The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 045 Holographic Map

Chapter 045 Holographic Map

(Special advertisement: This story is purely fictitious. Those who don't like it should stay away, and those who are psychologically weak should stay away!)

"Shen Ren, what's the matter with you?" Said the political commissar, and the political commissar came to him.

"Political commissar, I think of one thing. The commander told me before leaving the base. Let me inform you. Fortunately, it is still too late. He asked you to find someone to send the people and mules and horses in the logistics line to Lumaqiao Town. Best to arrive tonight." Who says robots are honest enough to tell lies?

"Luma Bridge? Well, the old Red Army is very familiar with that place. I guess someone in the baggage platoon knows that place. I'll make arrangements..." Zhong Shoufu never thought about whether Wu Aihua's way of spreading the word was in line with the discipline of the Red Army. Or whether it conforms to the general superior-subordinate relationship.

Wanzigu wiped out the enemy, and the inside troops won a major victory, but today's outside troops are resting in Lumaqiao Town.This kind of rest is not because we are too tired from fighting yesterday, but because we have captured too many prisoners, and it is no longer convenient to move.

And whenever this happens, Wu Aihua will lament that the strength of the independent detachment is still too weak!

After some "supernatural powers" with Shen Ren, Wu Aihua began to carefully study the possibilities brought to him by the system upgrade.

There is no special change in the merit value, because of the evaluation of "iron-blooded heart", but there is a [-]% increase in the merit value when killing the enemy, which is equivalent to a reward.Since the "merit system" itself is against the sky, in Wu Aihua's view, this increase is of little significance.

The increase of convertible equipment, especially the emergence of 60-force and squad machine guns, is really even more powerful! In the 60s, light infantry supporting artillery, although not enough to attack fortresses, has an irreplaceable role in destroying enemy machine gun positions and surface positions, and in killing enemy infantry.Throughout the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese infantry could use their grenades to make the National Army, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army unable to take them. This kind of 60 force, which is as light as the grenade, but more lethal, should be a nightmare for the Japanese army. Bar.

The mg42 squad machine gun is actually a general-purpose machine gun, which is different from the small-caliber squad machine guns of later generations.This weapon, which belongs to the medium-sized machine gun in the machine gun gun family, is undoubtedly the battlefield killer of this era!Its biggest feature is that it takes into account the advantages of both heavy machine guns and light machine guns. It has a fast rate of fire, strong lethality, and an effective range of 800 meters. It is also extremely light and can be operated flexibly by one person. The squad uses machine guns, one is the main shooter, and the other is the assistant shooter and bomber.A large magazine can hold 100 rounds of ammunition.

The appearance of penicillin as a system gift was Wu Aihua's happiest thing.Because Wu Aihua pays great attention to the self-protection of soldiers in combat, the casualties in several battles since the establishment of the independent detachment have been minimal, so the 10 penicillin per capita is obviously inexhaustible.Sell ​​it for money, or use penicillin to exchange for something you need, such as heavy artillery or machinery?It was difficult for Wu Aihua to make a decision for a while.

Wu Aihua was both delighted and puzzled when the "Map of the situation between us and the enemy on the Fujian-Jiangxi border" was upgraded to a "holographic map".What is puzzling is what is this "holographic map"?Therefore, during this rest time, Wu Aihua is basically exploring this "holographic map". Didn't the system say, "The specific functions are explored by the host itself!"

As a result of the exploration, Wu Aihua once again used the word "beautiful b" to evaluate!

The so-called "holographic" map really deserves the word "holographic", which is much more advanced than the electronic maps of later generations.

First of all, it is a "three-dimensional" map!For example, if you "click" a certain location, the system will immediately give the elevation, vegetation, soil, climate, real-time weather, road traffic, etc. of that location; Wu Aihua clicks a stream at will, and the displayed information includes the length of the river and the change of flow , real-time flow, flow velocity, depth, width, drop, water quality and other data.It is said to be "three-dimensional", on the one hand, it is the number above, on the other hand, it is three-dimensional, with specific length, width and height, just like the sand table used for combat command, or the real estate model of the sales department of later generations.If you add the timeliness of instant updates, this is a "four-dimensional map" that is absolutely ahead of the times.

The second is its "richness"!For example, the richness of colors, the vegetation is green, but there are subtle differences in the colors between plants; for example, the water flow is blue, but when viewed "closely", the water flow becomes colorless; moreover, The exposed rocks are brown, the earth is yellow, and the color of the building itself will show whatever color it is...

The third is the "agility" of its scale.Although the "holographic map" can only display a radius of 20 kilometers from the center of Wu Aihua, the normal scale is about 200000:1, which means that the diameter of the entire "holographic map" is about 1 meter. However, Wu Aihua Unconsciously, he discovered that he could change the scale to about 5:1. In this case, an ordinary soldier standing on the ground is 55cm tall. The movement of the soldier and the weapon in the soldier's hand are all lifelike. In such a situation, Wu Aihua shouted that it was fun and enjoyable!If you want to observe someone's performance on the battlefield, you don't need a telescope at all, this "holographic map" is enough.However, this "function" quickly made Wu Aihua depressed, because he unconsciously found a soldier ### in the jungle, and the water flow was clearly visible!It seems that this function should be renamed "Peeping".

The fourth is its "comprehensiveness" and "practicability".In addition to the above, on the right-hand side of the holographic map, there are also a row of buttons vertically, which are "resources", "population", "society" and "influence".After clicking on "Resources", there are five items: "Land", "Plants", "Animals", "Minerals", and "Hydraulic". Click on the column of "Minerals", and the border areas of Fujian and Jiangxi were discovered by the Japanese. That geothermal gold mine looms on the map like a gigantic star. In the "Population" column, there are three sub-items under "Gender", "Age", and "Education". After clicking on it, you will find the sex ratio of the total population in the map, the number of people in each age group, and the level of education; "Society" The content below the first column is richer, with everything related to education, health, culture, and people's livelihood. If government officials in later generations have such a thing, wouldn't they become "knowledgeable"?

As for the column of "power", there is not much change from what was shown before. The only thing that has changed is that Wu Aihua's own power has become a "first-level power", while the third division of Zhang Lian, the tentatively organized 4th Brigade, belongs to the "third-level power". This also indirectly reflects the gap between Wu Aihua and the local Kuomintang forces.

However, Wu Aihua believes that as long as the newly acquired soldiers are trained to be qualified independent detachment fighters, Zhang Lian Sanbu is not so terrible.Of course, Wu Aihua will not naively think that everything will be fine if Zhang Lian’s three divisions are resolved. The result of the elimination of Zhang Lian’s three divisions will inevitably lead to a larger range of national army mobilization. The division is a miscellaneous unit, and it is very likely that it is the main division and reorganization division of Chiang Kai-shek's direct line.

After familiarizing himself with the "holographic map", Wu Aihua began to think about some changes that will be brought about by the system upgrade. 60 mortars and squad machine guns must be "exchanged", but how to put these things in front of the independent detachment took a lot of thinking.

The "merit system" is definitely Wu Aihua's biggest secret, and it is also the foundation of his life, which must not be known to outsiders, even if it is his lover in the future, he must keep his mouth shut.As for his own time travel, Wu Aihua had thought of reporting to Zhu, Mao, Zhou and others before. In this way, some mistakes and troubles of later generations can be avoided more easily, and it can also allow the Chinese nation to gain greater gains in the upcoming World War II. Interests.However, now Wu Aihua has decided to rely on his own strength to change the fate of the Chinese nation. If it is really difficult, it will not be too late to use the power of the central government.

In the end, Wu Aihua decided to "summon" the intelligence-type biological robot.

"Hello, Chief! The intelligence-type biological robot is reporting to you!" After a burst of light, the robot that appeared out of nowhere immediately saluted Wu Aihua.

"Sit." Wu Aihua pointed to the stone stool in the tent, "Don't call me the chief, but call me the boss. Also, I will give you a name, Hao Yong. Hao is my mother's surname. , Brave Yong, can you do it?"

"Thank you boss, I can do it!" The robot Hao Yong seemed to have known that this scene was waiting for him, and calmly accepted Wu Aihua's naming and the meaning it conferred.

"Well, this is very good." Only then did Wu Aihua carefully observe Hao Yong's "face". It is a very ordinary Chinese image without any distinctive features. In the words of later generations on the Internet, it is like putting it in a crowd of people. The kind of person you can't find.

"Boss, I can change my appearance." Because the "merit system" and Wu Aihua's sea of ​​knowledge are connected to the Internet, what Wu Aihua is thinking, except that Mai Maiyi in the United States can't feel it, Hao Yong and Shen Ren at this time can feel it.

"Oh, that would be even better!" Wu Aihua then remembered that this Hao Yong was originally an intelligence-type talent, it's normal to change his face, and the "meritorious merit system" can even be created by a real person, and changing his face is just a child's play That's all, "By the way, what abilities do you have?"

"Boss, my abilities are mainly focused on intelligence. Intelligence collection and analysis, intelligence personnel training, intelligence and personnel management, intelligence network construction, and intelligence manufacturing..."

"Intelligence manufacturing, what do you mean?" Wu Aihua was a little curious when he heard a new term.

"It is to create and distribute information. Of course, this is false information, but it is made to look like the real one. Generally speaking, it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false without the help of large-scale computers of later generations." Hao Yong explained.

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