"Boss!" Dao Feng called Zhao Ziyang.

"Shut up!" Zhao Ziyang yelled, and gently pressed the trigger with his right index finger, with a cruel and ferocious smile on his face.

In the eyes of others, he is playing a gamble with his own life, and the object of this gamble is very unequal to him, it is simply a ridiculous gamble between a lion and an ant.

But Zhao Ziyang knew that he was actually making a big gamble with himself, and it had nothing to do with this little character in front of him.If he wins the bet, he will immediately find the Angel who is waiting for him in the hotel; if he loses the bet, it doesn't matter, he will still turn around if there are fewer lurkers.As for avenging his comrades-in-arms, he didn't think much about it. If he couldn't bet against himself, how could he avenge his comrades-in-arms?

Zhao Ziyang didn't know that he had become an out-and-out lunatic, just as he thought when he joined the Lurker, he had to become a lunatic, otherwise it would be difficult to gain a foothold.

The lurker mercenaries around watched Zhao Ziyang pull the trigger slowly, his heart stopped beating in an instant, and he held his breath and watched Zhao Ziyang shoot himself.

The bar fell into dead silence, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Even the female bodyguards were not breathing, and looked at Zhao Ziyang with strange eyes.

"Hmm..." Zhao Changzheng couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, but immediately covered his mouth tightly with both hands to suppress his discordant tone.

"Hey hey..." Zhao Ziyang gave a sinister smile.

This smile made the scalp of the felon sitting opposite him tingle, and he felt a creepy feeling.The person in front of him is no longer a human being, but a neurotic patient with severe schizophrenia.Russian roulette has lost its meaning. This is basically the oriental man in front of him playing there alone, and he is just a partner.

With the index finger slowly pulling the trigger, the needle device of the pistol moves backwards slowly until it reaches the apex, and then strikes forward at a very fast speed, allowing the separated needle to get enough force to hit the bullet hard Primer.

Everyone's heart twitched heavily at the moment the needle hit, their eyes were wide open, and they prayed frantically in their hearts.

"Crack..." There was a crisp sound, and the needle fell through the air.

"Huh..." There was an almost exhausted exhalation sound from inside the room: no bullets!

Omo opened his clenched fist, and rubbed his two palms vigorously on the trousers of the combat uniform, wiping away the sweat soaked from tension.

"Continue." Zhao Ziyang, who didn't even blink, turned the beer bottle and started the next round of Russian roulette.

The lurker mercenaries who had just relaxed became nervous again, staring at the spinning beer bottle, watching the mouth of the bottle slow down round and round until they were completely still.

The mouth of the bottle pointed at Zhao Ziyang again, it seemed that Zhao Ziyang was not lucky today.

"It's you again! It's you again!" The repeat offender cried nervously and happily, reaching out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

The ferocity and arrogance just now were no longer visible on his face, replaced by the fear of death.He met a more ruthless one, so ruthless that he was terrified.

The pistol was placed on his head again by Zhao Ziyang, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


"Uh..." Omo let out a long moan that he didn't even know, and his two elephant-like legs felt sore.

He was a veteran of Russian roulette and knew better than anyone the psychology of actually sitting down to play the game.It was a kind of uncontrollable fear and tension. The excitement rising in my heart would expand the fear to the greatest extent, and then the expanded fear would increase the excitement that no game could replace.

Omo clearly remembered that he almost peed his pants when he played for the first time, and he fell into a severe collapse after playing, and it took him several days to recover.Up to now, he has cast his admiration for the Chinese special forces, and his boss is just like a normal person.

As for Zhao Changzheng, he couldn't take it anymore and squatted on the ground, watching Zhao Ziyang bet his life there with a pair of frightened eyes, fearing that a bullet would blow Zhao Ziyang's head off.

And Little Wild Cat looked at Zhao Ziyang who was sitting cross-legged in disbelief, she didn't expect things to turn out like this.She held a copper coin in her hand and wanted to knock out Zhao Ziyang's gun, but she couldn't make up her mind whether to knock it out or not.She was sure that if Zhao Ziyang's gun was knocked out at this time, Zhao Ziyang would definitely explode and kill herself without hesitation.

"Continue." Zhao Ziyang put down the gun, grinned, and turned the Russian roulette again.

The tension rose again, and the breath in the bar was completely replaced by this extreme tension, even the bloody smell from the corpse disappeared.

Drip... the beer bottle spun quickly again, and when it stopped, it finally pointed at the tattooed felon as Omo and the others wished.

The serious prisoner looked at the mouth of the bottle facing him, and his expression changed.He knew that he was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of the mental torture before death.

A person walking on the street and being shot through the head by a bullet may not be afraid even if he is fighting someone and dying under someone else's knife, because he has no time to be afraid.And like a prisoner on death row in a prison who knows he must die, he becomes more and more afraid day by day during the long wait. When he is put on the execution ground, he will become incontinent and paralyzed because of the fear of death.

Two different kinds of death, two different reactions, death is not terrible, what is terrible is the mental torture of knowing that one is going to die.

The revolver was pointed at the felon's head, causing his body to twitch uncontrollably.

"Bang!" A burst of flames erupted from the gun barrel, and a bullet shot at the felon, penetrating into his right chest, and a spray of blood splashed out.

Zhao Ziyang moved the muzzle of the gun a little, he didn't intend to kill this guy with one shot.

"Hey..." Zhao Ziyang laughed, licked his lips at the felon and said, "There are still four bullets, let's continue."

Diliuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my mystics to turn on.

"Madman... madman..." Seeing this scene, Dao Feng muttered to himself.

"That's right, the special forces are crazy, much more crazy than us." Pandora, who had been silent since the fight, opened her mouth, sure that Zhao Ziyang was even crazier than them.

Russian roulette wins or loses only in the round that withstands live ammunition, either you die or I die, and you will never procrastinate.But Zhao Ziyang didn't kill the opponent and still played. The more the opponent's chance of survival, the more chance of his death, even a fool can see it.

Zhao Ziyang is naturally not stupid, since he is not stupid, he is a complete schizophrenic, a lunatic, a lunatic whose thinking is separated from that of a lunatic.

"Bang!" Zhao Ziyang raised his hand and shot again, piercing the felon's left chest.

The balance of luck began to tilt towards Zhao Ziyang, as if God knew that he couldn't afford to mess with this lunatic, and was more willing to let him stay in the world and go crazy.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The felon's legs were shot through by Zhao Ziyang again, and he lay limp on the ground, his eyes radiating fear and pleading.Such torture made him overwhelmed, and he would rather be killed with a single shot.

"There is one bullet left." Zhao Ziyang retracted the bullet casing, allowing the felony prisoner to see clearly the last bullet in the wheel.

"Wow..." "Crack!"

The runner was buckled again after spinning rapidly, and the beer bottle was spun again close to the ground.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

All eyes are on the last round, maybe one of them will end their life in this round.

"Zizizi..." The sound of beer bottles rubbing against the floor was so ear-piercing that it made people feel unspeakably irritated.

After the last round of the turn, the mouth of the bottle faced Zhao Ziyang impressively, and the balance of luck tilted again.

"Hahahaha...it's your turn, it's your turn, hahahaha..." The felony laughed loudly, and a special blush appeared on his painful face.

Holding the pistol, Zhao Ziyang pondered for a moment, then stood up and stretched.

After a stretch, Zhao Ziyang stepped on the felon's chest fiercely, and the revolver in his right hand was stuffed into the laughing mouth of the prisoner like lightning, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A bloody arrow shot out from behind the felon's brain occipital bone, piercing through the deformed warhead and hitting the ground, and then bounced into the air to form a stray bullet.

Blood flowed from the felon's mouth and the bullet hole in the back of his head like spring water, his eyes were wide open and full of resignation, as if he was accusing Zhao Ziyang of breaking the rules of the game.

"I'm sorry." Zhao Ziyang let out a disdainful laugh, moved his feet and said to the corpse: "The rules are up to me. Just now—just now, the mouth of the bottle was facing someone."

robber!Shameless!How shameless!

Such thoughts rose in the hearts of everyone in the room, but it was nothing, they were shameless in the first place.Do mercenaries need morality?Obviously, no need, if killing morality can be exchanged for money, they will kill morality without hesitation.

"Papapa..." Zhao Ziyang patted the dust on his buttocks, waved at Daofeng and said, "Bring the heart of the angel and deliver it to the hotel in 10 minutes."

"Understood!" Daofeng jumped into a car and returned to the station to get the angel's heart.

Angel Heart is a diamond necklace, which is inlaid by the best craftsman of Tiffany jewelry company and the best jewelry craftsman in the world.The diamond used is the blood diamond obtained in Sierra Leone, surrounded by bright and small transparent diamonds, showing purity.The entire diamond necklace presents a heart shape, named after Angel: Angel Heart.

"Don't disturb me no matter what happens within 24 hours." Zhao Ziyang told Pandora.

Pandora smiled, a very bright smile.She walked to a corner of the bar, pulled out the flowers in a vase, took out a saber and quickly cut off the roots, and took out a thin silk rope from the little wild cat, tied it up and handed it to Zhao Ziyang.

"Thank you!" Zhao Ziyang, who was holding flowers, jumped into the car and drove towards Angel who was waiting for him. He had won his bet, he was the winner, and the winner would not be hindered by anything.

Gaddafi's female bodyguards had already quietly retreated, and the scene just now made them fully understand who this group of people was.No beast can compare with them. They are a group of lunatics without directional thinking, especially the oriental man who is the leader, commanding people to have boundless fear.

"Idiot, what are you still doing?" Omo stared, and shouted loudly at his teammates: "Go back and find Seth, find Seth, let Seth invade the satellite, quick! Quick! Quick!"

The mercenaries reacted immediately, jumped into the car and returned to the base to look for Seth.Damn, I can't help but watch the spring scenery of the head and the leader, quack quack...

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