Chapter 100 Falkenhausen

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

After determining the basic organization principles, Wu Aihua's plan for the establishment of the Marine Division was quickly approved by the central government.In fact, for quite a long period of time, Wu Aihua reported that the central government always gave the green light.

Independent Column Field Force, the first batch consists of five divisions:

The 1st Marine Division, division commander Yang Guiqing, political commissar Zhang Dingcheng, deputy division commander Ye Fei, chief of staff Fu Qiutao;

The 2nd Marine Division, Commander Zhuang Xizhen, Political Commissar Deng Zihui, Deputy Division Commander Gao Zilong, Chief of Staff Ma Lifeng;

The 3rd Marine Division, division commander Qian Minghui, political commissar Tan Zhenlin, deputy division commander Liu Xianghui, chief of staff Tan Yubao;

The 4th Marine Division, division commander Zhang Binxian, political commissar Wang Yujie, deputy division commander Zhang Li, chief of staff Huang Dao;

The 5th Marine Division, commander Qi Yeguo, political commissar Xu Yangang, deputy division commander Hu Bin, chief of staff Yan Tuge. (Salute to the ancestors! The detailed compilation will be published related to the works, and interested children's shoes can go and have a look.)

Before this list was reported to the central government, the independent column conducted careful research.This list fully reflects Wu Aihua's will, but it was not proposed by Wu Aihua, but by Chen Yin and Su Yu.However, this list was questioned by Xiang y. Xiang's reason was that the old Red Army's control over the military power of the independent column should be strengthened. After all, except for Qi Yeguo, the several masters in high positions were all captured and surrendered by the national army!

"The reason why I proposed such an arrangement is precisely because the old comrades of the independent column are familiar with the army, armored, firepower, and mechanized operations, while some of our old comrades are not familiar with this aspect." Chen y insisted.Chen Yin is a person who has a temper in history. Although he may not always be right, he must stick to the end when he should stick to it.It is said that within Huaye, there was a disagreement between him and Su Yu, and researchers of later generations believed that Su's tactics were more correct. He is also a famous Confucian general in our army.

"I completely agree with this list. Now there are different opinions. We still have democratic centralism. Let's vote with a show of hands!" They were all raised and passed with an absolute advantage of six votes.

In addition, Wu Aihua integrated the original county garrison battalions into several garrison brigades. A garrison brigade governed several garrison regiments. Each garrison regiment had 2500-3000 people. Civil air defense, etc., the task is quite heavy.

Longyan Garrison Brigade, with Deng Meng as the brigade commander, Liu Junzhe as the political commissar, and Hu Lianggui as the deputy brigade commander; it has jurisdiction over the 4 garrison regiments of Longyan, Zhangping, Shanghang, Wuping, and Yongding (Yongding was taken later).

Ruijin Garrison Brigade, brigade commander Ding Daoyong, political commissar Wang Beisheng, deputy brigade commander Wen Kejian; under the jurisdiction of Ruijin, Changting, Huichang, and Xunwu 4 garrison regiments (Huichang and Xunwu are two places, Wu Aihua saw He Jian retreating to Ganzhou, took advantage of the trend Take it, this is called not taking it for nothing).

Yongan Garrison Brigade, brigade commander He Qizong, political commissar Zhang Tongqing, deputy brigade commander Zhang Quan; under the jurisdiction of Yongan, Qingliu, Ninghua, and Shicheng (Jiangxi) 4 garrison regiments.

Meizhou Garrison Brigade, brigade commander Liu Fagui, political commissar Pan Erchun, deputy brigade commander Wang Minkang; jurisdiction over five garrison regiments in Meizhou, Pingyuan, Jiaoling, Dapu, and Xingning.

Jiexi Garrison Brigade, brigade commander Chen Guisheng, political commissar Ou Yongpin, deputy brigade commander Deng Shuangquan; under the jurisdiction of Jiexi, Wuhua, Luhe, and Lufeng 4 garrison regiments.

Chaoshan garrison brigade, brigade commander Shen Suping, political commissar Xiang Xin, deputy brigade commander Liu Changshun; jurisdiction over Puning, Fengshun, Huilai, Raoping, Jieyang, Chaozhou, Shantou 7 garrison regiments.

The six garrison brigades governed 28 garrison regiments, amounting to more than 7 people.

In this way, by the end of 1935, Wu Aihua had a total of 20 combat units including the navy and air force, with a total strength of 25 troops, including 18 sea, land, and air field troops. Including Hao Yong's "wind" intelligence personnel, administrative personnel at all levels in the base area, and some demilitarized internal agency personnel in the independent column.For example, the original company of female soldiers is mostly digested now, and no longer appears in the field army system (except for intelligence, secretarial, and medical care). reason.

A South China tiger has quietly grown up and started to show its terrifying fangs!

... # ...

In the few months when the independent column of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was growing quietly, what was Mr. Chiang Kai-shek, the chairman of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, doing? He must have forgotten the defeat in eastern Guangdong and the troubles of the "red bandits", right?

Of course Lao Jiang didn't forget the defeat in eastern Guangdong, and he never forgot the disaster of the Red Bandits.

Lao Jiang had only been the commander-in-chief of the "Joint Bandit Suppression Headquarters of the Three Provinces of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi" for a few days, and the addiction was not enough. Then came the news that the five divisions of the South Route Army were defeated in the east of Guangdong. , and passed out.After the doctor rescued him, he was also in a trance and lack of energy, as if he had suffered a serious illness.

The deputy commander-in-chiefs under him, such as Gu Zhutong, Zhang Zhizhong, He Jian, Chen Cheng and others, all remained silent.What the hell, because they couldn't figure out what Mr. Jiang was thinking.Of course, it has something to do with them being too surprised by the news, and even holding a fluke mentality that the news is wrong.

There was no mistaking the message, and it wasn't even adequate.Later, when Mr. Jiang was able to eat independently and talk to his subordinates, more news came from different channels. The Austrian army was not defeated by the Red Bandits, but was completely wiped out by the Red Bandits. The commander-in-chief, including his two army commanders, and several division commanders were all prisoners.However, for some unknown reason, the red bandits released Chen Jitang and the others.

Later news also included: the red bandits have a lot of small steel cannons, the red bandits' mountain cannons are very powerful, the red bandits are equipped with a large number of light and powerful machine guns, and almost every red bandit has a fancy machine gun (submachine gun, enter Meizhou Mainly the guard battalion and the special warfare brigade, all equipped with this guy), among the red bandits there is a small army composed of Westerners, who can fly over the walls and break through the walls...

These follow-up news have already become numb to Lao Jiang.He has been thinking about what he said when he just woke up that day, why is it so difficult to unify the great cause?Furthermore, why are the red bandits so difficult to destroy?

Of course, Lao Jiang is a hero of a generation after all, he can't be immersed in this kind of vain fantasy forever and can't extricate himself. In history, he has been forced to go to the field many times, but he can cheer up, let alone Chen Jitang's 5 divisions.

No, I have to inform He Jian and Wei Lihuang to temporarily stop their aggressive advances, and give the red bandits a thunderous blow when they think of a perfect solution.

This, Lao Jiang, was worried. He Jian's troops had already stopped in Yudu County. Liu Jianxu, the commander of the 28th Army, stayed in the city of Ganzhou like a frightened bird, ready to flee at any time.

As for Wei Lihuang and Li Yannian, they didn't arrange it well. Seeing that the five divisions of the South Route Army were defeated overnight by the red bandits, they were so frightened that they quickly hugged a group. Therefore, there were heavy soldiers gathered in Zhangzhou City, and the frequency of soldiers patrolling very dense.Later, I heard that the Red Bandits had a small army composed of Western devils, who could fly over eaves and walls, and break through walls to enter houses.Li Yannian even told the missionaries and foreign businessmen in Zhangzhou not to go out casually at night, otherwise, they were very likely to be accidentally killed by the national army.

Just when Lao Jiang couldn't find the steps to go down, he suddenly thought of Alexander von Falkenhausen, the head of his German military advisory group.

The military cooperation between Chiang Kai-shek and Germany originated after the antagonism with the Soviet Union in 1927. However, due to the restrictions of the Versailles Peace Treaty, Germany's military cooperation with China was relatively low-key. In 1933, when Hitler came to power, the Versailles peace treaty was like a scrap of paper, and it was in this year that Falkenhausen came to China to serve as "acting general counsel" and later changed to general counsel.

In history, Falkenhausen has made important contributions to the reorganization of the national army and the war of resistance. Now that the time traveler is here, is Falkenhausen still so bright?

Mr. Jiang, chairman of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, invited Falkenhausen to have dinner. Falkenhausen, who got the news, muttered, "You are finally enlightened!" and rushed to the dinner.

"Welcome, dear consultant." Lao Jiang stood at the door of the living room and greeted with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Jiang, I heard that you are a little sick. I brought you a good medicine!" Falkenhausen, who walked into Keding, handed over the plan he had contemplated for the past few days to Chiang Kai-shek. .

The scheme is very thick, with dozens of pages of typescript, but there is a brief explanation in front.So Mr. Jiang understood the main point of the plan after watching it for 5 minutes, and then Chiang Kai-shek smiled, "Mr. Consultant, it is indeed a good medicine. Maybe he will save my life!"

"Hehe, since the chairman thinks it's useful, that's good, that's good!" Falkenhausen didn't believe it, and you, a bald leader, wouldn't take the bait.

Falkenhausen is a very professional soldier, but it does not mean that he will favor China and ignore Germany's interests in Sino-German relations, even though he served as the Supreme Commander in Belgium in World War II and ordered the release of many The Jews, that is why he believed that Hitler's excessive policies towards the Jews were detrimental to Germany's image and interests.

"Mr. Advisor, for the sake of the friendship between China and Germany, please go and have a toast!" Chiang Kai-shek put down the plan and led Falkenhausen to the restaurant.

The plan is good, but Chiang Kai-shek has many concerns.The biggest key to this plan is spending money, and the money is spent too fiercely, and it is not easy to explain.

This plan is indeed a good thing, or, for Chiang Kai-shek, it is indeed a life-saving straw.

Falkenhausen first analyzed the tactics used by the independent detachment to win the Battle of Eastern Guangdong. The first was a surprise attack, the second was to use the chaos of night battles to win, and the third was to create a new tactic, namely special operations.

The reason why Falkenhausen was able to propose the concept of "special operations" was because "special operations" originated in Germany. At this time, its theory and related designs were about to take shape. However, Germany had not yet begun to prepare special operations in the army. combat troops.

(The first update arrives, a new week has begun, and the king is desperately coding...)

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