The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 058: Changting Raiders 2

Chapter 058: Changting Raiders 2

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

Around mid-February, when Wu Aihua's strategy for Changting matured, he asked Yang Guiqing to write a letter to Yan Conggen.Under Wu Aihua's instruction, this letter was written very normally.

First, he narrates family and friendship, then he talks about being captured by the Red Army when he went to the mountains to suppress bandits, and then he joined the Red Army and was accidentally appointed as a platoon leader, and it was the main platoon leader; then he talked about his experiences in the Red Army, Feelings, the style of the Red Army, such as uniformity between officers and soldiers, the daily life of the Red Army, and military pay.

After the Red Army has won several victories in a row, he is now the battalion commander of the main battalion. There are 1078 people under his command. There are only 48 mortars, 48 ​​new weapon squad machine guns, and 52 light machine guns. Moreover, special emphasis was placed on the situation of the machine gun used by the squad. The firepower is equivalent to that of a heavy machine gun, but it is very light and can be operated by one person.Yang Guiqing also made a special "demonstration". If his cousin doesn't believe it, he will know the bird if he has a chance to try the two armies against each other.

In the end, Yang Guiqing quoted some words from the commander, saying that the national army is not a good destination. If your cousin wants to join the Red Army, you can go to a certain store in Changting to find someone. Then, the Red Army will definitely reuse talents like your cousin. of.

Hearing that it was a letter from his cousin Yang Guiqing, Yan Conggen took the letter from someone with a look of surprise on his face. When he saw the envelope, it was indeed written in his cousin's handwriting. Then he looked at the content. Complicated look. "Friend, I'll call you back another day." Yan Conggen bid farewell to the sender in a hurry, and returned to his residence.

So is this cousin!Dare to say such a big thing in the letter, if someone from the investigation bureau finds out, wouldn't he lose his head?Yan Conggen is about thirty years old, a few years older than Yang Guiqing, and he looks extremely calm.After he read the letter several times, he burned the letter with a fire.

Yan Conggen judged that Yang Guiqing was still alive and had already voted for the Red Bandits. Moreover, judging from the tone of the letter, Yang Guiqing's feelings when writing this letter were also true, and there was no trace of coercion.However, he didn't really believe in Yang Guiqing's picture of the Red Army.The Red Army in Tianhua Mountain has indeed won several battles, and now even the brigade commander is hiding somewhere. But, do the Red Bandits really have so many cannons and machine guns?He didn't believe it at all!

Yan Conggen thought for a while, and wrote a very short reply letter and handed it to the shop. The content of the letter was indeed very short, with only one complete sentence: "Cousin, if you are really as strong as you said, can you give me a letter?" If I get 20 light machine guns, I will give you 500 oceans for each?"

This guy actually came up with the idea of ​​using the Red Army weapon.

"Give it to him, tell him to bring a platoon to pick it up outside Changting City, give him 40 light machine guns, and tell him to prepare 2 oceans!" Wu Aihua made the final decision!Xiao Mian, I was worrying about how to sell arms, but you came to my door unexpectedly.

When Yan Conggen took over 40 light machine guns from Yang Guiqing, and saw the Red Army's security team in the distance, he finally believed that today's Red Army is no longer Wuxia Amon, but should look at it with admiration!

"Cousin, what do you want me to do?" Yang Guiqing did it, so it's time to express his opinion strictly.

"We only need your company to let my troops in while guarding the city gate, and you can ignore other things!" Yang Guiqing now has the temperament of a senior commander of the Red Army, speaking cleanly.

According to Yan Conggen's information, the 2nd Company of the Heavy Machine Gun Battalion was on duty at the North Gate from 18:2 a.m. to 8:[-] a.m. on the [-]th, so Wu Aihua set off early with the troops.

Wu Aihua didn't completely believe in Yan Conggen, for example, Yan Conggen might lay an ambush for the Red Army.However, since the "holographic map" came into existence, as long as Wu Aihua is present, this ambush will be impossible.Moreover, no matter how you ambush, you are very likely to be attacked by the independent Chinese detachment!

It's just that Yan Conggen didn't know that the independent detachment was so perverted.Wu Aihua set off ahead of time with his troops, and tried to arrive near the north gate of Changting around 4 am. If the enemy's situation changed and Yan Conggen leaked the news that the Red Army was coming to Yang Qiliang and others, then Wu Aihua would immediately adjust the deployment. Lian Zhengchou hasn't tackled the mission this time.

However, until 2 o'clock in the morning, the enemies in Changting City had not changed.It should be said that Yan Conggen wanted to fight for his future with the Red Army.

Although the straight-line distance from the base to Changting County is only about 20 kilometers, a detour is required to get from the base to Changting.Although this kind of detour is not as detoured as the temporary formation of the 4th Brigade and 1st Regiment, it still requires walking for about 32 kilometers.Since the troops carried combat consumption for nearly a month, the marching speed can only be kept at about 5 kilometers, and it is a large troop march, so it is inevitable to encounter various abnormal situations on the way.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, the east began to turn pale, and it would be dawn soon. At this time, Wu Aihua's troops had arrived in the jungle outside Changting City.This jungle is not an alpine jungle, but a shallow hilly jungle not far from Changting County. Although Changting is mountainous, there is a big dam near Changting City, which is flat. The Ting River runs through the city from north to south. However, because of the water, Changting City looks smart and beautiful.

"Let's go!" The time slowly arrived at 7 o'clock in the morning, and there was still no special movement from the enemies in Changting City. Wu Aihua finally let go of his worries, and took out Yang Guiqing and Shen Ren to a soldier of the special warfare squad who had already put on makeup. As soon as people wave their hands, the battle for the city gate depends entirely on them.

Three minutes later, another group of six special forces members walked out of the jungle to the main road.At this time, the road ahead is already full of people, and the villagers are rushing to the city with their shoulders on their shoulders, some carrying fat pigs, some carrying chickens and ducks, some carrying mountain goods, and some carrying a bundle of bamboo. , and some waved a pair of empty hands and took nothing.

What a beautiful picture of country life!Wu Aihua sighed in his heart.

Wu Aihua, who was sighing, did not forget to release the special warfare company one after another in the form of half a squad or a squad.

"Reconnaissance company, let's go!" According to the plan, after the special warfare company went out in batches, it would be the reconnaissance company.The reconnaissance company did not put on make-up, but trotted towards the main road wearing red army uniforms and carrying machine guns and rifles.

"Red Army!" The sharp-eyed villagers quickly spotted these energetic Red Army soldiers, "Could it be that the main Red Army is coming again?"

After the reconnaissance company went out, it was the artillery company!After the artillery company passed, it was the heavy machine gun company!After the heavy machine gun company passed, it was the 1st Marine Battalion, the main force!After the 1st Marine Battalion passed, it was the headquarters and the guard company...

"Yeah, little steel cannons, so many little steel cannons!"

"Oh, machine gun, look at the machine gun, oh, when did the Red Army have so many steel cannons and machine guns?"

"Come on, let's see, we've passed the army, we've passed the army..."

The villagers marching along the way gave way to the soldiers of the independent detachment one after another.Looking at this majestic and mighty Red Army team, some are excited, some are gratified, some are confused, some are uneasy, there are people in all kinds of moods.However, their actions are all the same, that is, stand in the field by the roadside to make way for the mighty procession.

"Notify the people in front quickly, the special warfare company has already controlled the North City Gate!" Wu Aihua ordered to the adjutant beside him.

In the past, perhaps this kind of order would have been roared all the way, and even to show courage and determination, the bugle would be blown.However, in Wu Aihua's independent detachment, there was no bugle on the march, and although there was a red flag, the flag was not displayed.In short, if you can confuse the enemy, try to confuse the enemy. The bugle is to boost morale, but it is also a reminder to the enemy.

The flag guides the direction on the battlefield; the red flag does not fall, and the soldiers always rush towards the direction of the flag!Wu Aihua was not fond of this either. Commanders at all levels had long learned from Wu Aihua to distinguish the situation on the battlefield and to command with gestures.Moreover, when rushing forward, it is by no means like a traditional army. Hundreds of people hold guns, bend over, and charge forward aimlessly.Wu Aihua's troop is a three-person team, covering each other's charge, and the teams are covering each other's advance, especially the machine gun team, always seize the key position at the critical moment, so that the large troop can arrive safely. The next charge.

Moreover, even if there is a charge, it is a charge of skirmishers. Faced with this situation, it is difficult for the enemy's machine guns to exert their lethality.

Yan Conggen did not break his promise, but he was a little anxious waiting.He thought that the Red Army might come up in the dark, but the Red Army didn't arrive at the city gate until almost 8 o'clock when the sun was already rising.

"Cousin!" Yang Guiqing, who had put on makeup, stood side by side with Shen Ren under the city gate, waiting for the guards at the gate to check.When he was about to reach Shen Ren, Yan Conggen emerged from the city wall.

"Hehe, cousin, rare visitor!" Yan Conggen walked down the city wall quickly, "Er Mao, Xiao San, this is my cousin and their friends." Yan Conggen said to the two soldiers who were inspecting.

"Cousin, aren't you the company commander? Why are there only so few soldiers, and... still, come to stand guard at the city gate?" Yang Guiqing pretended to be confused in order to buy more time for the people behind him.

"Who says I'm not the company commander? They, all of them, are my soldiers. You can ask them." Although Yan Conggen didn't quite understand what Yang Guiqing meant, he still followed Yang Guiqing's words.

"Come on, brothers, eat some walnuts. These are authentic Changting walnuts!" Two special forces soldiers each carried a small bag and walked towards the two groups of soldiers Yan Conggen said.Among them, the total number is not many, and there is only one squad of soldiers guarding the city gate.

"Brothers, why don't you thank my cousin's friend?" Several soldiers were hesitant, even a little alert, but Yan Conggen's words completely dispelled their vigilance, allowing these two special warfare experts to approach them.

"Pfft, puff, puff..." The two special warfare masters, as long as they got close, they ruled the world. Each group of five soldiers didn't react at all, and they were hacked unconscious by two of them.

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