The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 064 7 Battles, 7 Victories and 4

Chapter 064 Seven Battles and Seven Victories 4

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

"Grenade!" How could the soldiers give up such an opportunity? Although the city gate was blown open, it would be very troublesome if the city gate was controlled by the enemy.Therefore, as soon as the explosion started, someone realized that more grenades had to be thrown into the city gate after the explosion, and the sound of the explosion was still in the ears, and another grenade feast was stuffed into the gate.

"Rescue soldier, rescue Rao Congman quickly!" Wang Weiqing waved his hand at several soldiers wearing Red Cross sleeves on their arms.

"Come on!" Seeing the gates of the national army opened wide, the squad used machine gunners and machine gunners to open the way ahead, rushing into the city in one go!

The charge at this time requires a relatively dense formation, a relatively fast speed, and the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, otherwise, when you slowly turn around, the day lily will be cold!

In this period, from the 60th to the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of the Marines breaking the city gate, it is a long story, in fact, the whole process only took a little more than 3 minutes. 60 rounds of 60 mortar shells not only destroyed all the enemy's artillery and heavy machine gun positions, but also caused heavy casualties to the enemy infantry gathered under the city wall. In addition to artillery and machine gunners, Wang Bingzhao originally arranged for a company As a result, hundreds of infantrymen were killed or injured by only one round of artillery fire from the Red Army, and only less than one platoon was intact. That is, this platoon climbed up the city wall, which brought certain difficulties to the Red Army's attack.

Wang Bingzhao, who was at the command post of the regiment, heard that the city gate had suffered heavy losses, so he immediately asked the 1st Battalion Commander Rao Xianguo to send another company to the city gate to block the red bandits!At the same time, he ordered Zhang Binxian of the 1nd Battalion to immediately deploy two companies to fight at the North Gate.

Therefore, the Red Army soldiers of the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of the Marine Army who had just rushed into the city gate, in addition to seeing the tragedy near the city gate, a troop was moving quickly from a hundred meters away!

"Comrades, fight!" At this time, Zhang Wei, the leader of the 1st platoon, was the supreme commander who was the first to break into the city. When he saw about a company of enemies rushing towards him, how could there be such a good opportunity to wipe out the enemy? So, the word "hit!" came out smoothly, and the squad machine gun in his hand burst into flames almost at the same time!

For the equipment of an independent detachment, a marine platoon has 4 squad machine guns, which are used by the machine gun squad; there are also 3 light machine guns, 1 for each marine squad, which are used by the machine gun team of the marine squad.However, on the battlefield, all officials crushed people to death, such as Zhang Wei, who was equipped with a submachine gun (the enemy was captured, as mentioned above, due to the limited number, Wu Aihua equipped one for each company chief officer), However, there are always some chief officers who like to come up with whims. For example, Zhang Wei, he especially likes the machine gun used by the squad, which is both powerful and light. A squad held machine guns in their arms, but the soldiers who lost their machine guns could only "grievously" pick up the rifles of the national army on the ground as weapons.

"Da da da..." The reaction of the other machine gunners was not slow. Seeing the enemy, they were already highly concentrated, and when they heard the order from the platoon leader, it would be too late to shoot!

This company of the national army is very tragic. Before reaching the designated battlefield, the scythe of death came!

If it is not on a bare city street, such as in the wild, such as any terrain that is not a street, they may still have a chance to resist, and they may still have a chance to escape if they are defeated.However, this is a street, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are at war, and ordinary people have long been frightened to close their doors, and the door bolts on the doors have been strengthened.In addition, the appearance of the machine gun was really sudden, because in the previous few seconds, people with good eyesight noticed bursts of gunpowder smoke coming out of the city gate, but all of a sudden, without any precautions, they rushed Dozens of "red bandits" appeared, but red bandits with machine guns!Therefore, it is a tragedy!

The enemy of this company was in a tragedy. There was a burst of machine gun fire, and they were either killed or injured. Only a few people saw the opportunity and fell to the ground to survive.

However, an even greater tragedy has come. At the gate of the city, more and more Red Army soldiers poured out of the city gate. Immediately afterwards, the machine gun battalion, one man and one squad, also rushed in through the door opening with machine guns in their hands!

"It's over!" Wang Bingzhao's command post was set up in a Buddhist temple about 300 meters away from the north gate. At this time, he was standing on the seventh floor of the tall white pagoda, and he watched the battle at the north gate without a trace inside.The red bandits who attacked Qingliu County were definitely not the red bandits with swords and spears in his impression, but a brand new army that was completely superior to the national army in terms of momentum, equipment, training, and tactics!Such an army, the 52nd Division is definitely not an opponent, even the reorganized division under Chairman Jiang is not an opponent!

"Tuan Zuo, what should we do?" After the battle started, Shi Zhongying, the deputy of the regiment, followed Wang Bingzhao closely.He knew that the action of drawing a gun on Zhang Xianbin had angered all the officers below. As long as he was ordered, he might be shot in the face.

Wang Bingzhao looked at the red bandits who were attacking the temple, and then at the soldiers of the guard company who were preparing for battle in the temple courtyard, "Adjutant, go and inform the guard company, don't resist, surrender!"

"Tuan Zuo, why don't you resist? We still have nearly a thousand people!" Shi Zhongying was a little unwilling. He was sent by the party headquarters to do party work. If the first regiment is gone, what else would he do? If he wanted to find another Doesn't it cost a lot of money to ask for a job?

"Look at what our soldiers are holding, and then look at what others are holding, and you will understand." Wang Bingzhao glanced at Shi Zhongying and walked down the stairs to the tower.

"Wang Bingzhao, I will shoot you traitor!" Suddenly, Shi Zhongying pulled out his small pistol and was about to shoot Wang Bingzhao in the back!

"Bang!" There was a gunshot behind him. Wang Bingzhao thought he had been shot, but he didn't feel shot. Looking back, Shi Zhongying fell to the ground, and saw a man looking at him with a smile, "Tuan Zuo , how can you expose your back in front of this villain."

Who is this guy if he isn't Zhang Binxian, commander of the 2nd Battalion!

"Thank you." Wang Bingzhao said two words very calmly, and continued to walk down the tower.

Wang Bingzhao was over forty years old. He went to a private school when he was young, but he never went to any military academy. He climbed up to the position of regimental commander bit by bit by relying on his qualifications and military achievements. He also knew that the future belonged to people like Zhang Binxian; but , he always had some troubles about surrendering to the Red Army.

He went downstairs at the moment, just to make a handover of surrender.

"Tuan Zuo, do you have something on your mind?" Zhang Binxian who followed downstairs felt that Tuan Zuo was not at all energetic.

"Hey, I'm really tired of this kind of battle where you fight me and I fight you." Wang Bingzhao's tone revealed a kind of helplessness and resignation.

"By the way, where is your second battalion?" Wang Bingzhao suddenly remembered that the person behind him was the battalion commander of the main battalion.

"Tuan Zuo, if the red bandits only have rifles, tell them to continue to stand firm; if the red bandits have machine guns and artillery, I will let them choose." Zhang Binxian's words are very slick, and no officer would order such an order.

"Aren't you going there?" Wang Bingzhao didn't want to point out Zhang Binxian's "slickness", but pointed at his heart!

"The subordinates are all battalion commanders, what position do you think they can give us?" Zhang Binxian specially emphasized the word "we".

"Don't bring us together, you're still young, and you're from Whampoa, so they'll probably use you again." Wang Bingzhao waved his hand in the air, meaning stop trying to persuade him.

Then, the two went down to the bottom of the tower silently, and then walked out from the bottom of the tower, and saw a group of "red bandits" holding a machine gun that had never been seen before, surrounding the guard company and the two of them.

The Battle of Qingliu, raising the national army a bit higher, is a battle of anticlimax, and lowering the national army a little bit, it is like a mantis arm blocking a car!Although the number of troops participating in the siege of the independent detachment was only slightly larger than that of the national army, the equipment, techniques and tactics, quality of soldiers, and training level of the two sides were not at the same level at all.

This is also a microcosm of the real combat power of the local troops of the national army at that time!

This duel of unequal strengths only took two hours from 9:11 am to 52:2 am when the independent detachment took full control of Qingliu County.More than 1 people under Wang Bingzhao, head of the 800nd Brigade and 300st Regiment of the [-]nd Division of the National Army, surrendered, and more than [-] people were killed or seriously injured.

Almost at the end of the Qingliu offensive and defensive battle, another ambush was officially staged on Jianziwanpo, about ten kilometers away from Qingliu County!

The terrain of western Fujian has many mountains, many valleys, many bays, many bays and many rivers.Jianziwanpo, the source of the place name cannot be verified. From Ninghua to Qingliu, it takes three trips uphill and downhill to reach Qingliu.

Jianziwan Slope, from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain, is about three kilometers long. The road is narrow and curved, and the road is full of rocks. For those with weak physical strength, this slope alone can be daunting.

When a large group of people walks on this road, they can only form a "long snake formation", otherwise, they will not be able to pass.It is said that in ancient times, many people were reluctant to take up the post of Ninghua county magistrate appointed by the emperor. The reason is that they had to go to Ninghua either by sedan chair or on foot. If they chose to ride a horse, they had to endure several hours of bumps.

The commander of the 52rd Battalion of the 2nd Brigade and 1st Regiment of the 3nd Division is named Yu Shusheng, and he belongs to the division commander Lu Xingbang. The head of the regiment, Wang Bingzhao, took pride in the fact that in Gucheng Town, the lost company belonged to the Shusheng Battalion, but there was nothing wrong with Yu Shusheng.Therefore, when the 52st Regiment was suddenly incorporated by the "Fujian-Jiangxi Border Joint Clearance Headquarters", Wang Bingzhao was also immoral, and directly assigned the disobedient 2rd Battalion to Ninghua.

Since the 3rd Battalion is disobedient, will it be disobedient?This, under normal circumstances, will not, as the saying goes, military orders are overwhelming!If you disobey orders and don’t obey, you will be beheaded. No one can save you. Even if you are a relative of the emperor, the emperor is far away.

(Brothers, stand up!!! Others are catching up...)

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