Walking up to the second floor where the earl was, everyone took their seats.

The second floor is still a hall, but this hall is in much better condition than the hall on the first floor, at least it is a luxury in Afghanistan.Air conditioners, TVs, computers, flowers, and murals are all available, and the floor is also covered with local unique pure wool handmade carpets.

"This is Earl, my life and death brother in the OP special team." Black Hawk introduced to the team members.

The count clasped his hands together and saluted Zhao Ziyang and others with Nepalese etiquette.This is the most basic etiquette for Nepalese. In their country, even if they meet a stranger, they will habitually greet them with this Buddhist etiquette.

Zhao Ziyang and others imitated the earl's appearance and clasped their hands together in return.

"Count, this is the deputy head, Ye Rose, and this is Pandora, Blade, Swart, Mandala, Scytheman, Omo, and the special forces."

When introducing Zhao Ziyang, the earl's eyes lit up, and he asked Zhao Ziyang, "Are you Chinese?"

"Yes, I am Chinese." Zhao Ziyang nodded.

"Not bad, not bad!" The earl nodded repeatedly, pointing to his own yellow skin, then to Zhao Ziyang's yellow skin, and winked playfully at Zhao Ziyang.

This blinking action was caught in the eyes of others, and he couldn't help but feel a little funny.Because the earl's mischievous appearance did not match his fierce face at all, and there was an unspeakable sense of humor.

"Hahaha..." Hei Ying laughed loudly, pointed at the Earl and said, "You are still the same as you were back then. Cut the gossip, I have something to discuss with you this time."

Before even exchanging pleasantries, Black Eagle explained to the Earl straight to the point his future intentions.

"Damn it, I knew it wasn't good for you kid to find me. I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and I'm still so irritable." The earl scolded with a smile, and said with a straight face: "If you need weapons, I will provide you with weapons. If you need money, I will provide you with money." I will provide you with as much money as you need, I am afraid that not many of our team survived back then, we used to be the closest brothers in life and death."

This sentence is straightforward, but when Zhao Ziyang heard this sentence, he tasted a different taste: the closest life and death brothers... It seems, it seems that this time the help will make up for the former comrades-in-arms, and then...

"No, I want Gurkha mercenaries!" Black Hawk stared into the earl's eyes and said slowly: "Gurkha mercenaries are the best mercenaries in the world, and I need your mercenaries to help me complete a mission. Of course, the commission will not be less than a dime."

The count was a little silent after hearing what Black Eagle said, but he readily agreed.

"No problem!" The count looked away from Black Eagle's face, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, thought for a while and said to Black Eagle: "Old man, I can be hired by you to complete any task, But I must remind you of one thing."

"Say." Hei Ying smiled slightly, took out his lighter and lit a cigarette for the Earl, and sat there quietly listening.

"Your mercenary group should operate in a different way, otherwise it will disappear from the mercenary world sooner or later. And you will be the first to die." The earl smoked a cigarette, his face full of sincerity.

Anyone could see that the earl was trying to persuade Black Hawk.

"No!" Black Eagle said firmly: "We lurkers have our own beliefs, and we will never serve powerful countries!"

Not only Hei Ying had a firm face, but Angel and the others all had a firm face, except Zhao Ziyang.

Zhao Ziyang has always been very puzzled and puzzled by the belief of the lurkers. They are mercenaries, they are not saviors.Mercenaries should do what mercenaries do. Whoever pays them will serve them. They only serve third world countries. Sooner or later they will suffer a devastating blow.

Any game has its own rules. The rule in the mercenary world is to serve money. Once you have your own belief in fighting, you will become a fixed camp. This fixed camp of pure military power will be hit immediately.

Every member of Lurker is outstanding in the mercenary world, but it can never compete with a country.It is a good thing for a mercenary group to condense spiritual beliefs, but some beliefs are a double-edged sword.

"Black Hawk, you have to understand that the world is always dominated by powerful countries. I think you can change your thinking and try to get along with European and American countries, maybe you can..."

"Shut up!" Black Eagle stood up abruptly from the sofa, pointed at the earl and shouted loudly: "Have you forgotten the sixteen comrades who died? Have you forgotten how the government treated us? Your former soldier Where is the pride? No matter what, I will not bow to a powerful country, even if I die."

"Hahaha, boss, drink a glass of water, don't say you don't bow your head, I am the first young gambling god in Las Vegas not to bow your head, sit, sit, don't hurt your anger, hahaha..." The blade was sharp Handed Black Eagle a glass of water to appease Black Eagle's outburst of anger.

Complicated emotions appeared in the Earl's eyes, he pinched the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and rubbed his cheek vigorously.

"Let's talk about the mission." The count didn't want to talk about Black Hawk, and chose to avoid this topic.

It can be seen from his eyes that the earl is persuading Black Hawk from the bottom of his heart.If it weren't for the life-and-death comrade-in-arms relationship between the two, he would never have said such a thing.

"Huh..." Black Eagle took a deep breath, patted the earl on the shoulder and said, "You and I have different pursuits. Your responsibility is to bring the Gurkhas back to Nepal alive after earning money. I understand."

"Hehehe..." The earl smiled dryly, nodded to soothe his emotions and said, "Let's put the task aside for now, let's have a good chat?"

"Talk about your sister?" Hei Ying burst out from his mouth.

"Hahahaha..." The two looked at each other and laughed, and walked out with their shoulders crossed like young people.

The time was left for the two to reminisce about the old days, and the other members of the mercenary group also temporarily relaxed.It will take some time for the Norwegian army to bypass Africa and enter Afghanistan in order to deceive people. This period of time just gave the lurkers a chance to prepare.

In view of the large number of Defender mercenaries hired by the Norwegian side this time, Lurkers had to find a relatively reliable ally to help with the implementation of this mission.Although they are all elites, their manpower is too small, and other members of the mercenary group are also on missions all over the world, so there is no way to spare more manpower.

The purpose of finding the earl this time is to let them contain the defenders mercenaries head-on, and then the lurkers successfully complete the sniper attack on the Norwegian army.

In short, the lurkers are very embarrassing, and the lack of personnel makes them have to seek help from other mercenary groups in such tasks.But their threshold will still not be lowered, this is the only criterion to ensure combat effectiveness.

But in Zhao Ziyang's eyes, it feels a bit pedantic. Sometimes there are more people and more strength. This is what Grandpa Mao said, and it has a strong tactical and truthfulness.Defeating the enemy's dominant force with a small number of elite troops is the essence of special operations, but when all special forces come out, this becomes a confrontation between the elite, and the large number of people naturally has an absolute advantage.

A group of people were drinking casual wine in the lobby on the first floor, chatting and beating each other.

After seeing Zhao Ziyang and the others coming, the other mercenary regiments in the hall chose to make room for them.

The strong in the mercenary world are respected, and those who are not respected will not live long.There are no legal constraints between them, only some general rules that mercenaries need to abide by.

For example, when a group of mercenaries gather at a mercenary gathering place, if there is any grudge between the two parties, they can resolve it on the spot. The prerequisite is that guns are not allowed. As for using intercontinental missiles when you come out of this place, no one cares about you.

There are also mercenaries and mercenaries, apart from encountering and fighting on the battlefield, they usually avoid each other in private, and try not to create friction with each other.

Hate is important, money and life are more important.

In addition, mercenaries can use any conventional or unconventional weapons, but they will never touch weapons of mass destruction.Although these weapons can greatly increase their strength, they will die when they get these weapons: countries will not allow them to have weapons of mass destruction.

"An Qier." Zhao Ziyang squeezed to An Qier's side.

But when Angel saw him approaching, she got up and walked to another place, without giving him any face.

Zhao Ziyang, who didn't know where he provoked Angel, scratched his head and followed, feeling a bit stalking.

"Hush—" a loud whistle sounded, and it was unknown which mercenary whistled at Angel.

There is no way, Angel is too beautiful, no matter where she goes, she is always the focus.There used to be quite a few mercenaries who fought duels for Angel, those who failed were frustrated, and those who won were bruised and swollen, and were beaten by Angel.

This little girl's vision is very high, and most people don't like it at all.

"Go educate that uneducated guy!" An Qier pointed to the direction of the whistle and said to Zhao Ziyang.

"Understood." Zhao Ziyang immediately walked towards the group of mercenaries like a thug, with a fierce expression on his face.

Usually he wouldn't be Angel's thug, but now he has another problem to talk to Angel.When begging for help, you have to lower your posture a little bit, who made Angel be a woman who takes soft things but not tough ones.

"Hey, come out!" Zhao Ziyang casually pointed at a mercenary and shouted loudly.

Someone is making trouble again!

The mercenaries who feared that the world would not be chaotic immediately screamed. Their favorite program was to watch fights, which was something that could relax them.Of course, if there are women, they are more willing to look for relaxation after the outbreak in women.

"I bet the special forces win." Dao Feng took out a handful of dollars and said to Omo and the others.

"Cut..." A group of mercenaries stretched out their middle fingers at the blade at the same time.

Maybe they didn't trust Zhao Ziyang that much in the past, but now they can be sure that Zhao Ziyang will win, even if there is another polar bear like Omo.

"Hey, guys, is there anyone who plays two?" Dao Feng stood up and raised the US dollars in his hand and shouted: "Let the thin Chinese kid fight this guy who is as strong as an African lion, and the Chinese kid will lose ten , The African lion pays two for one, has anyone come?"

Except for the women, the mercenaries only drink and gamble. When they saw someone starting a game suddenly, their interest was immediately aroused.

On a small wine table moved by Daofeng, someone immediately dropped money to bet. Judging from the amount of bets, Zhao Ziyang was obviously not favored. There were only a few scattered US bills, most of which were provocative by Zhao Ziyang. On the sturdy mercenary who got up.

This mercenary was a black man, nearly two meters tall, a head taller than Zhao Ziyang, with explosive muscles all over his body, he looked like a mercenary known for his strength.In comparison, Zhao Ziyang looked extremely thin, of course this is relative.

An Qier glanced at Zhao Ziyang, walked out of the hall with a cold face, not knowing what to get angry about.

"Gaba Gaba..." There was a burst of bone cracking from the black mercenary, which once again made the mercenaries look down on the thin Zhao Ziyang.

The crackling of bones proves that after experiencing various fights, both muscles and joints have been stretched to the greatest extent.Simply put, such a person is good at physical close combat.

"Dao Feng, leave me my share of the money!" Zhao Ziyang, who saw An Qier walking out, gave Dao Feng an order, and ran after him.

"Hey, hey, the game has begun!" Dao Feng shouted at Zhao Ziyang anxiously.

Zhao Ziyang didn't care about the gambling, he had to figure out why this little girl, An Qier, was angry.There's something wrong with this German chick, something wrong, very wrong.Walking up to the second floor where the earl was, everyone took their seats.

The second floor is still a hall, but this hall is in much better condition than the hall on the first floor, at least it is a luxury in Afghanistan.Air conditioners, TVs, computers, flowers, and murals are all available, and the floor is also covered with local unique pure wool handmade carpets.

"This is Earl, my life and death brother in the OP special team." Black Hawk introduced to the team members.

The count clasped his hands together and saluted Zhao Ziyang and others with Nepalese etiquette.This is the most basic etiquette for Nepalese. In their country, even if they meet a stranger, they will habitually greet them with this Buddhist etiquette.

Zhao Ziyang and others imitated the earl's appearance and clasped their hands together in return.

"Count, this is the deputy head, Ye Rose, and this is Pandora, Blade, Swart, Mandala, Scytheman, Omo, and the special forces."

When introducing Zhao Ziyang, the earl's eyes lit up, and he asked Zhao Ziyang, "Are you Chinese?"

"Yes, I am Chinese." Zhao Ziyang nodded.

"Not bad, not bad!" The earl nodded repeatedly, pointing to his own yellow skin, then to Zhao Ziyang's yellow skin, and winked playfully at Zhao Ziyang.

This blinking action was caught in the eyes of others, and he couldn't help but feel a little funny.Because the earl's mischievous appearance did not match his fierce face at all, and there was an unspeakable sense of humor.

"Hahaha..." Hei Ying laughed loudly, pointed at the Earl and said, "You are still the same as you were back then. Cut the gossip, I have something to discuss with you this time."

Before even exchanging pleasantries, Black Eagle explained to the Earl straight to the point his future intentions.

"Damn it, I knew it wasn't good for you kid to find me. I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and I'm still so irritable." The earl scolded with a smile, and said with a straight face: "If you need weapons, I will provide you with weapons. If you need money, I will provide you with money." I will provide you with as much money as you need, I am afraid that not many of our team survived back then, we used to be the closest brothers in life and death."

This sentence is straightforward, but when Zhao Ziyang heard this sentence, he tasted a different taste: the closest life and death brothers... It seems, it seems that this time the help will make up for the former comrades-in-arms, and then...

"No, I want Gurkha mercenaries!" Black Hawk stared into the earl's eyes and said slowly: "Gurkha mercenaries are the best mercenaries in the world, and I need your mercenaries to help me complete a mission. Of course, the commission will not be less than a dime."

The count was a little silent after hearing what Black Eagle said, but he readily agreed.

"No problem!" The count looked away from Black Eagle's face, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, thought for a while and said to Black Eagle: "Old man, I can be hired by you to complete any task, But I must remind you of one thing."

"Say." Hei Ying smiled slightly, took out his lighter and lit a cigarette for the Earl, and sat there quietly listening.

"Your mercenary group should operate in a different way, otherwise it will disappear from the mercenary world sooner or later. And you will be the first to die." The earl smoked a cigarette, his face full of sincerity.

Anyone could see that the earl was trying to persuade Black Hawk.

"No!" Black Eagle said firmly: "We lurkers have our own beliefs, and we will never serve powerful countries!"

Not only Hei Ying had a firm face, but Angel and the others all had a firm face, except Zhao Ziyang.

Zhao Ziyang has always been very puzzled and puzzled by the belief of the lurkers. They are mercenaries, they are not saviors.Mercenaries should do what mercenaries do. Whoever pays them will serve them. They only serve third world countries. Sooner or later they will suffer a devastating blow.

Any game has its own rules. The rule in the mercenary world is to serve money. Once you have your own belief in fighting, you will become a fixed camp. This fixed camp of pure military power will be hit immediately.

Every member of Lurker is outstanding in the mercenary world, but it can never compete with a country.It is a good thing for a mercenary group to condense spiritual beliefs, but some beliefs are a double-edged sword.

"Black Hawk, you have to understand that the world is always dominated by powerful countries. I think you can change your thinking and try to get along with European and American countries, maybe you can..."

"Shut up!" Black Eagle stood up abruptly from the sofa, pointed at the earl and shouted loudly: "Have you forgotten the sixteen comrades who died? Have you forgotten how the government treated us? Your former soldier Where is the pride? No matter what, I will not bow to a powerful country, even if I die."

"Hahaha, boss, drink a glass of water, don't say you don't bow your head, I am the first young gambling god in Las Vegas not to bow your head, sit, sit, don't hurt your anger, hahaha..." The blade was sharp Handed Black Eagle a glass of water to appease Black Eagle's outburst of anger.

Complicated emotions appeared in the Earl's eyes, he pinched the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and rubbed his cheek vigorously.

"Let's talk about the mission." The count didn't want to talk about Black Hawk, and chose to avoid this topic.

It can be seen from his eyes that the earl is persuading Black Hawk from the bottom of his heart.If it weren't for the life-and-death comrade-in-arms relationship between the two, he would never have said such a thing.

"Huh..." Black Eagle took a deep breath, patted the earl on the shoulder and said, "You and I have different pursuits. Your responsibility is to bring the Gurkhas back to Nepal alive after earning money. I understand."

"Hehehe..." The earl smiled dryly, nodded to soothe his emotions and said, "Let's put the task aside for now, let's have a good chat?"

"Talk about your sister?" Hei Ying burst out from his mouth.

"Hahahaha..." The two looked at each other and laughed, and walked out with their shoulders crossed like young people.

The time was left for the two to reminisce about the old days, and the other members of the mercenary group also temporarily relaxed.It will take some time for the Norwegian army to bypass Africa and enter Afghanistan in order to deceive people. This period of time just gave the lurkers a chance to prepare.

In view of the large number of Defender mercenaries hired by the Norwegian side this time, Lurkers had to find a relatively reliable ally to help with the implementation of this mission.Although they are all elites, their manpower is too small, and other members of the mercenary group are also on missions all over the world, so there is no way to spare more manpower.

The purpose of finding the earl this time is to let them contain the defenders mercenaries head-on, and then the lurkers successfully complete the sniper attack on the Norwegian army.

In short, the lurkers are very embarrassing, and the lack of personnel makes them have to seek help from other mercenary groups in such tasks.But their threshold will still not be lowered, this is the only criterion to ensure combat effectiveness.

But in Zhao Ziyang's eyes, it feels a bit pedantic. Sometimes there are more people and more strength. This is what Grandpa Mao said, and it has a strong tactical and truthfulness.Defeating the enemy's dominant force with a small number of elite troops is the essence of special operations, but when all special forces come out, this becomes a confrontation between the elite, and the large number of people naturally has an absolute advantage.

A group of people were drinking casual wine in the lobby on the first floor, chatting and beating each other.

After seeing Zhao Ziyang and the others coming, the other mercenary regiments in the hall chose to make room for them.

The strong in the mercenary world are respected, and those who are not respected will not live long.There are no legal constraints between them, only some general rules that mercenaries need to abide by.

For example, when a group of mercenaries gather at a mercenary gathering place, if there is any grudge between the two parties, they can resolve it on the spot. The prerequisite is that guns are not allowed. As for using intercontinental missiles when you come out of this place, no one cares about you.

There are also mercenaries and mercenaries, apart from encountering and fighting on the battlefield, they usually avoid each other in private, and try not to create friction with each other.

Hate is important, money and life are more important.

In addition, mercenaries can use any conventional or unconventional weapons, but they will never touch weapons of mass destruction.Although these weapons can greatly increase their strength, they will die when they get these weapons: countries will not allow them to have weapons of mass destruction.

"An Qier." Zhao Ziyang squeezed to An Qier's side.

But when Angel saw him approaching, she got up and walked to another place, without giving him any face.

Zhao Ziyang, who didn't know where he provoked Angel, scratched his head and followed, feeling a bit stalking.

"Hush—" a loud whistle sounded, and it was unknown which mercenary whistled at Angel.

There is no way, Angel is too beautiful, no matter where she goes, she is always the focus.There used to be quite a few mercenaries who fought duels for Angel, those who failed were frustrated, and those who won were bruised and swollen, and were beaten by Angel.

This little girl's vision is very high, and most people don't like it at all.

"Go educate that uneducated guy!" An Qier pointed to the direction of the whistle and said to Zhao Ziyang.

"Understood." Zhao Ziyang immediately walked towards the group of mercenaries like a thug, with a fierce expression on his face.

Usually he wouldn't be Angel's thug, but now he has another problem to talk to Angel.When begging for help, you have to lower your posture a little bit, who made Angel be a woman who takes soft things but not tough ones.

"Hey, come out!" Zhao Ziyang casually pointed at a mercenary and shouted loudly.

Someone is making trouble again!

The mercenaries who feared that the world would not be chaotic immediately screamed. Their favorite program was to watch fights, which was something that could relax them.Of course, if there are women, they are more willing to look for relaxation after the outbreak in women.

"I bet the special forces win." Dao Feng took out a handful of dollars and said to Omo and the others.

"Cut..." A group of mercenaries stretched out their middle fingers at the blade at the same time.

Maybe they didn't trust Zhao Ziyang that much in the past, but now they can be sure that Zhao Ziyang will win, even if there is another polar bear like Omo.

"Hey, guys, is there anyone who plays two?" Dao Feng stood up and raised the US dollars in his hand and shouted: "Let the thin Chinese kid fight this guy who is as strong as an African lion, and the Chinese kid will lose ten , The African lion pays two for one, has anyone come?"

Except for the women, the mercenaries only drink and gamble. When they saw someone starting a game suddenly, their interest was immediately aroused.

On a small wine table moved by Daofeng, someone immediately dropped money to bet. Judging from the amount of bets, Zhao Ziyang was obviously not favored. There were only a few scattered US bills, most of which were provocative by Zhao Ziyang. On the sturdy mercenary who got up.

This mercenary was a black man, nearly two meters tall, a head taller than Zhao Ziyang, with explosive muscles all over his body, he looked like a mercenary known for his strength.In comparison, Zhao Ziyang looked extremely thin, of course this is relative.

An Qier glanced at Zhao Ziyang, walked out of the hall with a cold face, not knowing what to get angry about.

"Gaba Gaba..." There was a burst of bone cracking from the black mercenary, which once again made the mercenaries look down on the thin Zhao Ziyang.

The crackling of bones proves that after experiencing various fights, both muscles and joints have been stretched to the greatest extent.Simply put, such a person is good at physical close combat.

"Dao Feng, leave me my share of the money!" Zhao Ziyang, who saw An Qier walking out, gave Dao Feng an order, and ran after him.

"Hey, hey, the game has begun!" Dao Feng shouted at Zhao Ziyang anxiously.

Zhao Ziyang didn't care about the gambling, he had to figure out why this little girl, An Qier, was angry.There's something wrong with this German chick, something wrong, very wrong.

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