The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 036 Fighting like a drill

Chapter 036 Fighting like a drill

(Special advertisement: This story is purely fictitious, those who don’t like it should stay away, and those who are psychologically weak should stay away)

However, Jin Xibin still dispatched a squad of scouts in front of the team, about 300 meters away from the team. "Let go of the enemy's scouts!" Wu Aihua signaled the scouting platoon blocking the enemy ahead with gestures. However, Wu Aihua immediately ordered a scouting team around him to go out of the ambush circle and leave behind the enemy's forward scouts.

A reconnaissance team has only three people, can leave 12 enemies?Wu Aihua's answer is yes!The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon proved with a fast and stealthy speed: In front of the soldiers of my independent detachment, the enemy is nothing but a chicken and a dog!

The enemy reconnaissance team entered the narrow passage, and their expressions became tense. They were still afraid of ambush!However, they only stopped looking around, but their footsteps never stopped. It is naturally impossible for them to scout forward and find the independent detachment hidden in the dense forest.

Time passed by, and the national army entered the narrow passage in two columns without haste. Some Red Army soldiers who were easily agitated began to sweat on their palms.

"Pitto, Pito, Pito, Pito..." The marching steps of the national army were fairly neat.

I don't know why, but the 4 small steel cannons and light and heavy machine guns of the national army are walking in the middle of the team. Is this being inspected?

"Bang—" The sudden sound of gunfire was intense and clear!In the distance, the birds that had already returned to the forest were startled by the gunshot, and flew into the air "flutteringly".

"Da da da... da da da..." Jin Xibin was thinking of going to Xingkan Town as the savior of the world. He wanted to ask where to shoot, but his answer was that the sound of machine guns in the dense forest was more dense than the woods!

"Enemy attack—" the guard platoon leader roared, pulled Jin Xibin away, and hid himself among the rocks on the side of the road.It's a pity that the national army discovered it too late. In the first wave of fire from 13 machine guns of the independent detachment, the national army suffered hundreds of casualties.

"Boom, boom, boom—" Just as the national army was attacking the hiding place in a panic, a bigger blow came one after another!The rocks are not a security barrier for the national army. Those rocks that seem to be able to hide people have long been buried by the special forces platoon with various grenades. , jumping mines, chain mines, cluster mines, in short, these battlefield monsters that would make the iron-blooded soldiers change their faces in later generations were released by Wu Aihua in advance!

On the real battlefield, no inch of land is safe for both the enemy and us, and no minute or second is safe; blows will come at any time; death is even more unpredictable.Soldiers with weak willpower will soon go crazy and collapse in the face of such an unpredictable battlefield!

This time, due to the short time, the special warfare platoon only deployed nearly 200 grenades, but it was enough for the national army to drink a pot.

"Da, da da... da, da da da..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."


"Bang bang—"

On the evening of January 1935, 1, Jin Xibin and a battalion led by him encountered unimaginable things: one of our own battalions suffered heavy losses, and the enemy continued to attack. Saw an enemy figure!

"Bang!" Jin Xibin saw that a brother was shot in the head just as he was about to show his head to observe!

"Boom—" There are three brothers hidden beside a boulder as tall as a person. Jin Xibin was about to say that these three guys have good tactical awareness, when a round grenade flew towards them, right on the heads of the three brothers. There was an explosion, the smoke from the explosion cleared, and the three of them fell there motionless!

"Boom—" Not far away, another explosion sounded!Jin Xibin didn't even need to think about it, there are already a few people in the company that are in danger!

"Camp seat..." The guard platoon leader is also a veteran of the battlefield. How can he not understand the meaning of this cold gun and yin and yang grenades!This is someone else's "rolling the name" one by one, and I don't know if it will come to me after a few minutes!

Jin Xibin didn't know that in this battle, due to Wu Aihua's special order, the six quasi-snipers of the independent detachment did not take the lead in attacking them, the national army officers, otherwise, their lives would still be alive!

The task of the 6 quasi-snipers is to protect the safety of 4 small steel cannons and 2 heavy machine guns and 4 light machine guns. As long as the gunners or machine gunners of the national army dare to touch the steel cannons or machine guns scattered in the middle of the road, they will Will be mercilessly killed by snipers!

At this time, there were about 20 people surrounding Jin Xibin, most of whom were soldiers from his guard platoon. The shot!

In fact, speaking of it, Jin Xibin should be happy. The one responsible for sealing off their group was Wu Aihua from the independent detachment and a security squad.If Wu Aihua's temper had been followed, he would have launched a charge long ago to finish off the enemy.However, Sun Longcun, the squad leader of the first guard platoon, hugged Wu Aihua tightly, and firmly forbade Wu Aihua to act!

Because this is what the deputy platoon leader Lao Kaisheng specifically confessed, if Commander Wu suffered even a little scratch, Sun Longcun would not be a member of the Red Army!

"Fuck! No matter what I say, I am the originator of special forces in this era!" Wu Aihua was very depressed. He knew that it was because the soldiers loved him, but this was very unpleasant!Wear it all, and don't let people annihilate the enemy!

"Boom—" The national army, which managed to escape the first round of blows, continued to be cleaned up.

By this time, there were basically no casualties in the independent detachment!

"Da da..." This is the light machine gun of the independent detachment dealing with the enemy trying to resist!

Although the national army still has at least 300 troops, there is no suspense at this level.The combat mode of the independent detachment is completely a flip-flop on the battlefield of later generations.The Red Army has a combat team of three people, two people cover, one sneaks in, and fights for the control of the jungle bit by bit, "calling" the enemies one by one!The light machine guns of the independent detachment are condescending, controlling the battlefield and coercing the national army!

The most active one is undoubtedly half of the special warfare platoon.The so-called half of a special warfare platoon is actually just a special warfare squad and four special warfare three-person teams, because the task of the six quasi-snipers (including Wu Aihua, a total of 4 people) is to "guard" the weapons on the road.But these four special operations trio are at least equivalent to a company's strength in jungle operations!No, from the first gunshot to the present, in about 6 minutes, they have cleared the national army on the left side of the jungle, and after handing over the prisoners to the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon, they began to rush to the jungle on the right!

"Pay attention to cover!" Zhang Guanglu, the deputy platoon leader, made a gesture, and rushed to the opposite side of the narrow passage like a rabbit!Immediately afterwards, one after another special warfare soldiers flashed across the narrow passage.

"Look at the camp seat!" The enemy guard platoon leader pointed and said.

Jin Xibin looked in the direction pointed by the platoon leader of the guard, and when he saw it, his heart sank!On the narrow road more than a hundred meters away, fast figures flashed from time to time. Their flashing routes were curved and hard to predict. Their bodies were very low, except for the few meters wide In addition to seeing their moving shadows on the narrow road, as long as they enter the jungle, they become silent and invisible again!

Speaking of which, this was the first time Jin Xibin "saw" the enemy after fighting for so long!

"Bang!" The battle in the forest on the left is over, and the battle on the right has begun again!This gunshot is the sign!

"Boom—" A grenade exploded a few meters away from Jin Xibin, and the three nearby soldiers were instantly blown to pieces!

The guard squad 1 next to Wu Aihua did not keep shrinking his head, but kept moving in the direction where the enemy was lurking. This grenade was the signal to attack!

"Damn it, I'm going to fight you!" A soldier couldn't bear the suffering, and suddenly stood up.

"Bang!" Just as this guy was looking around to find the figure of the other party, a bullet hit him between the eyebrows.This shot was naturally shot by Wu Aihua.

"Yingzuo, we are not opponents, surrender!" Seeing this scene, the enemy guard platoon leader was also terrified.

"Okay. Fortunately, the Jingjun gave preferential treatment to the prisoners!" Jin Xibin also knew that there was no point in resisting.However, is the person opposite really the Red Army?Jin Xibin didn't even think about this simple question, so he asked his subordinates to raise a white flag and go out!

"Commander of the Red Army, we surrender!"

"Brother Red Army, please stop shooting!"

"Oh, his grandma's, finally survived..." Jin Xibin's white flag completely disintegrated the enemy's stubborn resistance, even though this stubborn resistance had little effect on the independent detachment.

"Raise the gun to the top of your head and walk to the road!" On the road several hundred meters away, there were successive shouts.It was at this moment that Jin Xibin, who was holding his head in his hands, saw that the people on the other side also walked out of the jungle one after another.

"Hey, may I ask, what kind of army are you?" Jin Xibin was very surprised, because the opponent had only 96 people, but "annihilated" a battalion of 545 people from his own side.

Did Jin Xibin make a mistake in counting? After the 1st Marine Platoon left, there should still be 114 people in this outside combat force.In fact, Jin Xibin did not count wrongly.The soldiers of the special warfare platoon, including the snipers, remained vigilant on the battlefield until they received orders from their superiors!How could Jin Xibin see these people?

"We are the Fujian-Jiangxi Independent Detachment of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army!" Deputy Political Commissar Cheng Liang stepped forward and said.

"Red Army, Red Army, are you really the Red Army?" The reason why Jin Xibin asked before, and now he sighs so much is because among the nearly a hundred people, none of them wore the Red Army clothes with red collar badges, and no one wore red collar badges. The kind of military cap with red five stars.

"Take it as a fake!" Cheng Liang said, and suddenly felt that this was inappropriate. He was the winner, and the other party was the prisoner. So Cheng Liang cheered up and asked loudly: "Name, unit number, position!"

(thanks to ing)

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