Chapter 071 Real Bull (Brothers, Work Hard!)

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

Wu Aihua's understanding of "Hundred Generals" is actually wrong.The so-called general of a hundred people means that he has the ability and qualification to command a hundred people to fight. Isn't that what happened in ancient times?

However, the "Hundred Generals" of the universe refers to the ability to command 100 troops to fight at the same time, and the "Ten Generals" refers to the ability to command no more than 10 troops to fight at the same time.Commanding 100 people and commanding 100 troops are two completely different concepts.

The difference between the "ten generals" and the "hundred generals" mainly involves their combat judgment ability, information analysis ability and calculation ability, ensuring that there will be no mistakes in command and judgment in high-intensity battles.Otherwise, they can also command more troops.

The intensity and intensity of wars and battles on the earth are quite limited compared with those in the universe. Therefore, 10 troops and 100 troops are far from reaching their upper limit.

Wu Aihua, who is so amazingly talented, would make such a low-level mistake?The reason for this comes from a section of the system's description about A-level fighters: "A-level fighters, Taiyu corporals, also known as 'ten generals', can be 'squad leaders'; they can lead a total of 10 people including themselves, and have the ability to command independently And adaptability, can adjust their own habits according to the habits of different races and nationalities."

Is there a problem with this passage?no problem.So where did the error come from?In fact, the mistake lies in the misunderstanding of the "warrior". The "warrior" of the universe, such as the c-level fighter, is a robot without "intelligence", that is to say, it is a machine. What actions does this machine make? It must be operated and controlled by people; that is to say, "ten generals" can command 10 machines to attack or defend at the same time on the fierce battlefield.And a real "squad leader", although it is said to command 10 soldiers, these 10 soldiers are completely independent thinking and independent combat capabilities, that is to say, without the squad leader, the soldiers will still fight.But C-level robots can't do it. Without the "Ten Generals", they can't do anything.To put it bluntly, the workload of commanding 10 machines is very huge; it is much easier to command 10 earth soldiers to fight.

Fortunately, this error is not fatal on Earth.If it is in the battle of the universe, Wu Aihua is wasting huge resources, which is equivalent to a battle where all the majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels are charging!And a unit, no matter how many school-level officers there are, is limited.

"Then... among the A-level soldiers or B-level soldiers, are there any talents in naval warfare?" Wu Aihua pondered for a while, and finally thought of a very important question.

"Sir, it's ok. However, they need to be treated with simple waterproofing?" Kong Wu said.

"How to deal with it, who will deal with it?" Wu Aihua asked back, and at the same time, an idea in his mind was slowly forming.

"A small maintenance factory is needed, and maintenance engineers can handle it!" Kong Wu didn't hold back at all.

Because of time constraints, Wu Aihua asked Shen Ren and Kong Wu to call in 6 people including A-level fighters, mining engineers, textile engineers, printing and dyeing engineers, garment engineers, and general therapists. Sort of "surname" and give them a simple name. In this way, Wu Aihua is equivalent to controlling this comprehensive army that is invincible on earth!

As for the names of the elite technicians and ordinary technicians, Wu Aihua gave up the opportunity to name them to the engineers-level robots.

Wu Aihua's unintentional move has gained the trust of the robots, activated the most secret program in them, and increased their engineering creativity by 10%.

It turns out that the Cosmos Robot Manufacturing Center usually sells "functional" robots to other universes. The robots obey the master's orders [-]%, which is common in any universe.However, robots also have human rights. Although they are machines, advanced robots also have intelligence, so they desire to be respected and valued by their masters like humans.

In order to make those natural humans who own robots pay attention to the human rights of robots, the Robot Research Center has set up such a small program: when natural humans grant certain rights to robots, and such rights are conducive to increasing the status and When functioning, robots will reward natural humans with appropriate "creative" work.

Now, Shen Ren and others are becoming more and more humane and proactive, and it is very important to treat them equally and friendly with Wu Aihua.If Wu Aihua is a person who disregards the lives of his subordinates, always asks robots to do difficult jobs, and does not respect them in attitude, then although this robot is intelligent, they will only do what they are supposed to do, and will never Will be "eventful".

However, the "eventful" or "return" of the robot is the way of the robot after all, and they don't know much about the customs of the earth people or the complexity of the earth people. Such a big deal.

... # ...

At 3 o'clock in the morning on March 31, the reconnaissance company of the independent detachment, the special warfare company, the 4st company of the machine gun battalion, and the 1st company of the artillery battalion arrived at Longyan 1 hour earlier than scheduled after a 7-hour continuous march. Under the leadership of a reconnaissance team, Longyan's defense was quickly strengthened!

At 3 pm on March 31, Wu Aihua led an independent detachment of outside field troops to Longyan, announcing that Longyan was once again under the control of the Red Army, and has since become one of the Red Army's strongest bases.

A bigger surprise is waiting for the soldiers of the independent detachment. At 2:6 p.m., Shen Ren, Kong Wu and others led the independent detachment's logistics company (sorry: I forgot to write a few places in the middle, the logistics company has been following the outside field troops ) went out of Longyan to collect the supplies brought back from abroad; at 75:[-] p.m., a huge convoy drove back to Longyan, and behind each truck was towing a brand new [-]mm mountain cannon. Such combat materials.Under the organization of deputy political commissar Cheng Liang, these combat equipment and supplies strengthened the confidence of those who were skeptical about whether the Red Army could hold on to Longyan!Some people even shouted "Go to Nanjing and capture Chiang Kai-shek alive!"

These supplies include:

12 "t-48" light assault vehicles; 75 100mm mountain guns, 2 rounds of shells (planned to equip 24 mountain gun companies); 20 100mm anti-aircraft guns, 5 rounds of shells (planned to equip 12 anti-aircraft gun companies); 500 machine guns, 500 light machine guns, 2000 submachine guns, 98 Mauser 5000k rifles, several ammunition; 3.5 100t trucks; Equipment, 200 set of small clothing equipment, 1 set of small medical equipment, and a large amount of penicillin, sulfonamide, Yunnan Baiyao, chewing gum, etc.

In order to put the equipment in place at one time, Wu Aihua had to bear the pain to manifest another 90 A-level fighters and B-level fighters. In addition to this time, a force of 100 people just formed, which was handed over to Kong Wu for management.

Wu Aihua is in pain!These equipments used up all the meritorious points that Wu Aihua had accumulated for several months. In the end, there was only a pitiful 1001 points left on the account.

"It seems that I want to listen to the story of One Thousand and One Nights to start a revolution!" Looking at the poor points, Wu Aihua wanted to cry but had no tears!

On April 1935, 4, the heads of the independent detachment's internal and external troops, who were in the process of ranking, gathered in Longyan to participate in the "reorganization meeting" of the independent detachment.This meeting was called an "epoch-making meeting" by military history, because the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army will change from passive to active strategically and begin to compete with the Kuomintang for control of China!

This meeting is also known as the beginning of the regularization of the Red Army, because the artillery unit, air defense unit, marine corps, engineering unit, and the electronic unit and air force unit, which originated at this time but will be established later, began to list Compiled in the Red Army Combat Forces series!

The first decision at the meeting was on economic construction: 1. The establishment of Fujian-Jiangxi Frontier Mining Co., Ltd., with German friend Bolt (Chinese name: Li Luye) as the manager of the company; 2. The establishment of Fujian-Jiangxi Frontier Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. The company has British friend Carl Lewis (Chinese name: Sun Luo) as the company manager, and Comrade Michael Jordan (Chinese name: Zhou Cai) as the deputy manager; 3. Establish Fujian-Jiangxi Frontier Garment Co., Ltd. (Chinese name: Qian Duoduo) as the manager; 4. Established Fujian-Jiangxi Frontier Machinery Co., Ltd., with French friend Maradona Avell (Chinese name: Ma Mingcun) as the company manager; 5. Established Minxi Central Hospital, Ludwig Handinger, a German medical doctor (Chinese name: Wu Bing), serves as the dean, Yang Hong, an old Chinese doctor, and Yang Guanghai, a graduate of the Military Medical University, serve as the vice dean, and Qiao Lijuan serves as the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the labor union of the hospital; 6. The Fujian-Jiangxi Frontier Land Reclamation Company was established, with Jianfu as the manager and Zhang Fen as the deputy manager.

Considering that these robots all look like foreigners, Wu Aihua gave them a foreign name and another Chinese name. In response to this decision, Wu Aihua concluded at the meeting, "Comrades, I once said that our cause, There will be many international friends participating. No, they are here. They not only came, but also brought so many weapons, ammunition, equipment and supplies. Their hearts for the Red Army are true, and their hearts for the Chinese revolution are also true; So, once again, let us extend our warmest welcome to them in our independent detachment!"

"Comrades, don't underestimate them just because they are foreigners. They can speak Chinese, and the comrades in the baggage company must have an impression; they can not only speak Chinese, but can also speak and write languages ​​​​of many countries in the world; Comrades, we must sincerely welcome such talents!"

The above-mentioned companies welcome private capital from western Fujian to invest, but the controlling stake has to be in the hands of the independent detachment for the time being. Even so, private investment is very active. Since ancient times, there has been no loss in doing business with the army.

These matters, including political commissar Zhong Shoufu, don't understand much, but they all believe in Wu Aihua's decision.Just kidding, when did the Red Army have high-level gadgets such as anti-aircraft guns and mountain cannons, and not just one or two, but hundreds of them at once.

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