Broken wolves

Chapter 44

Chapter 44


"I order! The 'Flagaze-class' destroyer near the offshore drilling platform! The 'Hatsuyuki-class' frigate! Immediately go to the scene of the incident and carefully search for the surviving Imperial Japanese soldiers and citizens. I must understand the details. Also carefully search the nearby Any suspicious ships found in the sea area should be destroyed immediately!" Minister of the Navy Koizumi Kiichiro is very angry now, he is sure that this must be done by the People's Liberation Army, but he has no evidence!An unknown explosion occurred on a Japanese drilling oil platform in the East China Sea? !Sink to the bottom of the sea for a moment? !When the news came, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force Staff Supervision Department, the Navy Minister Koizumi Kiyoshiichiro immediately instructed.

Technical means such as aerial satellite reconnaissance pictures and radar are in a normal working state, but there is no evidence that the PLA fleet has taken any action.Missile attack?No way.Offshore platforms have anti-missile warning facilities, not to mention that one or two missiles cannot completely destroy offshore drilling platforms.Even if it is really attacked by missiles, soldiers and staff of the Self-Defense Forces stationed on the platform send messages back to call the police, and there is still time to call for help.Offshore drilling rigs are no small matter.This involves the future oil reserves and strategic initiative of the Empire of Japan!Now, he needs detailed information...

"Report to the captain! Fleet orders!" A staff officer of the Japanese Navy Self-Defense Force ran into the captain's room.

"Read!" The captain of the destroyer Haze, Takashi Ito said, spit out a word from his mouth.

"At 1.25:2 today, the Japanese oil drilling platform in the East China Sea was operating, but an unknown explosion suddenly occurred. I ordered your ship to rush to the location of the incident quickly. If you encounter any suspicious ships, destroy them. If you encounter the People's Liberation Army fleet, keep it safe Proper distance, report immediately. The shortest distance must not be less than [-] nautical miles!" The ship's staff officer immediately read out the order of the Navy Fleet of the Japanese Maritime Defense Ministry.

"Understood! Order the wheel set! Two into one!" Captain Yidong Takashi took the order and looked at it. After confirming that it was correct, he picked up the radio handset and issued the order.

"Yes! Two wheels into one!" The wheel crew leader in the cab immediately issued an acceleration command to the engine room!

"Navigation, distance!" Yidong Takashi told the sailors beside him.

"Report to the captain, the distance is 75 nautical miles. According to the current speed, it will take 2 hours and 15 minutes!" The navigator spread out the chart on the table, calculated the distance and immediately gave the answer.

"Captain, report to the incident location at 0215?" The ship's combat staff officer on the side asked Captain Yidong Takashi for instructions.

"Report 0230! You don't need to specify the location of the drilling platform, just write the designated location! Read the complete message once!" Yidong Gaozhi thought for a while and said.

"Report! The Imperial Japanese Navy Fleet Command, our ship will arrive at the designated location around 03.45 today!" the combat staff read.

"Does the captain have anything to add?" The staff officer asked the captain again before going down.

"Consultant, so when I was not transferred to the Banner, what weapons would you use to deal with the fishing boats from Taiwan and the mainland?" Yidong Gaozhi looked at the chart for a while and suddenly turned around and asked.

"Warning with auxiliary guns!" The staff officer replied.

"How many rounds are usually fired?" Takashi Yito nodded, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, tapped it on the cigarette case and asked again.

"Captain, 36 rounds!" The staff officer thought for a while and gave a number.

"How many rounds do you usually hang on the secondary gun? 36 rounds? That's too little!" Yidong Takashi said with a puff of smoke.

"There are quite a few captains. The two sides only use secondary artillery as a warning because of a slight conflict over the sovereignty of territorial waters. If they sink the opponent's ship, it will cause a lot of trouble." The staff officer truthfully reported the situation to the newly appointed Captain.

"Each cannon has 150 rounds, and the main cannon must be ready!" Yidong Takashi said with a sneer.

"The shells and fuzes of the main shells are packed separately. Once installed, it may not be easy to store!" Main gun?The staff officer said hello in his heart, and he still needs to use the main gun when he encounters a fishing boat?Is it worth it?The staff officer probably felt surprised and expressed his concern.

"It's okay, just go back and change it!" Yidong Gaozhi said confidently.

"Yes, my lord, ask the ammunition chief to come up and unseal 32 fuzes. Navigator Kawasaki-kun, go down and implement it, and prepare a report!" The staff really realized the seriousness of the matter now!

The destroyer 'Chuxue' not far from here also received the same order at this time, and the two ships immediately turned their bows and rushed towards the incident site.

At ten o'clock in the morning, on the deserted island of za-93, Ye Yangjian saw a warship coming from afar.

"Cobra, is that our ship?" the veterinarian asked as he sorted out his gear.There is still a lot of fog on the sea, and everyone can still vaguely see the shadows of ships in the distance.

"Be smart, it's unlikely to be our ship! The evacuation plan is a maritime rescue helicopter, and it's not so generous to send a fleet out!" Ye Yangjian said after thinking for a while.

"Captain Captain! It's an enemy ship!" Cobra said immediately after observing the incoming ship with a telescope.

"Trouble! Hurry up! Everyone hides! All unnecessary equipment sinks into the sea immediately. The guitarist radio station is handed over to you, hide it for me! It's up to it if you can go back!" Ye Yangjian issued an order, and the wolves Everyone in the team immediately sank all the unnecessary equipment into the sea, ran to the back of the stone mountain, used their lurking skills, and lay down quietly.

It's a pity that it was too late, the Japanese warships Hazekaze and Hatsuyuki came too fast.With their advanced detection equipment, they discovered two small boats moving at high speed two hours ago.After negotiation, the 'Chuxue' stayed at the sunken spot of the offshore platform to carry out rescue and search for valuable clues.The 'Flag Wind' was chasing at high speed with full power.

"Captain! We found a deserted island ahead, and there are no suspicious ships nearby. Could they have escaped?" the staff officer of the Bannerman asked tentatively after observing the stone deserted island with a telescope.

"Impossible! There are only two ways for the enemy to go. One is to be rescued by a submarine, and the other is to be picked up by a helicopter, but I think the two possibilities are not very good. The electronic detection equipment of our Imperial Japanese Navy is the world's largest The most advanced, there will be traces of helicopters or submarines." Said Takashi Yidong firmly.

"Then what should we do now? Where will the enemy be? Is it still on the island? How is this possible?" The staff officer felt that the captain had gone too far, and the cause of the explosion on the oil drilling platform had not yet been ascertained.Unless there is a large-scale fleet fire attack, how many people can blow up the entire oil platform?The staff really didn't believe there was such a thing.If this is the case, then the People's Liberation Army is really terrible.Such a powerful enemy, who would run to this deserted island to wait to die?

"I wanted to send a combat team to search the island, but time is running out. This place has already entered the territorial waters of China's first island chain. Fortunately, the East China Sea belongs to the gray area of ​​the dispute between the two countries. Now we have completely entered the waters of China. , You must not stay here for a long time, I guess the PLA fleet will catch up soon. Do not use the main gun, too much movement will cause unnecessary trouble. Order the other guns of the ship to fire immediately!" Takashi Ito I glanced at my watch and immediately ordered.

"Hi!" Although the staff officer felt that there was no need to bombard the stone mountain, he still obeyed the order and made arrangements.

'Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'Boom! Ye Yangjian's wolf pack team hid behind the slope of the rocky mountain that undulates up and down.The Japanese Ship Flag Kaze began to bombard the island continuously, and the continuous and intensive sound of guns crackled and fired outwards with flames, shaking the world, rushing towards the sky, and fluttering in the air!Occasionally interspersed with the salvo of individual artillery, the earth-shaking boom crawled forward, getting closer and closer, filling the deserted islands for many miles around.

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... With the unique whistling sound, they frantically fired bullets at the deserted island.Many pillars of black smoke from the explosion swept into the air like a whirlwind on the uneven sandy land with a diameter of one centimeter wide. poured in...

"Pay attention to concealment! Pay attention to concealment!" The veterinarian loudly reminded his teammates, but unfortunately his voice was too small in the roar of artillery fire.

The black pyrotechnics of shell explosions swept across the deserted island more and more intensely.Shrapnel shells flew out obliquely, and the piercing screams were more and more densely splashed on the entire desert island.The machine gun fire on the starboard side of the ship was strafing with increasing brutality.Banner Wind crazily dumped its firepower without leaving any dead ends.The rocks on the stone mountain of the deserted island seemed to be smashed into pieces, turning into small rivers, and the raindrops flowed back drop by drop...

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!..." Ye Yangjian held his head in his hands, hid behind the rocky mountain, and cursed loudly under the cover of the sound of artillery fire. Because of the parabola, the Japanese army fired Cannonballs and machine gun fire could not hit them directly, but the rocks destroyed by the explosion posed a real threat to them.The huge explosion impact of the large-caliber ship's secondary guns shook the ground. Ye Yangjian felt that his ears had lost his hearing, so he had to open his mouth to relieve the intracranial pressure caused by the violent vibration, otherwise his eardrum might burst .His mouth was full of crushed stones and fly ash, which made him extremely uncomfortable, so he could only open his mouth to curse.

"Buddha bless! Buddha bless!" No time to look at his brothers, all of them were struggling to resist the impact of the shell explosion and flying debris.Lying on the ground without daring to move, even the poisonous snake, who has always been an atheist, began to hug Buddha's feet temporarily and pray for the blessing of the Tathagata...

The shelling lasted only a few minutes...

"Captain! The radar shows that the East China Sea Fleet of the People's Liberation Army Navy has appeared in the nearby waters and is approaching us at high speed. The sonar has also detected a Chinese submarine approaching secretly. The sonar library analyzes that it is a Chinese 09-class nuclear-powered submarine. We must retreat immediately. ! We must retreat!" The staff officer said to Captain Takashi Yito immediately after receiving the report from the sonar cabin.

"Damn it! These Chinese people came so fast! Retreat!" Yidong Gaozhi is not a fool, he knows that if he continues to be brave and stay here, he will be courting death.Blatantly shelling other countries' territories in other countries' territorial waters.Chinese troops can attack them without warning.Just now he has seen some floating things on the sea surface through the telescope, which are the remains of the sunken rubber boat.Although he was unwilling to let the people on the island go, he had no other choice but to order a retreat...

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