The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 068 Unexpected Joy

Chapter 068 Unexpected Joy

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

Qingliu and Ninghua were easily captured, and the position of the independent detachment's outside field troops was close to the northwestern part of Fujian. Moreover, it was just on the border of Jiangxi, and the independent detachment only needed 12 hours of forced march to reach Jiangxi. Shicheng County, in the past, is Ningdu, Ruijin, Huichang, Guangchang, Yudu, Ganzhou, and Xingguo.Anyone who is a little familiar with the early revolutionary history of the Red Army knows these place names. This is the main area where the Central Red Army was active.

This provided a choice for the outside field troops: whether to take advantage of the trend and attack Jiangxi?

The reason why this is a multiple-choice question is because the old Red Army members of the independent detachment, when looking for Wu Aihua in the past few days, put forward the idea of ​​"go to Jiangxi and restore the Soviet Union" in Wu Aihua's ear.

And Wu Aihua himself felt that entering Jiangxi was also a choice!

It's hard to make a decision!

On the afternoon of the 27th, Wu Aihua locked himself in the room alone, and kept drawing on paper with a pen: What are the advantages of entering Jiangxi? Can he attack from all sides?high population?There is really no advantage at all.Because entering Jiangxi will definitely be ambushed from all sides. As for the advantage of a large population, the economy of the old base area has been greatly weakened; big cities, even medium-sized cities like Ganzhou, don’t even think about it. Come down, Wu Aihua will not stick to it.

In the end, Wu Aihua made the decision to continue fighting in Fujian!

In the early morning of March 3, the outside field troops of the independent detachment began to attack Yong'an!At the same time, Wu Aihua ordered the inside troops to send a battalion to attack Liancheng!

At 3 o'clock in the morning on March 29, after a day of forced march, the outside main force of the independent detachment began to attack Yong'an. It took only one hour to occupy Yong'an County!

At 9:7 a.m. on the same day, under the leadership of political commissar Zhong Shoufu, the internal troops took Liancheng County.At [-] o'clock that night, the interior troops sent a company to take down the traffic hub south of Liancheng to rush to Pengkou Town.

On the same day, Wu Aihua left a company in Yong'an to form the Yong'an Garrison Battalion. The main force went south along the Xinqiao River and attacked all the way.In the evening, we arrived at Heping Town in the north of Zhangping.

On March 3, Wu Aihua led the main force of the independent detachment to take Zhangping easily, wiped out a reinforced company of the 30st Regiment of the 4th Brigade, and pointed directly at Longyan, an important town in western Fujian!

The defenders of Longyan are the Zhong Qiquan Department of the 4nd Regiment of the 2th Brigade.Zhong Qiquan, who was from the same background as Zhang Liansan in his early years, both struggled in the bearded team, and only later achieved a positive result.Zhang Liansan's death on Gulangyu Island touched Zhong Qiquan greatly.He had a premonition that the death of the brigade commander was not a vendetta, but a red bandit who suddenly appeared in the deep mountains of Changting, who could eat up He Guoxiang's regiment in one go, so why is it impossible to rob and kill the brigade? Zhang Lian-san and his party.Therefore, after he confirmed the death of Zhang Liansan, Zhong Qiquan had the intention of abdicating, but at this moment, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government issued a message ordering all the garrison troops in western Fujian not to move around, waiting for further instructions from the National Defense Commission .

Therefore, Zhong Qiquan who was stationed in Longyan was trembling in shock, walking on thin ice!In the provisional 4th Brigade, He Guoxiang is known for his "bravery", while Zhong Qiquan is known for his "cautious"; if you are too brave, you are reckless, and if you are too cautious, you are timid. The two people have completely opposite personalities.

Originally, the independent detachment launched an attack on Zhangping very suddenly. It can be said that in the course of the battle, except for leaking news by telegram and phone, it is impossible for anyone to take the news out.However, Wu Aihua's luck seemed to be running out. Early this morning, the enemy company commander stationed in Zhangping sent someone back to Longyan to deliver a letter to the regiment headquarters. Because the matter was urgent, the correspondent was required to return that day.So, two correspondents set off on two horses before dawn. After three miles from the city, one of them was going to bring something to his relatives to Longyan, and asked the other to wait for him by the side of the road with the horses.Unexpectedly, that guy's relatives had to cook a bowl of egg noodles for him before he was allowed to go on the road. As a result, it was delayed until almost dawn.

At this moment, the sound of "Boom, boom, boom" came from the direction of Zhangping. When the correspondent heard it, wasn't it the sound of a shell exploding?What to do, the two looked at each other, and one of them said, "Let's go back and check the situation. If Zhangping is occupied by the red bandits or someone, we can report to the head of the group."

"I won't go back. We can see what's going on in the city by climbing up the mountain!" The other guy was more timid. He was worried that if there was a war, he might not be able to escape.

The two climbed up a mountain and had a panoramic view of the situation in Zhangping. There were explosions and gunpowder smoke everywhere.Although it was three miles away, and it was hard to see the specific people or anything, it was clear that groups of people were moving, and they were moving from the edge of the city to the center of the city.

"Let's go, it must be the red bandits attacking the city!" One of them said immediately.

These two guys rode horses and ran to Longyan. When they saw the gate of the regiment headquarters, they shouted, "It's not good, the red bandits have captured Zhangping!" At this time, the time was 11:30 in the morning.

At exactly 12:[-] noon, Zhong Qiquan got the information, but he didn't quite believe it, and asked to call Zhangping immediately, and at the same time asked the Longyan Telegraph Bureau to send a telegram to Zhangping.In this way, after another half an hour, Zhong Qiquan failed to contact Zhang Ping.

"Report: Fujian Provincial Government and Provincial Party Headquarters, Zhangping was attacked by unknown forces today, telegrams and telephones are blocked, suspected to have been occupied by the enemy, hereby report, and wait for instructions! The Army is temporarily forming the 4th Brigade and 2nd Regiment Zhong Qiquan."

At 3:30 p.m. on March 1, Wu Aihua was about to order the main force to attack Longyan, when he received a telegram with the word "Moscow": "Longyan Zhong Qiquan has reported the loss of Zhangping to Fujian Province. Fujian Province is cooperating with Zhangping, Contact Changting, Liancheng, Qingliu, Ninghua and other counties."

"Damn!" Wu Aihua cursed secretly, originally wanted to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to "sweep" a few more places and capture more soldiers, now, the good times are over!

"Commander, the troops are already very tired and should rest. Otherwise, when the enemy reorganization division comes over, everyone may not even be able to run." Seeing that Wu Aihua was upset, Fu Lin, the deputy chief of staff, enlightened him.

"Okay! The last battle, take Longyan! The whole army is rehabilitated and trained!" Wu Aihua also knew that sooner or later the national army would understand that these places were lost; besides, it is impossible for the independent detachment to eat fat babies in one bite.

"This, I agree. In addition, I have asked the reconnaissance company to send a platoon and a radio station to Longyan for reconnaissance! Will the troops rest on the spot for half a day?" Fu Lin asked again.

"Okay. Rest for half a day!" Although Wu Aihua doesn't feel tired, the soldiers do; besides, there are a lot of "liberation fighters" in the army now, and they never had the experience of walking more than [-] kilometers a day before. Although the principle of equality between officers and soldiers of the Red Army allowed them to see that the commanders of the Red Army were running on two feet like them, but the human body always has a limit.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Wu Aihua suddenly received a telegram from the Longyan reconnaissance platoon: "Zhong Qiquan abandoned Longyan at 5 pm today and fled towards Zhangzhou. My reconnaissance platoon followed the enemy's rear logistics troops and took the opportunity to eat up a company of the enemy and seized some baggage!"

"Commander, I think the troops will move out immediately and take the opportunity to capture Longyan!" The deputy political commissar saw the opportunity and wanted to make a profit.

"Okay! Order the reconnaissance company, the special warfare company, the 1st company of the machine gun battalion, and the 1st company of the artillery battalion to form the Longyan Predecessor Detachment, and set off overnight! Take all the mules and horses, and be sure to arrive at Longyan before 5:[-] tomorrow morning. And take the opportunity to capture Longyan. Let the advance detachment be led by the deputy political commissar, Comrade Cheng Liang!"

"Yes, Commander!" Cheng Liang had wanted to fight a long time ago, but with the Commander present, he had nothing to do with commanding the battlefield.Although Long Yan could win with a raise of his hand, he was the team he led after all.

"Commander, now that the number of troops has increased, do you think about expanding the number again?" Deputy Chief of Staff Fu Lin suggested after Deputy Political Commissar Cheng Liang left excitedly.

"I'm also thinking about this issue. It's just that we have too few mountain guns at present, so it's hard to raise the level of the troops! When we march tomorrow, how about asking the military affairs councilor Wang Bingzhao for advice?" In Wu Aihua's opinion, if there is no 75mm Shanpao, he really didn't want to form a regiment-level force.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for winning the third-level city of Longyan, and rewarding the host with 3000 merit points. The total merit value of the host has reached 32444 points, and the system has been upgraded to level 4!" At 11 o'clock in the evening, when Wu Aihua had fallen asleep, the system suddenly said.

"Upgraded? Level 4? Take down Longyan? What do you mean?" Wu Aihua was completely awakened by the system!Take Longyan, what are you kidding?The deputy political commissar, Cheng Liang, and others walked for 4 hours, and the distance from Zhangping to Longyan is 35 kilometers. If there are three or five people, it is very likely to reach Longyan, but it is an army of nearly a thousand people, how is it possible?

"Fuck! It can't be the platoon sent by the reconnaissance company, right?" Wu Aihua thought for a while, in Longyan, only the reconnaissance platoon belongs to him!

"Commander, telegram: The reconnaissance platoon has occupied Longyan! We are required to send troops there quickly!" The communications adjutant knocked on the door and reported outside.

"Okay. Call back to the reconnaissance platoon: the reconnaissance company, the special warfare company, the 1st company of the machine gun battalion, and the 1st company of the artillery battalion will arrive in Longyan at 5 am! Also, let the reconnaissance platoon pay attention to their own safety!" Good work by the boys of the Scout Company!

This is definitely a surprise!Recalling that in history, a squad of the Japanese army can capture a county in North China, and a platoon of our own troops can capture a city. This combat power and "merit" can also compete with the Japanese army, right?

"Oh, by the way, what good things will there be when the system is upgraded to level 4?" Wu Aihua, who was happy alone, finally remembered that the "merit system" has been upgraded!

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