Broken wolves

Chapter 10 Wolves Codename: Rangers

Chapter 10 Wolves codename: Rangers

There is an unwritten rule within the Chinese army that Chinese soldiers are never allowed to be captured under any conditions!

There is a double-edged keel tactical knife inserted in the back of the waist.The backpacks were packed, and all other equipment and supplies were stacked on one side of the barracks.Biting the "glorious suicide bomb" issued in advance.Ye Yangjian found a thin metal chain and hung the bullet around his neck.He wore a tight-fitting black combat vest on his upper body, exposing his solid arms.Because the tattoos had just been done, the black wolf head totems and bar-shaped number codes on the separate arms were still a little red and swollen.Ye Yangjian didn't care too much, he went to the military doctor to get some Vaseline and put it on, so he didn't care.People who are used to beating their backs all the year round don't have well-developed pain-sensing nerves, and Ye Yangjian didn't even feel anything when getting tattooed...

He spread a white towel on the bed, skillfully disassembled the Type 95 assault rifle in his hand, and carried out the last pre-war maintenance.There is also a Type 92 9mm military pistol that has been maintained.Several other people in class ten were roughly doing the same thing.

"After using it for so long, I realized that the 95 is actually not a good gun. The prone shot is too high. It is prone to problems after firing 47 rounds, and the maintenance is troublesome. The most annoying thing is that the engineering plastic fades even if nothing happens, which really affects me. It’s a cool shape! Why don’t you get a few AK-7.62s for everyone to use, the gadgets are highly reliable, the shoelaces are knotted, dipped in gun oil and pulled from the barrel to complete the maintenance. The [-] caliber is large, Work hard!" Ye Yangjian complained to the deputy squad leader Guo Xiaoli beside him while maintaining the firearm.I have been in the army for almost a year and touch the gun every day.Ye Yangjian felt that he knew more about guns than he knew about his lifeblood.

Deputy squad leader Guo Xiaoli smiled and said nothing, but his subordinates were not slow. The disassembled Type 95 assault rifle was "crackling" in his hand, making a sound of installation, secretly comparing the loading speed with Ye Yangjian.In the past few days, everyone in 177 has been sleeping with their guns in their arms. There is really nothing to do in the barracks except for maintaining their guns.

The equipment of the a3 special brigade is considered top-notch in the country.This "three-three formation" is a special agent company reconnaissance squad full of ten people, and its firepower equipment has reached a level that makes other troops jealous. 177 Class Ten, code-named 'Wolf Pack' squad.The powerful firepower equipment of the entire team is considered the top in the entire army.

The sniper team consists of 3 people, two snipers, one observer,

No. 03 sniper, equipped with the latest domestically produced Type 12.7 2000mm caliber anti-material sniper rifle.With a range of [-] meters, this gun does not look good, but it is very practical. It is in line with China's self-developed military equipment.

The No. 85 sniper is equipped with a Chinese Type 7.62 4mm sniper rifle with a 800x optical sight.This firearm is imitated from the former Soviet Dragnov svd sniper rifle, with ten rounds of ammunition and an effective range of [-] meters.

The observer is equipped with a Type 03 5.8mm assault rifle.

The fire team consists of two people, and the machine gunner is equipped with a 7.62mm general-purpose machine gun of our army.The ammunition man is equipped with a nine-shot shotgun for close-in fire support.

The assault team consisted of the remaining five people. In order to meet the needs of jungle warfare, all the Type 95 5.8-caliber assault rifles used were equipped with mufflers and grenade launchers.To strengthen its firepower when necessary.The team is equipped with a Type 92 9mm large-caliber military pistol as a melee secondary weapon.In addition, there are plastic explosives, grenades, and double-edged knife mines in varying quantities.These are all in charge of the two strong men of the fire team.

Two picket gendarmes with armbands stood straddling a table in the barracks.On the table was a cowhide file bag with a red seal of wax paint on it.He watched Ye Yangjian and the others bury their heads in their work blankly.The ammunition cart was parked at the gate of the barracks.As long as the red-headed phone rings, all team members will immediately collect the ammunition and set off after reading the mission.

Level 3 A combat readiness, this kind of combat readiness level that can make other second-line troops busy, is too common for Ye Yangjian and the others.The situation in the Taiwan Strait has not been peaceful in recent years.Taiwan made some moves, and a3 immediately started this level of combat preparation.After a long time, Ye Yangjian felt used to it.Anyway, as long as that dog who can't spit out ivory, A-Bian commits a crime, then the battle preparations for a[-] will start immediately.

A veteran joked: "Our fate is actually in the hands of A-Bian. If he makes Taiwan-independence on impulse, we will be the first to die!" Although he was joking, it was also true.Ye Yangjian's a3 special brigade exists to fight against Taiwan.The training they usually receive is targeted.Demolition, infiltration, jungle warfare, field survival, target location, destruction of enemy airports, radar, and squad unit operations.It is no exaggeration to say that in combat missions against Taiwan, a3 is the sharp knife force of the entire military region, and even the whole country.

Because there are often exercises close to actual combat, the soldiers will not be surprised by such battles.But this time seems to be a little different. Tattoos are definitely a scarce commodity in the Chinese army.Unexpectedly, before this mission, the whole company was arranged to have unified tattoos, even including Lian Jianghai.

Ye Yangjian asked the company commander curiously.The answer he received was——a special measure to prevent the corpse from being unrecognizable.Jiang Hai also told Ye Yangjian that there is a precedent for this and it is not surprising.During the Vietnam War, there were almost no American soldiers without tattoos. Their death rate was too high...Of course, this trick didn't work well later...Because in the late Vietnam battlefield, Vietnamese soldiers liked to peel their skins when they had nothing to do.

In real life, who is yearning for the battlefield?

For those who have never been on the battlefield, whether they are soldiers or not, they have two attitudes towards the real battlefield: one is fear, and the other is longing.Most of the people who are afraid of the battlefield are women, and they tremble even after watching war movies, let alone a real battlefield.Most of the people who yearn for the battlefield are men, and of course there are a small number of women. Why do they like war? In addition to being obsessed with the military, there are also many reasons for watching war movies and war news, and being influenced by movie plots and news. Infected, or admiring the protagonists in war film and television works, or being instigated by nationalism and nationalism, I also fantasize about going to the battlefield, venting nationalism and nationalism passion on the battlefield...

There are also people who belong to the "Ye Gong loves dragon" type who yearn for the battlefield. Usually yearning for the battlefield is purely a hobby and a kind of pastime. Yigan actually goes to the battlefield, but he is very nervous, and he also develops "battlefield psychological syndrome" and may even be beaten. The sight of the battlefield is frightening and insane....As for those who have been on the battlefield, almost 90% of them are unwilling to go to the battlefield again...

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