100 rings or above in 8-meter shooting, then they are considered qualified for shooting training.For this item alone, Wu Aihua spent 100 meritorious points, a total of 10 bullets.

The fifth item is bombing.The first thing to do is to find a grenade model made by a blacksmith. When everyone can reach a distance of more than 40 meters and the landing point is within 2 meters, Wu Aihua and Shen Rencai pulled back 1000 grenades from outside the canyon (consumption of 100 merit points) , After each person threw 3 real grenades, the training came to an end.

The sixth item is to fight stabs.Fighting and stabbing is mainly to train the courage and murderous spirit of the Red Army soldiers!Fighting and stabbing is the most savage but most shocking way of fighting on the battlefield. The two sides face each other, and each has a gun with a bayonet in his hand. No matter the enemy or us, there is only one choice, and that is to meet on a narrow road and the brave wins!In future battles, Wu Aihua does not advocate the method of fighting and stabbing to annihilate the enemy, but training in fighting and stabbing is a must.As the stabbing continued, the more than 100 people gradually became murderous.

The above is Wu's aspect. Wu Aihua combined the experience of later generations of pla, and did not lag behind in Wen's training.

One is internal affairs.The internal affairs are sorted out and inspected completely in accordance with the requirements of the later generations of the PLA, with the squad as the unit, the internal affairs were the worst in the independent brigade three times in a row, and the squad leader was demoted to a soldier; there was no prior notice for the inspection, and all were commanders, party representatives, and platoon leaders and above In addition, the female soldiers of the female soldier squad were added.Especially the female soldiers, when they saw that the internal affairs of the male soldiers were very bad, they would not show mercy at all.

The second is to sing.They are mainly songs from the era of the Red Army. Of course, there are also songs such as "My Chinese Heart", "Serving the Country with Loyalty", and "On the Songhua River", which are a good unity of revolution and lyricism.Singing can pull into the hearts of soldiers; singing can relieve the pressure brought about by training and fighting; singing can also form a cohesive force.

The third is to complain.This trick is the ultimate trick of the revolutionary army.Wu Aihua not only completely inherited the essence of the complaining movement, but also made some innovations.Complaining about class suffering: why the poor are poor and what should they do, arousing everyone’s revolutionary enthusiasm; complaining about the suffering of the country: after the Republic of China, warlords fought in chaos, the people were in dire straits, the rich and the poor were not able to live in peace, and the warlords had to be defeated if they wanted to live a stable life , while the Kuomintang is the general representative of the warlords; complaining about the suffering of the nation: since the Opium War, the Chinese nation has been invaded and oppressed by foreign powers, ceded land and paid compensation, lost power and humiliated the country, there are many concessions, foreigners are rampant, national dignity is lost, national treasures are lost, Chinese and dogs Not allowed to enter; complain about the suffering of old soldiers: old soldiers, superiors beat and scold at will, deduct military pay at will, and soldiers become tools and cannon fodder for officers to get rich. There is a saying in the folk saying that a good man does not serve as a soldier if he does not make nails. This is exactly what he saw Feeling the tragic situation of the old soldiers...

Wu Aihua's civil and military moves, especially the literary moves, made Lin Xiugu, who is quite knowledgeable, very addicted, a genius!Lin Xiugu approached Wu Aihua many times, "Commander Wu, what are you thinking in your head? Why are you so full of ideas?"

Wu's literature and literature are almost ready, and Wu Aihua began to conduct synthetic tactical exercises for these 150 soldiers (except for the supply squad).

The practice field is so easy to find, it is a dense jungle.People from one squad went in for an hour first, and the next squad went to clean up. After the drill was almost done, the drill team was expanded to the size of a platoon.During this process, the Red Army soldiers received an excellent education. Their tactical movements changed from initial rigidity and rustiness to coordination and proficiency. In the end, they even made some innovations on the basis of Professor Wu Aihua. Each guy seemed to be a jungle killer. !

Of course, these people are not killers, but they can be regarded as elite soldiers of this era!If they met in the jungle, the absolute combat power of these Red Army soldiers would be at least twice that of the Japanese army.

For the training of the three platoons of land warfare and the heavy machine gun platoon, Wu Aihua usually spoke out the main points, then demonstrated, and finally Shen Ren supervised and carried out the training.Shen Ren is a guy who doesn't recognize his relatives, who has a problem, even if he did something that shouldn't be done behind Shen Ren's back, Shen Ren knows it all, let these people shout "horror!"

Shen Ren is in charge of the regular troops, and Wu Aihua's focus is on training Li Yanbing's special operations squad and Zhou Changbing's reconnaissance squad.In fact, most of the training content of these two classes is repetitive.It's just that the focus is different.For example, scouts have particularly high requirements for the memory of terrain, terrain, appearance, words, etc., but special forces have softer requirements in this regard; for example, scouts require "smartness", while special forces require "hard" !

In Wu Aihua's mind, when the conditions are right, these scouts specially trained by him will eventually embark on the road of intelligence work.The battlefield reconnaissance should be "special scouts" between scouts and special forces.

In the later stage of the training, the party representative Zhong Shoufu has completely become a normal person.At this time, Zhong Shoufu made a suggestion, "Some small units of the Red Army are struggling to survive. Should we send troops to help them, or simply ask them to move to the base?"

"Party representative, you have seen these days that my troop training is different from that of the ordinary Red Army. I am worried that they will have ideas after they come," Wu Aihua said.

"Commander Wu, I think, as long as you agree, I will do other work. In the Central Red Army, although I, Zhong Shoufu, am not a high-ranking officer, there are still many people who know me."

"Okay then, party representative. You are in charge of this matter. Every time you go out, you can take a Lu Zhan out. In addition, I will let Shen Ren be responsible for protecting you."

In this way, during the month of Wu Aihua's synthetic tactical drill, Zhong Shoufu actually contacted 7 Red Army teams, with a total of 144 people.Among them, one-third were wounded and sick. After these Red Army soldiers arrived in the independent detachment, their conditions and injuries improved quickly because of the special drug sulfonamide.

However, after these Red Army troops arrived at the base, they first learned from the most basic, and then the most basic training. Basically, they could not keep up with the veterans of the independent detachment.

How about this?It should be said that Wu Aihua's crossing allowed the Chinese army, especially the revolutionary army of the Red Army, to start the "regularization" construction decades earlier.The current Red Army likes to fight guerrilla warfare; Wu Aihua's independent detachment must also fight guerrilla warfare, but it is definitely different from other Red Army guerrilla warfare.Wu Aihua's guerrilla warfare should be a special guerrilla warfare, but its attack power is not inferior to any regular troops.For example, in the history of the Red Army, there have been many fund-raising campaigns and campaigns to expand its popularity. After the victory of the Long March, it also launched an Eastern Expedition campaign. Wu Aihua would not launch such a campaign.

War is a comprehensive, all-round, three-dimensional social confrontation.Destroying the enemy's vital forces, finding ways to strengthen one's own forces, attacking cities and looting land, raising funds and food, etc., are all part of a battle.

Of course, war will also have a certain aspect of the prominent purpose, but this is not a reason to weaken the realization of other purposes.For another example, after the start of the Anti-Japanese War, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army achieved a great victory at Pingxingguan and wiped out a large army of the enemy.Oh my God, there are hundreds of trucks of weapons and ammunition in the logistics team, but after the war, I haven't heard of any improvement in the equipment of the 115th Division or any unit.Perhaps, the guns of the Eighth Route Army blew up the ammunition at that time?

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