Broken wolves

Chapter 47: The Blood of Wolves on the Lone Island!

Chapter 47: The Blood of Wolves on the Lone Island!

Big Bear organized a seafood salvage event. The harvest was not too big, but it was better than nothing, and it was enough for the whole team to last another day.But in the past few days, the weather has been bad and the wind and waves are getting bigger and bigger. Under such circumstances, obtaining food in seawater is too energy-intensive and dangerous, and the cold seawater will consume a lot of energy.In this ghost place, even if the wolf pack team wanted to violate the wild lurk rules and set up a fire to keep warm, toast their clothes and so on, it would be difficult!The entire island could not find any fuel except for some broken thatch. Ye Yangjian didn't dare to touch these broken thatch, because it was their last hope of survival.

The second law of jungle survival: the energy consumed to obtain food must be less than the energy provided by the food!Just like you can't lose money in business.If there is an apple on a tree, you need to consume 200 calories to climb the tree to pick it, but eating the apple can only provide 100 calories, then you will lose money!And in extreme cases, you lose big.And that's not counting the time it takes you to get the food and other food you could get in a different way.In view of this, Ye Yangjian resolutely gave up the action of going to sea to salvage aquatic products.

"Big Bear, ask everyone to clean up the backpacks. The medical supplies needed by the guitarist are stored in a backpack for safekeeping. The others are emptied and ready to be used as rainwater for drinking. Then take apart two to protect the guitarist from the rain... "The ocean climate in the distance is approaching, and Ye Yangjian can already see the dark clouds billowing, lightning and thunder in the far sea, looking at the worsening weather, Ye Yangjian anxiously wants to scold her...

"En! I see," Da Xiong replied, and He Tan pulled out the keel double-edged tactical knife on the back of his waist and began to unpack his backpack.Their field backpacks are waterproof and can be used as containers or as rainproof guys.

"ak! Call again! Then temporarily turn off the radio to prevent lightning damage." Ye Yangjian told ak.At this moment, he was very conflicted, he had stopped expressing any thoughts about this damn radio, but he was looking forward to the last ray of hope, even if it was a tiny one.Because it's about the guitarist's life!It is related to the survival of the whole team!

"Understood the captain! 'The wolves are calling the wolf's lair! Please answer, the wolves are calling the wolf's lair...'" After waiting for 2 minutes, AK turned off the radio helplessly and shook his head at Ye Yangjian. I guessed the result, so I wasn't disappointed and nodded slightly and smiled.The guitarist didn't give up, and he also had to stay optimistic.

"Guitarist, how are you doing today?" Ye Yang pulled himself together and walked towards the guitarist who was undergoing dressing changes by the veterinarian with a warm smile on his face.The veterinarian planned to change the guitarist's new medicine before it rained, and then packed his wound tightly with a rainproof backpack to avoid secondary infection of the wound caused by rain.

"Hi! Captain~ I'm fine. It looks like it's going to rain today!?" The guitarist greeted Ye Yangjian with a smile, but his pale face betrayed the real situation behind his smile. Very weak.In the past few days, he has fainted from the pain countless times, but this is still the best situation!He is afraid of the pain and will not faint. Whenever this time, the veterinarian will inject him with a morphine to relieve the pain, so as to prevent sudden death due to excessive pain.There are only ten morphines in the whole team, and the veterinarian has less and less medicines.

"It's okay, it's fine when it rains, and there will be fresh water when it rains. Don't worry, we are all ready~ This light rain is nothing, we are Lao Ye's most powerful combat unit~" Ye Yangjian added and fought Haha said, looking at the guitarist, he suddenly felt sore in his heart.Pretending to be blinded by sand, he clasped the corners of his eyes with his hands, wiping away a drop of tears that could not be held back.

"Hehe, let me say! Big brother! How are you coaxing the children? You are the field army of 177 and I am not? Don't lie to me, it seems that this time we are in danger..." The guitarist interrupted Ye Yang with a smile Jian Jian's performance, the weather is not optimistic, the storm at sea is no joke.They are in this unobstructed place, and if they are heavy, they may be blown away directly. If they are light, those storms are not so easy to resist.Raging storms at sea can cause massive body heat loss, and without provisions and shelter, anything can happen.It is also at this time that people will feel how small and fragile their own power is in front of nature...

"Listen to me! Class 177, if you want to live together, you must die together. We will never abandon you, and you should not abandon yourself, let alone think about abandoning us first! Otherwise, I will take my brothers to copy the guy , Even if you rush into the Palace of the King of Hades, you will be dragged out and beaten! It’s like beating those recruits, do you understand, boy!?” Ye Yangjian threatened by threatening to shake his fists viciously.

"Success! Big Brother! I'll listen to you, live together and die together, no one will be left behind!" The guitarist said with a smile with trembling lips in the cold weather.He was an orphan since he was a child, and he was with Ye Yangjian and the others on the first day he joined the army. After several years of companionship day and night, he is already closer than his brothers. Ye Yangjian is older and can play the guitar. During vacations, Ye Yangjian likes to take him to play a duet on the sidelines of the training field, playing and singing by himself is very pleasant, and the guitarist always calls him Big Brother in private.

"Well, it's good to know. Don't worry, I know what you're thinking. Now that medical science is so advanced, it's too easy to get a prosthetic that can move freely. It's not that the army doesn't have money. Maybe I can get you an imported high-end product. , the same as the one in RoboCop, dug haha! At that time, your guitar player is awesome, you have a golden left foot, maybe you can play for the Bayi team. Maybe it depends on you to lead the national team Those gang ### rushed out of Asia and went to the world~ I will go to my uncle when I go back, and he will not approve the money if I go back. So many of us brothers turned against us together! Fuck it, if he really dares not approve the money My lord, steal all his special offerings and sell them, I reckon they can be worth a lot!" Ye Yangjian said as he sat next to the guitarist and patted him on the shoulder as if joking.Ye Yangjian was looking for hope for him. People live for one hope. He was really afraid that this brother who loves to play guitar and football the most would miss it.

"Mao! You told me to take those gang ### to play football? Knock on me! If our tenth class goes to the World Cup, we don't even need a goalkeeper. With empty goal tactics, just ten of us will rush out of Asia, and others will enter us One goal, we dare to score two of them! What can those national team idiots do? Tanks can overthrow them and a team, and they also bring bench players and coaches along the way. Hahaha~ Our wolf pack team is the strongest! "The guitarist seemed to be in a good mood, and was very interested in bragging with Ye Yangjian.

"Success! Just say this to you, we will stop being old when we go back, and apply for the Bayi team collectively! Kill all the original gang of grandsons, and then go to the World Cup stadium to beat up the little devil to avenge you. We don't The shot only kicks the person up and then hits the crotch. If one is abolished, the red card is the red card. We don’t care! If the referee dares to jb, just ask the company commander to take him down and tie him to the goal. The recruits are practicing throwing grenades!" Ye Yangjian also laughed and talked about Dashan endlessly.

"That's a good relationship! Hehe, Captain, do you still remember? When we first joined the army, we practiced throwing grenades for the first time. The big and stupid bear was the first to throw it, but the tall and big one was an idiot, so he raised his hand The grenade was thrown to the back, causing us all to lie down immediately. At that time, I almost didn’t scare my piss out! Finally, the company commander told us that it was a fake grenade, hahahaha~~” The guitarist talked about the original The embarrassing things when I was a recruit, I laughed out tears.

"That's right, do you remember? In the second year when we became veterans, we watched the recruits practice shooting. A recruit who looked like a cow, his pants were wet immediately after being shot! Wahahaha~ he Damn, you're so cowardly~..." Ye Yangjian lit a cigarette and sat beside the guitarist, chatting nonstop about the joys of being a soldier.From time to time, when they talked about interesting things, both of them laughed, and the tears stayed for a long time.

"Brother, it's going to rain, give me a cigarette! I won't be able to smoke after it rains, I'm so hungry these days." The guitarist sighed as he watched the black clouds gradually rolling in. In a low tone, he said to Ye Yangjian in a low voice.

"Okay!" Ye Yangjian took out the special cigarette and lit one, took a deep breath, lit it and handed it to the guitarist.

The guitarist took the cigarette with a smile, took a puff, bulged his cheeks, and opened his mouth to blow out a smoke ring. The wind was already blowing on the sea, and the smoke ring was blown away by the sea breeze as soon as he exited.

"Looks like! I have never had the chance to learn how to blow 'love smoke rings' from a tank in my life. I have been thinking, if I have a girlfriend someday, we will sit by the beach and watch the moon at night. Cigarette playing the guitar, and at the end of the song, spit out a smoke ring of love to give to my beloved girl, that taste must be very beautiful! Haha~ yes! Big brother" said the guitarist with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

"Mao! Don't fucking steal your big brother's limelight! You have to pretend to be b! When you go back, I will take you to the entrance of the university next to my house. It is the university I have studied before. The two of us sat at the entrance. After playing a guitar duet and blowing smoke rings together, at least ten or twenty youthful girls can be deceived! You just want one? You are so fucking useless, don't fucking say you are my Ye Yangjian's brother in the future!" Ye Yang Jian laughs and tears...

The torrential rain at sea is coming!The sky was still covered with wind and clouds just now, and after a while, raindrops as big as soybeans fell from the sky. With a strong gust of wind, the rain curtain came over from behind the mountain, instantly turning the world into a vast expanse of whiteness.

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