Chapter 041 Persuasion

(This story is purely fictitious. Those who don’t like it should stay away, and those who are psychologically weak should stay away!)

"Okay! I joined the Red Army!" After hearing Wu Aihua's answer, the big man immediately ran to the left and stood there. It was great to be able to eat enough!

With role models, those who have been undecided will have direction.After the big man stood over, some people walked to the field on the left in twos and threes. Slowly, the people on the left became more popular, while those who stayed in place became even more panicked.

"Commander of the Red Army, I have a question!" Jin Xibin finally lost his composure.

Wu Aihua kept Jin Xibin's anxiety in mind.For an officer like Jin Xibin, Wu Aihua knew that preaching alone could not change his ideas and opinions, because he was already a mid-level officer in the national army and had a certain foundation and interests in the national army.Such people mainly rely on their self-knowledge.

"Battle Commander Jin, if you have anything, please tell me." Wu Aihua was still polite to him.This person is not directly related to today's "prisoner change".

"It's's someone like me. I wonder if the Red Army will accept it?" Jin Xibin finally let go of his burden.

In fact, the gunshots in the early morning woke him up, and when he learned that the original company platoon leader had staged a captive riot, he was always disturbed.He was worried that the Red Army commander would take his anger out on himself.Just now, he was thinking over and over again, and he had never had such a contradiction in his heart: if he goes back, he will definitely not be able to please; if he joins the Red Army, his future is uncertain.

"Battalion Commander Jin wants to join our Red Army. I definitely welcome it. But let's talk about your affairs later." As he spoke, Wu Aihua raised his voice, and said to the crowd who were still buzzing: "I'll give it to you again." In the last 5 minutes, if you don’t make a choice, don’t join the Red Army!”

"I will participate, I will participate!" Some people ran to the left and stood there.

"Okay! The self-selection is over! You are welcome to join the Red Army!" After finishing speaking, Wu Aihua turned to the people standing there, "You can leave, pay attention, don't do evil on the road, otherwise, don't blame the Red Army for not talking count!"

At such times, other Red Army soldiers, including the commanders, always smiled and watched their commander perform.To be honest, they really appreciate the commander's "recruitment method". With such a speed of popularity expansion, there is no need to worry about the development of an independent detachment.

After those who did not join the Red Army walked away dejectedly, Wu Aihua said loudly, "Welcome to join the Red Army, and congratulate you for making the most important choice in your life! The Red Army fought hard, the Red Army trained hard, and the Red Army Discipline is very strict, but the life of the Red Army is very good, and the treatment of the Red Army is also very high. Starting from today, you can receive 5 oceans of salary every month, and the quality and quantity of 5 oceans are guaranteed. There is absolutely no deduction from the superiors !"

"Ah, five oceans?" Everyone exclaimed, this was too unexpected, and some people were also grateful for their choice.

"Long live the Red Army!" suddenly shouted a new recruit.

"Long live the Red Army—" the crowd roared in unison.

Hearing this, Wu Aihua knew that the next thing was up to the chief of staff and the political commissar, "Battle Commander Jin, let's go, let's talk."

"Yes, sir." Jin Xibin's heart has settled down at this time, but he also has ideas about how the Red Army will use him, and he will never let himself be the leader.However, judging from the commander's attitude towards him, it shouldn't be that miserable.

The two walked towards the town side by side, but Jin Xibin consciously fell half a body behind.Sun Longcun followed closely behind with a guard squad soldier.

"Jin Battalion Commander, which military academy did you graduate from?" Wu Aihua asked this because Jin Xibin looks like he is only in his thirties. If he climbs up from a big soldier, he must be at least 40 years old to reach this position. In fact, it is impossible.

"Report sir, Whampoa Phase [-]." Jin Xibin said after a pause.

"It's good to be casual. We're chatting now. The Sixth Phase of Whampoa, the revolutionary soldiers. We're all comrades in the same trench."

"..." Jin Xibin couldn't answer this question.

"Whampoa Military Academy is a revolutionary military academy founded by Mr. Sun Yat-sen. Among the students who entered the school in the first six periods, who didn't join the army with revolutionary ideals? As for the separation of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the big joke of the civil war was completely behind the backs of the Chiang Kai-shek clique. caused by the revolution."

"Yes, sir is right." Jin Xibin felt that Wu Aihua's words were very special. He said that the war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was a "big joke", which was new.Does this mean that the Red Army commander is also unwilling to fight a civil war?

"However, this civil war is doomed to the failure of the Chiang Kai-shek clique! Don't look at him now driving our Central Red Army to the remote mountainous areas in the southwest. Our difficulties are only temporary, and the victory must belong to the Red Army! Battalion Commander Jin, you know what is involved Is there a reason?"

"Please enlighten me, sir!" Jin Xibin felt that this chief was getting more and more interesting.

"I said that the reason why the Red Army won in the end, and the Chiang Kai-shek clique will eventually fail. The root cause lies in every one of us, every Chinese soldier! As ordinary people, who would like to be in constant war all day long, be displaced, and live in dire straits? Ordinary people , they only need a peaceful and stable life. The Red Army is a team composed of ordinary people. They rebelled only when they could not survive.

As a soldier, do you know what the duty of a soldier is?Some people say that it is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders. This answer is correct for the internal system management of the army.But in front of the whole country, the whole nation, whose orders do the soldiers obey, do they obey the independent husband and the common people?Submit to the Chiang Kai-shek clique and other representatives of imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and feudalism?In front of the entire country and the nation, what the soldiers must obey is the interests of the entire country and the nation!

A few years ago, the Japanese army occupied the Northeast of China, and a few days ago they caused troubles in North China. Seeing that the country will be lost, but what Mr. Chiang Kai-shek is doing, he must first settle down inside.OK!What he did was just a matter for loved ones to hurt their enemies!In the face of a national crisis, soldiers do not defend their homes and defend the country, but come to fight civil wars. Such soldiers, such rulers, are taking the interests of the entire Chinese nation to gamble on the black hat on their heads. To put it bluntly, such people are traitors. Will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history!So I say, the Chiang Kai-shek clique is bound to fail! "

"Sir, I don't know if I should say something." Jin Xibin also became interested.

"Let's talk, let's treat it as a discussion with each other." Wu Aihua waved his hand.

"I heard from Shangguan that Chairman Jiang wanted to fight against Japan, and it was because of your gcd's troubles that he had to come up with the strategy of making peace with the outside world first." Jin Xibin felt that Chairman Jiang's strategy was valid. Reasonable, at least, Chiang Kai-shek also has his difficulties.

"Hehe, let me ask you a question first! Now, a group of robbers have come to your door, robbed your chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and want ### your wives and daughters, but the person in charge of your family says Discord between brothers is used as an excuse, and the discord between brothers must be resolved before going to fight robbers, do you think such parents are qualified?"

"This..." Jin Xibin had nothing to say at once, the reason between the two is interlinked!

"Participating in the Red Army is not only about participating physically, but also keeping up with the situation mentally! At present, people of insight, including many people in the Kuomintang, have seen that the nation is in danger, but Chiang Kai-shek just pretended not to see it, Do you think this is normal?"

"Please enlighten me, sir. I really haven't thought about this." Jin Xibin has already agreed with some of Wu Aihua's views, but after all, he has heard too little about this aspect, and he can't think clearly for a while.

"Because, whether Japan invaded China or the foreign powers seized the concessions, the loss to big figures such as Chiang Kai-shek is not great. Even if the whole of China is destroyed, they can live a life of a rich man with their huge assets, and maybe they will Become the spokesperson of Japan and the big powers in China, because Japan and the big powers also need people to rule China! Therefore, they can be indifferent to the interests of the nation, and they can even be like Cixi back then, "Measure China's material resources and form a bond with the country." ’, ‘Rather to robbers than to serfs’! Therefore, from these phenomena, it is not difficult to infer that the actions of the Chiang Kai-shek clique cannot represent China, and what they can represent at most is the interests of a few upper-level figures. Because of this, it is impossible for him to launch a civil war, because all Chinese people will not agree to it.”

Speaking of this, Wu Aihua changed the subject, "Hehe, it's still too early to tell you this. Battalion Commander Jin, what did you study in Huangpu?"

"Reporting sir, I study artillery." Jin Xibin said respectfully.He knew that it was Wu Aihua who wanted to arrange his work.

"Battle Commander Jin, are you really willing to join the Red Army?" Wu Aihua asked suddenly.

"Yes, yes." Jin Xibin was taken aback. What's the matter with the Red Army officer, he suddenly asked this question again, and his tone seemed to contain bad intentions.

"Hehe, you should just follow them and call me Commander, so get used to it." Wu Aihua also felt that the tone just now was a bit wrong, "Battle Commander Jin, it is very good that you are willing to join the Red Army! I welcome it. However, I still want to Let me tell you something. Our team, named the Fujian-Jiangxi Independent Detachment of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, had only about 700 people before this battle, and there were nearly 300 recruits, women and children among them, who could not go to the battlefield. This time We raided Jiangxi from the Tianhuashan base. I only brought out 152 people. When I ambushed your battalion, there were only 114 people involved in the ambush. Because our 1st platoon of marines escorted the recruits back to the base! After you joined , I am going to set up an artillery platoon, and you will serve as the artillery staff officer and artillery platoon leader of the independent detachment."

(The king of this chapter couldn't see it until 11:10 p.m., so I had to upload it again, depressed...)

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