Broken wolves

Chapter 18 Encountering Japanese JSS

Chapter 18 Encountering Japanese jss

"Lieutenant Sam! These Chinese scouts are crazy! We backed down again and again, but they refused to let go. Xie Te! I really want to have a good fight with them!" The suction tube in the backpack behind him took a sip of water and said.

"Their tactical literacy is very high, much better than those Taiwanese boys. When I stayed behind, I watched them fight against Taiwanese children. They are all very professional soldiers." Holding a sniper rifle is called ' Quick Gun' Mike said with a smile.

"Quick Gun, our green berets are the experts in jungle warfare. Those Chinese boys won because their opponents are too bad. If they meet us, they will come here!" the black soldier Ray said dissatisfied.Ray's body was covered in scars, and it was unclear how many battles he had experienced. It could be seen that he did have the capital of pride.

"Guys, we are in a sovereign country after all, and such an infiltration is inherently shady. We must not fire first, otherwise it will be very troublesome. Those Chinese soldiers are not easy to mess with. Didn't you notice that they are all young? Very, very young. About as old as my son." Lieutenant Sam said with a smile.

"But what about the mission?" Ray asked grumblingly.

"Fuck his mission, this is not our war, we shouldn't have been involved in it. Let the Japanese kids toss it, any of our sacrifices are not worth it. You and I both know that our military operation is completely It doesn't make sense. Japan wants to invade China again. It's a joke. With China's current strength, it will take a few months to organize a reserve army of [-] million. Unless nuclear weapons are used, no one can stop the rise of this country. Besides Doesn't China have nuclear weapons? Times have changed, and war against China is definitely not in the interests of the United States." Kuaiqiang curled his lips and said, looking very clear about the world situation.

"Quick Gun is right! Ray's mission belongs to the mission, but we have to change the content of the mission a little bit. From now on, we will give up the mission of finding the secret facilities of the People's Liberation Army, and instead continue to lurk and wait for the mission to end. If you feel bored, want to If you want to have some fun, then we can secretly help these young people. Guide those outstanding Chinese scout boys to find their real enemies. I don’t like those chirping little dwarfs very much. It’s time for Japanese children to eat Lost." Lieutenant Sam said with a smile to the team members around him.

In the tropical rainforest in the night, you can't see your fingers, chewing a fresh young leaf in the mouth of a sharp knife, lurking on a tree, wearing a thick jungle camouflage, and serving as a security mission, while others are scattered in a defensive formation Open, each found some comfortable positions and took the time to rest. This is already the tenth day they have been chasing the "prey"...

In the past ten days, Yeyangjian and the others gave up all their supplies and plunged into the vast tropical rainforest, biting the mysterious team in front of them tightly.Put on an all-out stance to seek a chance for a decisive battle.But the other party seems unwilling to have more contact with them. Relying on their excellent jungle warfare experience and high tactical quality, they often retreat from Ye Yangjian's encirclement. The closer they are, the more Ye Yangjian feels that they are It's the wild wolf that bites the hedgehog and has nowhere to bite.

During the march during the day, Sharp Knife and AK, who were walking on the outpost, discovered the traps and booby traps set by the enemy many times. Judging from the frequency and quantity, they were getting closer and closer to the enemy, so Ye Yangjian decided to slow down the pace of pursuit, so that Brothers who have been tired for several days, take a good rest.

"Baron, there is a call from the wolf's lair. Ask the whole team to withdraw." Guitar, who is also a messenger, said quietly to Ye Yangjian, who was slowly crawling beside Ye Yangjian with a gun in his hand.He just received the retreat order from the headquarters 1 minute ago.

"Is that the way to leave?" Ye Yangjian opened his eyes wearily after hearing the sound, and then glanced at the tree.Two small leaves fell from the tree, and Ye Yangjian nodded in satisfaction.It was the vigilant sharp knife greeting him.

"Veterinarian, what do you think?" Ye Yangjian gestured and called the vice monitor veterinarian who was also awake and asked.

"It's not reconciled, but the opponent is indeed very strong. We can't see it, catch up, or touch it. We knew they were right in front of us, but we never had a chance to fight, so they led us around in the woods. Damn it! This feeling is very bad, being led by the nose..." The veterinarian touched the back of his neck and pinched a mountain leech that was full of blood. There was a piece of blood on his finger. He saw He threw it into his mouth without looking at it, "leech is a good medicinal material", the veterinarian muttered to himself.

"Don't underestimate yourself, in fact, they don't feel good. It's already obvious that they don't want to exchange fire with us, otherwise their snipers will easily kill one or two of us when they silence us for the first time. At first they may have thought of taking us to play, but later they found that they were bitten by us and refused to let go. These days, they go to bed later than us and wake up earlier than us, all they want is to distance themselves from us Get rid of us completely. I reckon they are going to reach their limit. Hehe, these foreigners are so fucking interesting..." Ye Yangjian took out an individual landmine whose fuse had been removed, and smiled.The printing on it has been removed but the word 'us' can still be seen.Ye Yangjian's foreign language is not good, but he can still understand such basic things.

"Captain, you have an idea, to chase or not to chase? The order from above has come down, so we can't wait too long." The guitarist also felt unwilling.It's all at this juncture, why did the retreat order from above come at such an inopportune time?After ten days of chasing, the whole team was simmering with anger.I can't wait to go up with a knife and have a few rounds with the enemy.

"The duty of a soldier is to obey. Since there are orders from above, there must be other arrangements. Brothers are tired and should go back." Ye Yangjian is not the kind of dead-headed one. It may not be possible to immediately intercept the enemy in front.There are more and more traps set by the enemy ahead, if any teammate is injured, the loss outweighs the gain.Besides, the mountain of military orders does not allow him to think about personal heroism.

"We and the other party are at most a tie this time. Through this mission, we must realize our own shortcomings. In addition, we must also see the gap between us and other cutting-edge troops in the world. We can no longer work behind closed doors. But then again, as long as They dare to continue to try to invade our country, so we will meet again in the future! There will be a day when we meet again! Artist, go and wake up the brothers, we are now withdrawing from the war zone..." Ye Yangjian patted the guitarist on the shoulder and ordered road.

The guitarist nodded, holding a gun and quietly groping into the dark rainforest. Only he himself knew where everyone was hiding.

"...Baron, Baron. Due north, 2 o'clock direction, unknown situation is found, approaching me..." The sharp knife of the sniper standing guard on the big tree on one side reported the report to the whole team through the soldier radio.

Almost at the same time, everyone's eyes opened...

"Detailed report. Cobra, provide a detailed line-of-sight report." Ye Yangjian lurked in the grass, gently pulled the bolt of the gun and asked on the individual radio station.

"The thermal imager shows that there are signs of heat source activity at 2 o'clock in the north. The number of people is unknown, and the distance is about 200. The moving speed is slow. Our imager is not performing well, and I am sorry that we cannot provide more data." Moments later, the voice of the cobra came come out.

"Assault team assemble." Ye Yangjian ordered decisively, and after a while, all 5 members of the assault team had slowly crawled around Ye Yangjian and waited for the order.

"Big Bear, Tank, go to our backside, and place traps on the routes they must pass. As many as there are."

"Sharp knives, poisonous snakes, your sight range is not good at night, don't expose it rashly, give me a chance to kill the most important target."

"Cobra go join the fireteam, we need your line of sight. Pay attention to coordinated protection."

"Assault team! Add silencers to your weapons, and put them all in ambush. When they pass by, we will use our strength from behind to kill them all!" Ye Yangjian ordered viciously in the soldier's desk. It's been a long time since the day came.



"The Cobra is in place..."

The veterinarian lurked in place with the other three members of the commando.Get ready to perform strong commando missions from behind.

Ye Yangjian pulled out a Type 92 9mm military pistol with a silencer on it, lay flat on the half-person-high grass, and waited patiently with his eyes closed. He opened a distance of nearly 100 meters from the commando. And behind him are the traps set by tanks and big bears, booby traps, individual mines and other explosive devices.His task is to kill the enemy's pioneers who are exploring the way in front of him, and he must not make any movement. Although he is prepared to play or not, whether he can play this game well or not depends on this chess eye.

The sky is covered by large ###belt trees, no starlight can be seen, the night in the jungle is dark and frightening, the grass branches are full of atomized dew, and some insects chirp from time to time, everything is so natural The back of Ye Yangjian, who was lying in the grass, was already soaked, but he didn't notice it. He controlled his heart rate by breathing, and listened quietly to the surrounding movements with his ears up. Although it was very slight, he could hear something. Footsteps approached slowly.The sound of stepping on the grass slowly was getting closer.

"No, there are two!" Ye Yangjian scolded secretly, empiricism kills people. In the past, when his troops were training, they always used two pioneers to explore the way.I didn't expect that the enemy was actually two people exploring the way at the same time, so it was very difficult for me to kill them quickly in an instant, and ensure that they would not make a sound or shoot to expose them.Which country's tactic is this?Ye Yangjian's mind was still quickly filtering the materials he had learned in the military history class.

"...Damn it!! Is it these bastards?" Ye Yangjian, who recalled carefully, suddenly flashed a tactical report he had read before.The blood all over his body boiled instantly.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces 'jss' special service group is a special tactical force that completely imitates the US 'Green Berets' in terms of equipment. There are less than six hundred people.It can be regarded as one of Japan's ace troops, and the predecessor of this modern special warfare force was the Japanese "Kwantung Army" that once invaded China and killed tens of thousands of compatriots from the motherland!

"These bastards still dare to come?! I donate my life today, and I will tell you whether you will come or not!" Ye Yangjian slowly retracted the pistol in his hand, and gently inserted it back into the right thigh. From the side holster, he reached out and pulled out the tactical knife on the back of his waist, and bit it tightly in his mouth.Closing his eyes again, Ye Yangjian began to copy and estimate the enemy's movements in his mind.It was getting closer, getting closer, and Ye Yangjian, who was lying on the grass, could even hear the slight sound of the opponent's clothes rubbing together, moved his joints a little, and he started to move...

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