Broken wolves

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

It is estimated that Da Xiong suffered a bit of a dark loss during his detention in the detention center.From the tired look on his face, Ye Yangjian could tell that he hadn't slept well for several days.Fortunately, he is strong enough, and there is no injury on his body.Presumably, it is also some tricks commonly used by the police in interrogation. It is not a big deal to them who are born in 177. Ye Yangjian doesn't bother to care about anything, as long as someone can fish it out...

Tank waited anxiously for his partner at the gate of the detention center. As soon as he saw Big Bear walking out of the door, he hugged him without saying anything, and he didn't let go for a long time...

Jiang Xiaolong, the deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau, accompanied Ye Yangjian with an apologetic smile on his face. Just now, the director had called to confirm Ye Yangjian's identity, and asked Jiang Xiaolong to release him immediately from the National Security Bureau. Agent Zhao Dawei was obviously written by Ouyang Bing.

"Squad leader, I knew you would rescue me. I am causing you trouble! Hehe..." Da Xiong scratched his head and said to Ye Yangjian.

"Fuck you!" Ye Yangjian casually tossed a special cigarette, unwilling to bother Big Bear.

"Hehe, Big Bear, you said the wrong thing and angered the squad leader." Tank said, patting Big Bear on the shoulder with a smile.

"Oh! Hmm! Let me think about it. Baron! Fuck you! Why did you come here now! The food in the detention center is absolutely terrible! It's even worse than our cafeteria! And no cigarettes Smoke, damn it! I was so excited to cry when I smelled the smoke..." Big Bear put the special offer under his nose and took a few greedy sniffs.

"That's pretty much the same, you're an old buddy, why the fuck are you being so polite to me?" Ye Yangjian kicked Big Bear with his ass.

"Why did you two come here together? Did something happen?" Seeing that Ye Yangjian and Tank came to fish him together, Da Xiong instinctively felt that something might have happened.

"Go back to take a shower and change clothes, say goodbye to your father, and say that it is a sign of the country that you go back to assist in performing special tasks. Everyone else has gone to the veterinarian to gather, and we have to go to the poisonous snakes! Hurry up, there is not so much time, Let’s talk on the way. It’s just you guys who don’t worry. You’ve only been back for a few days and you’re causing trouble everywhere,” Ye Yangjian scolded Big Bear while jumping into the car.Hunran got into fights as soon as he got home, and forgot about handing over the pistols of the Guoan agents.

"What's the matter? You should explain clearly..." Daxiong asked hurriedly, a little puzzled.

"Hurry up, we have a mission! Isn't that clear enough!" Tank also jumped into the car and said.

"Mission!? ###! Go! Go! Go! Hurry up..." Big Bear opened the door and hurried in, and the Jinbei van was launched immediately, and it flew away at an unimaginable speed...

"It's so messed up! These agents are so fucking awesome. One day I will look for ways to see if I can be recruited...." No one greeted or said goodbye to Deputy Director Jiang, Ye Yangjian and the other three even He didn't pay attention to him from the beginning to the end, Jiang Xiaolong stood beside the detention center and not only sighed secretly...

Deputy Director Jiang opened the car door and sat in. His eyes were catching sight of his plump general belly that was almost pushing the steering wheel, and he thought about the strong figures and vigorous skills of those people just now. The deputy director of our County Public Security Bureau The adult thought it was funny and shook his head: "Without that diamond, we can't stop the porcelain work. Hehe, I'd better be my little bureau chief honestly."


Dim street lamps illuminate the road surface, casting a dim light on the sidewalk. There are not many pedestrians on the sidewalk. Under each street lamp, there are some young women standing against the lamppost with cigarettes in their mouths, or together in twos and threes. They were chatting in low voices, and from time to time they gave out a charming and coquettish smile, and some were chatting with some men who were looking around.They are all in their teens and 20s. Most of them wear heavy makeup, with their snow-white arms and thighs exposed in revealing clothes. Under the dim street lights, they bloom like poppies that belong to the dark coquettishness.The smell of cheap perfume permeated the young body, slowly drifting around, adding some ambiguity and excitement...

This is the 'city village' in city d, commonly known as a slum.A three-way area located in the west of City D.The former leadership of the city government of d planned to vigorously build the western part of the city and expand the city, so at that time there were demolition and construction of buildings everywhere, and even the housing prices in the western part also went up, doubling within a year, making the developer a lot of money.In order to compensate for more housing area when the government demolishes and relocates, the residents here are scrambling for space to build buildings, so the area is surrounded by self-built houses of about three floors.However, the government team changes every few years, and the new leadership team is not willing to waste money and people to expand the city, but prefers to renovate the old urban areas.So much so that the development of the West District seems to have stopped overnight. The people who bought houses at a high price in the West complained a lot. The aftermath of the lack of living, transportation and supporting facilities is that very few people are willing to live here.The West District has also gradually become a dead city in D City, quietly waiting for the next leader's fortune.As the saying goes, 'one emperor, one courtier'...

The surrounding aborigines seem to have also suffered a lot. The excessive construction of houses waiting for demolition resulted in a large number of vacant houses, which can only be rented out at very low prices.Because of its low housing prices, it is very suitable for precarious ladies and migrant workers.So gradually, this place became a famous red light district in the whole city, and the prices of ladies are very cheap.Limited by the layout of the building, there are deep and dark alleys everywhere. There are also many shy or unwilling street girls in the alleys. There are small storefronts with colorful lights in each alley. Small businesses such as 'health products' or tobacco shops. . . .

A black suspender dress wrapped her plump body, revealing her white shoulders, arms and thighs.With a lighted cigarette dangling from her lips, Liu Yan Hongyan stood at the entrance of an alley, where she did business.

The left side of her face was a little red and swollen, and the bright lipstick on the side of her mouth, which was smoking a cigarette, was a bit spent. It was made when she was doing business just now, and the middle-aged man insisted on sucking her tongue.Liu Yan didn't want to, she couldn't yell because as soon as she yelled, the guests would take advantage of it.She had no choice but to resist with her lips tightly pursed. The man rubbed and arched Liu Yan's soft lips without prying them open, and finally shook her mouth angrily.

There are rules for each line. Although the lady prostitutes herself, she absolutely does not want guests to kiss her. It is funny to say that it is as funny as trying to be a bitch and setting up a chastity memorial archway.So most girls will not kiss guests.Of course, there are exceptions. If the customer is willing to tip, then everything will be fine.

A kiss is the last dignity of these ladies.Although this dignity comes so cheap, it seems that it is easy to be taken away by others, but Liu Yan still stubbornly adheres to this rule.For her, prostitution is forced by life, and her kisses are only reserved for the person she loves the most.

Taking out her mobile phone, Liu Yan checked the time, it was already past 1 o'clock.The men who came out to find sex had either found the tender land, or went home contented.The business for four weeks began to fade, and she wanted to do another business so that she could rest tomorrow.Her period is coming tomorrow and she will be out of work for a week.It is indeed quite a lot of pressure for her to bear the life pressure of two people.

I can go shopping with him tomorrow, I haven't been to a movie theater for a long time, I really want to go to see a movie..." Liu Yan said to herself, but smiled slightly on her face. She looked at her rental The little house she lives in. She has been doing this for 2 years, and since she was 19 years old after graduating from high school, this is the happiest few days she has felt, because for the first time, a man is willing to protect her. He is willing to stand up when he is most helpless and afraid. Everything makes him look so different.

Different from those so-called 'men' in the past.All they want is their bodies, or their hard-earned money.Although their rhetoric was very deceptive, but after achieving their goal, everyone chose to leave in the same way. There was no goodbye, no reason, and no result, because she was a bitch.

He was silent, even sad, he smoked and drank.But no matter how much he drank, he never beat or scolded himself. He just sat in the corner silently stroking a short knife in his hand and weeping silently. What kind of past made him so sad?

Liu Yan didn't know what kind of knife it was, and she wasn't afraid. She didn't care if this man had killed someone or committed some felony, he didn't even know the man's name.She only knows one thing, it's good that this man won't hurt himself and can protect himself.It would be nice to sleep soundly in his arms after get off work every day.I don't want much, just a safe embrace...

"Tomorrow, I must take him out to watch a movie, um! It's decided, buy him another bottle of good wine, let him have a good drink." Liu Yan showed a happy smile, tidied her clothes, and smiled. Looking outside the alley, I hope to receive another order of business.

Under the dim light, a Jinbei van slowly stopped on the side of the road, the door was opened with a 'swipe', and three strong men jumped out of the car, the leader was a little shorter than 1.8 meters However, it looks like a monkey with a back and a wasp waist, which is very strong.The two stronger guys following behind were both 1 meters away, as strong as iron towers.The three of them walked in a row unconsciously, walking in the direction of Liu Yan with neat steps, unified and powerful. . . . . . . .

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