The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 026 Wu Aihua Laughed 1

Chapter 026 Wu Aihua Laughed 1

"My lord, my lord, it's bad! The red bandits have surrounded our house!" Just as Zhu Dequan was groping for clothes and hats, a servant, a member of the "Shoveling Communist Party", said loudly outside Zhu Dequan's window.

"What? Tell the brothers to resist!" Zhu Dequan was startled, he didn't care whether he was dressed properly, he quickly grabbed a coat, and ran out!

"What's going on?" Zhu Dequan ran to the yard to have a look, and saw all the people from the "Communist Shoveling Regiment" standing in the yard, and the gate of the yard was well closed. Where did the red bandits come from?

"Master, just now when we opened the gate of the courtyard and were about to go out, we suddenly found a few figures sneaking with guns, lying on the opposite side of the street. Obviously, these people were targeting our courtyard." A family member reported.

"Bullshit! What is targeting our yard? Now, open the door, everyone, grab your guns, load the bullets, and rush out together!" Zhu Dequan felt that what the servant said was right, it was targeting him; however, the other party did not act. Zhu Dequan immediately thought that the opponent's strength was insufficient. At present, he was only monitoring the "communist shovel regiment".

However, Zhu Dequan did not tell his subordinates about his guess.Because, there is another possibility that these people are only here to monitor the movements of the "communist eradication regiment". If the "communist eradication regiment" resolutely rushes out, these people are very likely to go to inform the red bandits who are attacking the national army and disperse like birds and beasts. .

If it is the former situation, Zhu Dequan will win the reputation of being brave and good at fighting; if it is the latter situation, Zhu Dequan will also win the reputation of outstanding resourcefulness.In other words, no matter what the situation is, Zhu Dequan must choose to take the initiative; if he just hides in the yard, the final outcome will definitely not be good for him.

"Boom!" The two servants quickly opened the iron gate of the compound.

"Rush out!" Zhu Dequan ordered!Dozens of people rushed out of the gate in response!

The ensuing battle was nothing special. When seeing the "Shoveling Communist Regiment" open the gate, Yang Guiqing, the platoon leader in charge of the land battle, made a gesture of "machine gun preparation". When dozens of enemies had just When the head came out, "Fire!" Yang Guiqing waved his big hand, "Da da da..." The light machine gun spit out a tongue of flame.And these "communist shoveling regiments" were very powerful against the unarmed Red Army family members, but in front of the fully armed independent detachment fighters, they immediately showed their prototypes and were swept away by machine guns in an instant, without any chance of fighting back.

In the entire battle in the ancient town, what is relatively worth mentioning is the stalemate between Feng Jianjun's 15 people and the "Homecoming Mission".Even though Ma Yunpeng, the head of the regiment, was not on the scene, the combat effectiveness of his "Returning Home Regiment" was in a certain sense stronger than Zhu Dequan's "Shoveling the Communist Regiment".Because the executive deputy head of Ma Yunpeng's "Returning Home Mission" was a squad leader of the former Central Army of the National Army. He was injured in the Central Plains War a few years ago and retired back to his hometown.According to his seniority, the deputy commander is Ma Yunpeng's cousin, and he has been training for a while and has a relationship with him, so this guy named Ma Kangning is very valued by Ma Yunpeng.

Because of the existence of Ma Kangning's guy, Feng Jianjun almost couldn't hold his position and suffered a dark loss.Fortunately, Li Yanbing's special warfare squad came up at the critical moment, and a burst of rapid fire drove the enemy back to his yard.

By 3 o'clock in the morning, Wu Aihua finally took full control of the ancient town. More than 260 enemies, more than 60 were killed, and almost 200 were captured; in terms of weapons and ammunition, 2 Czech-style light machine guns, 248 rifles, 12 pistols, more than 35000 rounds of rifle bullets, and more than 1500 rounds of pistol bullets were seized. More than 5000 rounds of machine gun ammunition.As for the independent detachment, only one soldier was sacrificed in the confrontation with the returning home regiment, and another 1 soldiers were injured to varying degrees, but none of them were seriously injured.

"Commander, congratulations, great victory!" Li Yanbing ran over happily and said, as if he was here to ask for a reward.

"Hehe, I'm happy with you! What about the others?" Wu Aihua knew that it was not very difficult to take down the ancient town; the difficulty was whether the various captures after the takedown could allow the independent detachment to survive the difficult period at the beginning of the formation of the army. However, the difficulty is that after this battle, the enemy is likely to change their strategy, and the "cage" policy like an iron barrel may come early!

Historically, after the strategic shift of the main force of the Red Army, the national army was mainly occupying strategic locations such as towns and cities in the early days, and its "cage" was not strong. It was first established, and most of it was spontaneous, but in the middle and late stages, the combat effectiveness of these reactionary organizations gradually increased, and the national army's encirclement and suppression of the entire southern Red Army was also raised from the tactical level to the "strategic" level. It has risen to a kind of self-awareness.Even after Chiang Kai-shek agreed to unite in the anti-Japanese war in the "Xi'an Deeds", the national army still adopted the strategy of completely annihilating the southern Red Army and starving to death.

"The others will come over immediately, hehe, they are here!" Li Yanbing said, pointing to the gate.

At this time, Wu Aihua had already moved to the original office of Ma Yunpeng in the town office. Seeing that all the platoon leaders had arrived, Wu Aihua immediately said, "Everyone, it is not our goal to take down the ancient town, our goal is to serve the future. Several months of struggle have accumulated food, money, and other materials. Therefore, I ordered: First, Comrade Zhou Changbing is in charge, leading a squad of soldiers to mobilize the young and strong in the ancient town to join the Red Army. Those who are inconvenient to join the Red Army can mobilize their family to enter the mountain; the policy is implemented according to the existing policy of the base! Second, Comrade Feng Jianjun leads a squad of soldiers to clear the goods in the national army warehouse and take them to the town office Come here to pack together so that they can be transported back to the base. At the same time, pay attention to recruiting more civilians to help transport; Take out a certain amount of property to support the Red Army. It is more appropriate to control the proportion of the property taken at about 1-1%. According to the attitude of the other party, you can control it flexibly; pay attention, you must give the other party a receipt! Fourth, Comrade Qi Yeguo leads a squad Soldiers, conduct a comprehensive search of the Town Hall, Ma Mansion, and Zhu Mansion, not letting go of a suspicious place, not letting go of a suspicious item, except for the obviously worthless ones, all other items are moved to the Town Hall! Fifth, A squad of soldiers led by Comrade Gao Zilong posted Red Army slogans widely to publicize Red Army policies! Do you understand, everyone?”

"Understood!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Act immediately, the task must be completed within three hours, and return to the base from the town hall!"

"Yes!" Everyone dispersed in response.

In fact, in wars throughout the ages, we are not afraid of the strength of the enemy or the weakness of our own team. As long as we win, as long as we win one victory after another, the team will have centripetal force, cohesion, and combat effectiveness, and the whole team will continue to grow.

From the beginning of the battle in Zhoujia Tuweizi in Zhenru Town, through halfway interception and rescue of the Red Army, the first battle in the jungle, and the series of surprise raids on ancient towns, one battle after another, one victory after another, let Wu Aihua stand in the hands of these old and new Red Army soldiers. In his heart, an irreplaceable prestige has been formed.

This prestige is not only established by battles and victories, but also by the unique style of the independent detachment and Wu Aihua's personal charm.

The military discipline and policy pursued by the independent detachment is undoubtedly a continuation of the Red Army policy, but it is different from the traditional Red Army policy; although some old Red Army soldiers do not understand it, Wu Aihua can always use "examples" to illustrate that he did so best effect.Among the orders issued just now, some orders would definitely be regarded as "rebellious" in the traditional Red Army, but Wu Aihua analyzed similar situations as early as in the previous "ideological education".For example, in the past, the Red Army confiscated property from wealthy households by force, or let it go. However, Wu Aihua adopted a compromise method, forcibly expropriating, but the Red Army will return it in the future!If they are not forced to recruit at this time, they will also suffer losses when the national army arrives. If they are not forced to recruit at this time, it is actually tantamount to capitalizing on the enemy!

The unique style of the independent detachment is also reflected in the unique military salary, the unique food level of the soldiers, the unique training method, the unique combat concept, and the optimism from the heart of Comrade Wu Aihua, the commander himself!

The night was gradually fading, and several groups of Red Army soldiers who were carrying out their missions also came in and out of the town hall compound along with the people carrying supplies. The supplies piled up more and more, and the varieties became more and more abundant. Finally, when Wu Aihua saw When it comes to something special, he smiles!

These things are not worth a lot of money in future generations, let alone Wu Aihua's smile, but in this era, especially in this mountain town in the west of Fujian, they can be regarded as of great use!

These items are further divided into three categories.One is a small set of small diesel generators and ten barrels of diesel oil, with a power of 5 kilowatts, which is small enough. Ten barrels of diesel oil weigh only nearly 1400 kilograms. However, with this thing, the base can With electricity, not to mention other things, Shen Ren’s energy is guaranteed at critical moments. Seeing Shen Ren’s perverted behavior with laser cutting, Wu Aihua is always unsatisfied. If facing the enemy, Shen Ren will do the same A few tricks, wouldn't that make a lot of money!

As for the lighting "magic skills" shown by Shen Ren's fingers, Wu Aihua also heard about it, but he was noncommittal, did not explain, and did not explain. It is best not to let others know the essence of your life except yourself.

With the generator, high-power radio stations can be set up when the base is stable in the future. In this way, it is possible to get in touch with all parts of the country, especially the Central Red Army in northern Shaanxi at any time.

Of course, there is another function, that is, Wu Aihua also brought a laptop when he crossed over, so that the things in his computer can be turned on when necessary.

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