The government forces who had no choice but to enter the interior of Gambia, under the escort of three warships, entered the Gambia River from the port of Banjul, and followed the river all the way inward.

The Gambia River is an inland river that runs through the Gambia. The location of the river just cuts the Gambia's cross-section, and it has a very mobile combat force no matter whether it is facing the south or the north.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The sound of naval guns came out, making the calm Gambia River completely boil and noisy. The pungent smell of gunpowder floated along the gun bore to both sides of the bank, and the diffuse smoke of gunfire was instantly pulled away.

Commanding the Gambian government army is the Gambian National Army Mekal. He is a member of the ruling party Patriotic Alliance and Construction Alliance. He is a member of the Jura ethnic group and a member of the Gambian parliament. He is also Yahya's cousin, and is reused by Yahya.

This time to quell the civil strife, Mekal was entrusted by Yahya, and he did not dare to neglect at all.He also knows the importance of this rebellion. If it goes well and the Gambian government is still in the hands of Yahya, then he will naturally have a high position; if it fails, the United Democratic Party and the National Reconciliation Party will unite without hesitation to defeat The Patriotic Alliance and Construction Alliance, which Yahya is the chairman of, will oust Yahya from power, and they will definitely be forced into exile.

"Get ready—fire!"

"Boom! Boom!..."

On the warship, an officer in a navy uniform stood next to the naval gun and gave orders loudly. As the order was issued, shells fired one after another at Brikama, which was first provoked by the lurkers.

The shells landed on the river bank, blasting the woods on the bank one gap after another, and the flying fragments roared wildly, violently sweeping across the completely empty bombing point, leaving deep craters one after another.

"Get ready—fire!"

The officer continued to command loudly with a solemn face, seemingly unaware of the failure of the shell, and there was no superfluous expression on his black face.

The shells continued to bombard the banks of the Brikama River blindly. After the two rounds of bombing ended, the warship continued to move forward, heading deeper into Gambia.

The Lurker members who have been following the three warships showed funny smiles at the same time. These navies are simply putting on a show. They are not here to quell chaos, but more like they are here for fun. Mekal was never seen on the warships from the beginning to the end. figure.

"These bastards!" Dao Feng spat heavily and cursed in a low voice, with uncontrollable murderous intent in his eyes.

"Hey, Daofeng, why are you so restless? This is not like you. It seems that you have killed a lot of people." Omo stretched out his palm like a cattail fan and patted Daofeng, with a teasing smile on his face.

Daofeng, who was patted by Omo, twitched his mouth, shook off Omo's big hand, and shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant manner, with a noncommittal look.

Others looked nonchalant, especially Zhao Ziyang and Pandora.From their calm faces, you can see that they are aware of all the things that may happen next, but they are not calm.

"Boss, the warship has left Brikama, it's time for us to act." Swart said to Zhao Ziyang, with a cruel smile in his eyes.

Zhao Ziyang nodded, took out the jug and took a sip, saw Pandora beside him, and handed the jug to her.

"Drink a little."

"No need." Pandora shook her head, and said with a bright smile to Zhao Ziyang, "I'm used to it, and I don't need to use liquor to suppress the convulsions in my stomach."

Pandora rejected Zhao Ziyang's kindness and continued to smile brightly.It's just that her sunny smile gave Zhao Ziyang a cold feeling, just like the sunshine in three or nine days, it was just a surface.

As the warship moved forward, Zhao Ziyang and his party followed to a small village in Kelewan in the north of the Gambia River.

I don't know the name of this village, but it is undoubtedly a relatively wealthy village.The village is on the Gambia River, and the river port where it is located is a place rich in fishery resources.The reason is that the countercurrent of Banjul Harbor has brought a large number of marine algae plants here, and these algae plants can only reach here, which results in sufficient food, which attracts a large number of fishery resources.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..." The warships approaching the port fired at the fishing boats docked there at the same time, smashing more than a dozen small fishing boats to pieces in an instant.

The villagers at the port were shocked when they saw the three warships suddenly appearing, and ran to the village desperately, shouting in local language.

"Quick, quick!" The officer just now commanded the soldiers to dock the warship on the shore, waving his hands and shouting, beckoning the soldiers to land quickly.

Under the command of the officer, the heavily armed soldiers on the warship quickly landed and rushed towards the village with their guns in hand.

"Da da da..." "Da da da..."

Fierce gunshots rang out, mixed with miserable wailing sounds.After a while, the wailing disappeared, leaving only sporadic gunshots.

The whole village was massacred by government forces, leaving no bones or dogs behind.

After the gunfire stopped, a proud black officer in a white navy uniform walked out of the main ship's cabin.

He is the Mekal who has never appeared, with an ugly and cold face.However, there are several hideous shrapnel scars on this cheek, which is a sign of crawling out of the battlefield.

Mekal has a good figure, and when he stands there, he feels explosive. He is close to two meters tall, and his military uniform is tight on his body, showing the image of a soldier fighting on the battlefield.It is fundamentally different from other senior officials in Gambia.

Under the escort of four soldiers, Mekal walked onto the deck, followed by three sexy girls in revealing clothes.Judging from the undissipated spring spirit and messy hair between the girl's brows, they have had many ups and downs along the way.

Mekal is lustful, which is known to the whole Gambia.People with high power and high positions always have various hobbies, and having countless women is undoubtedly the point that can show their authority to the greatest extent.When men conquer the world, they must also conquer women, and male animals usually have this kind of expansive power.

"Heh, the air here is great!" Mekal, who walked to the edge of the deck, took a deep breath comfortably, sucking the oxygen molecules containing gunpowder smoke and blood into his lungs, with a look of enjoyment.

Zhao Ziyang, who was lurking on the opposite river bank, clearly saw the ferocity on Mekal's face, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mekal's information had long been memorized by him. He was a high-ranking Gambian military official known for his brutality, even worse than Yahya.He had two hobbies in his life, one was killing people, and the other was playing with women.

President Yahya also likes to kill, but Yahya's killing is based entirely on his own emotions, but Mekal's killing is based on interest.It was this that made Yahya attach great importance to his cousin, because only killing people could consolidate Yahya's regime to the greatest extent, and the dead would never plot rebellion.

Mekal also has a nickname in Gambia: executioner.

The three girls came to Mekale's side in a charming manner, showing their flattering smiles.They were picked by Mecale in Banjul, just to entertain them on the road.These three women may not be what he intended, but they must put on a happy appearance, because their lives are in the hands of Mekal.

Mekal, who closed his eyes and breathed the air, frowned slightly. The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke he liked was diluted by a scent of perfume, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Kill!" Mekal moved his lips lightly, sending out a simple word.

The killing word just came out, and the three girls didn't know what was going on, and they were still rubbing their plump bodies against Mekal.Their current thinking is very simple, so simple that they just want to use their bodies to please, and then exchange for Mekal's favor.This kind of thinking is an expression of selfishness, not only the power of the other party, but also the majesty of the other party.

Mecale, in his prime, is like a lion, fighting against the three girls alone without losing the slightest bit.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three clear gunshots sounded, and the heads of the three girls were almost simultaneously opened with three blood holes and fell to the ground.Their faces still had the charm and charm just now, and they didn't even have time to wonder why they were killed.

"Throw it into the river to feed the fish." Mekal took a breath of the strong smell of blood, and ordered the soldiers to throw the three girls into the river.

He never lacks women, for him women are just a plaything.Just now when I was enjoying the atmosphere of the battlefield, I was disturbed by these three women, so they can only die.

Seeing the corpse sinking to the bottom of the river, and a mass of blood rising from the surface of the water, Mekal grinned, and the wound on his face became more and more hideous.

A sniper rifle on the opposite river bank had already locked on Mekal's head, and the blade holding the sniper rifle half-closed his eyes, ready to complete the sniper kill on Mekal at any time.

"Boss, this guy really deserves to be killed." Dao Feng, the sniper, said to Zhao Ziyang: "There are too few Gambian women, this guy is obviously wasting resources."

A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory, this is Zhao Ziyang's evaluation of Daofeng.

"In fact, you can act as the patron saint of the black women in Gambia, so that your life in Gambia will not be lonely." Zhao Ziyang, who was staring at Mekale on the deck, joked casually.

Killing 1 people by others would not make the current Zhao Ziyang feel a little bit of compassion. Standing in his current position, such emotions that belong to human beings are not allowed.I am still struggling to survive, how can I control others.

"Shit!" Dao Feng cursed and argued, "Boss, you know, I only like blondes, I'm not interested in dark skinned ones, they probably have AIDS. You should let Omo be the savior, he is more like."

Omo, who was packing up the explosives, turned black when he heard this, his beard twitched with his muscles, and his eyes stared at the blade with resentment.His attitude towards life is open to anyone, whether it is black or white, as long as it can meet his physical needs, but the boy Dao Feng can't do without AIDS, he is really a jerk.

"Get ready to go into the water." Zhao Ziyang gave an order, slid into the river silently with a gun in his hand, and disappeared on the surface of the water the moment he entered the water.

Omo, Swart and others, who carried explosives on their backs, followed into the water and touched the warship with the help of a straw.

At this moment, Mekal, who had killed three girls, stepped down from the deck and walked towards the village that had just been slaughtered to inspect his harvest.

Suppression is not about fighting with various races. Civilians are sometimes very useful. Their heads are firstly to claim credit and secondly to deter. This has always been a tactic that Mekal has been good at.

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