The two sides fell silent, the defender quietly waited for the fish to take the bait, and the lurker thought about how to save Omo and the devil safely.

"Gasoline, look for gasoline, hurry up!" Zhao Ziyang issued a hasty order, staring at Omo and the devil in the dark.

The munitions warehouse is not an oil depot, of course there is no gasoline, but the blade has found a pile of industrial alcohol.

"Fill the alcohol into the bottle, quick!"

The mercenaries immediately understood what Zhao Ziyang meant, and quickly poured alcohol into the glass bottle, stuffed it into a piece of cotton yarn and ignited it, making a pile of Molotov cocktails.

"Listen, when I yell to throw, you must immediately throw these Molotov cocktails ten meters away, and then Tiger Shark and I will rescue the devil Omo. Remember, there is only one chance!" Zhao Ziyang released the gun On the ground, he stretched out his hand and called a hulking mercenary over and said, "Tiger Shark, Omo's life is in your hands."

"Boss, I understand!" Tiger Shark nodded, hunched over in a dashing shape.

The flame of the Molotov cocktail was blocked by the mercenaries to prevent the defenders in the dark from noticing anything.

"Get ready-throw!"

"Hoohoo..." There was a burst of wind, and a dozen Molotov cocktails were thrown ten meters away, forming a circle around the Humvee with the Molotov cocktails.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A ball of flame burst out from the shattered Molotov cocktail on the ground, encircling Omo and the devil inside.The moment the flames rose, Zhao Ziyang and Tiger Shark rushed out three steps at the same time, dragging one person each to the supplies warehouse.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two bullets chased Zhao Ziyang's footsteps and hit the ground. Watching Zhao Ziyang's figure flash, he dragged the wounded into a safe area.

"Special soldier, you impress me, giggling..." Foxhun put away the sniper rifle and rubbed his eyes to relieve the eyes burned by the fire under the night vision device, and laughed.

"I told you a long time ago that special forces are not easy to deal with." Mandala appeared behind Hunting Fox and made a faint voice at her.

Hunting Fox patted his cheek lightly, stretched out his left hand to take off the bulletproof helmet and straightened his golden hair, his face was full of arrogance.

"Who said I'm going to deal with special forces? I'm just like you. I want to kill Pandora. This woman is the truly terrifying opponent."

"You guess she will come out?" Mandala showed a disdainful smile.

"No!" Foxhunting put on the helmet and said with a charming smile, "Pandora can watch her teammates die, but she can't watch one person die."

"Seth!" Datura also smiled.

The members of the opposite side of Datura who have stayed in Lurker know their weaknesses well.Pandora is someone she can't deal with, but unfortunately Pandora has a weakness, and the weakness is Seth, whom she has always hated.

In the military supply warehouse, Zhao Ziyang and others raced against time to rescue Aomo and the devil.

The devil's right chest was pierced, and the bullet shot out from the back through the body armor, leaving a scar the size of a bowl on his right chest.The lungs were punctured, and the situation was very critical.

Omo's situation was even more dangerous. The bullet hit the aorta at the root of his right leg, and the artery was penetrated and retracted to the deepest part of the wound.The blood continued to flow in large quantities, his body began to become cold, and his face was pale and pale.

"Quick! Antibiotics, morphine! Tourniquets!"

The two were injected with morphine and antibiotics respectively, and the whole bottle of medical alcohol was poured on the wound, and the hemostatic powder applied on it was washed away by the blood in an instant.

"Cough, cough..." The devil lying on the temporary operating table coughed violently, and a stream of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"Hold on, devil, you know you're a devil, you're a real devil, and no one can take your life. Hold on, we're going to Hawaii beach for hot girls, we're going to Bordeaux together Enjoy red wine at Faye Manor."

"Cough cough cough... tiger, tiger shark... don't lie to me, boy..." the devil said with difficulty, trying to raise his head to see the tiger shark busy on his chest.

"If I lie to you, I'm a pair of cow dung!" The tiger shark inserted a catheter into the muzzle of the devil's lung, and sealed the other end of the catheter.

"Uh..." A painful groan came out, and the devil heaved a long sigh of relief. The amount of blood oozing out of his mouth decreased, and his breathing became much easier.

"Dude, lie here with your eyes wide open and don't sleep, or I'll fuck your ass."

Looking at the catheter in his right chest, the devil lay quietly on the bed with his eyes open. He dared not sleep, and once he fell asleep, he would never wake up.

After sealing the devil's lung wound with a catheter, the devil's condition is much better, at least he can hold on, but Omo's situation is really not optimistic.

"Hemostat!" Zhao Ziyang stretched out Omo's blood-stained right hand backwards, took the hemostat, and searched for the blood vessel that Omo constricted into.

The blood vessels are interrupted at the root of the thigh, and it is very difficult to shrink inward, and it can even shrink to the groin.

After stopping the blood in the lower half of the blood vessel, Zhao Ziyang reached out and dug into Aomo's wound, using his fingers to find the blood vessel that Aomo shrank into.

"Aww!" Omo, who was in extreme pain, yelled, and waved his arms involuntarily, trying to get rid of the pain.

Rifle and blade rushed forward and held his arm tightly, suppressing him.

"Omo, hold on." Zhao Ziyang comforted Omo, gritted his teeth and said to him: "You must find your blood vessels to connect, otherwise your leg will be completely useless, and your life will not be saved!"

"Pfft! Pfft!"

As Zhao Ziyang's right hand went deeper, blood from the arteries spurted out one after another, onto his face and clothes, staining him like a bloody man.

"Head...head...I, I have something to say..." Omo moved his lips and made a weak voice, and his body trembled while speaking.

"Don't talk, keep your strength."

"No..." Omo closed his eyes tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "I, I have two children... He, they are, in the town of York, North Siberia... Take me, make me Give them money, give them..."

"Listen!" Zhao Ziyang let out a low growl, staring at Omo and said, "You'll be fine, you have to live, what your children need is not money, they need a father, you have to live for your children."

Omo shook his head vigorously, pointing at the tactical vest with his right hand.

Zhao Ziyang reached out to Omo's tactical vest and took out a family photo.In the photo, Omo smiled happily and lovingly. Two children aged seven or eight, a boy and a girl, were held in his arms, with happy smiles on their faces.

When Omo saw this photo, a smile appeared on his painful face, and his eyes were full of love.

"Pandora, Saber!" Zhao Ziyang growled.

With a sound of "shua", Pandora took out the broad double-edged saber and handed it to Zhao Ziyang.

Holding a saber, Zhao Ziyang's face was full of ferocity. He tore open Omo's pants, pulled off his underwear, stared at the organs that symbolized men, and gritted his teeth vigorously.

"Omo, for your child!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ziyang took the saber and cut up along the root of Omo's thigh, all the way to the lower end of the genitals.He didn't know whether this knife would destroy Omo's male organs, but he had to do so in order to save Omo's life.

Everything is for the child, for the child to have his living father.

Following the cut flesh, Zhao Ziyang used both hands to peel away the flesh, and stretched his hands in to find the constricted blood vessel.

I touched it, I touched the blood vessel!

Under such circumstances, Zhao Ziyang finally touched the blood vessel, but the blood vessel spraying out was extremely slippery, and he couldn't grasp it with his fingers at all.

The three-edged thorn appeared in Zhao Ziyang's left hand. He carefully pointed the arrow of the three-edged thorn to the position of the blood vessel, and then stabbed hard.

"Ah!..." A scream came from Omo's mouth, his polar bear-like body trembling crazily.

The photo slipped from his hands, and a pale face instantly turned liver-colored, and the entire face was violently distorted.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The blood vessel that was still spraying out was sent out by Zhao Ziyang with the triangular thorn, and the fingers of his right hand finally grabbed the blood vessel.

The atrophied blood vessel was pulled out even, and the two blood vessels were clamped together with a hemostat immediately for suturing.Make sure that the blood flow is smooth, otherwise this leg will be amputated at a high level due to the lack of blood circulation.

Fortunately, Omo's blood vessels are much thicker than ordinary people. After simple sutures, blood can flow through his right leg again, making the cells active again.

At this time, Ao Mocheng fainted because he couldn't bear the pain, and let Zhao Ziyang play with his injury.

"Stop the bleeding, saline."

The normal saline was hung for Omo, and Zhao Ziyang took out a steel needle, grilled it with flames, folded it into a fishhook shape, and made it into a surgical needle.Then he pulled out a piece of cotton gauze and threaded it into the hole and quickly sutured Omo's wound, stabilizing Omo's injury.

"Chi... Chi... Chi..." The sound of steel needles piercing through the flesh kept ringing, making people feel like they were being sewn on their own body.

"Boss." Pandora called Zhao Ziyang, holding a syringe and said to him, "Maybe your blood is very effective for Omo."

It is no secret that Zhao Ziyang's cell regeneration ability is several times that of ordinary people. His teammates are amazed by his super regeneration ability, and they always call him a monster to express their envy.Since Linghu can use his blood for experiments, then his blood must have something special.

"Pump!" Without further ado, Zhao Ziyang stretched out his arm to let Pandora draw blood.

Slowly a tube of blood was injected into Omo's body, and the devil also got a tube of Zhao Ziyang's blood.

"Continue, stop when it reaches [-] CC." Zhao Ziyang signaled Pandora to continue drawing his own blood.

Different blood types contain different antigens and antibodies. For example, type A blood contains a antigen and b antibody, and type B blood contains b antigen and a antibody. Thrombosis, if a critical blood vessel is blocked, it will cause insufficient blood supply to vital organs and cause necrosis.

Everyone pinned their hopes on Zhao Ziyang's different system. They had the same blood type as Omo and the devil.But in this case, the necessary procedures for blood transfusion of the same type cannot be carried out. Another point is that they still have to fight. If there is too little blood transfusion, it will have no effect.

As Zhao Ziyang's blood flowed to the two people's bodies, the speed at which their blood flowed out slowed down significantly.Facts have proved that Zhao Ziyang's blood has an effect on them, even though his blood type is not type O.

"Huh..." Zhao Ziyang heaved a sigh of relief seeing Omo and the devil whose situation had eased.

"Boss, we must find a way to break out." Faced with this situation, Pandora could only give priority to how to break out and retreat.

They had to guarantee the lives of the two of Omo. If it was as expected, the defenders would restrain them to delay the time until the two seriously injured died.

"Understood." Zhao Ziyang took a deep look outside the military supply warehouse, turned his head to look at the team members, and said to them: "Guys, we have no choice. Anyway, we have a lot of hatred with the defenders, and we will save it for later." Go ahead. We can't just watch our brothers die, so—retreat! Rifle, call Arc'teryx to respond."

"Understood." Rifle nodded, trying to get in touch with Archeopteryx.


There was a sizzle of electricity in the radio, and the radio was interfered and could not transmit any information.

"Damn it!" Rifle slammed the radio heavily on the ground and stomped his foot and said loudly: "The goddamned defender interfered."

"It doesn't matter." Pandora stood up with a face of indifference, looked at the deepest part of the military supply warehouse, thought for a while and said: "Our current location is the northernmost side of the military base, and the north of the military supply warehouse is a separation wall. Then we can take Explosion. It’s just that I don’t think this munitions warehouse is that simple. Any munitions warehouse will have a spare munitions warehouse to prevent accidents, so we should search the warehouse first, and maybe we can find surprising existences.”

"That's right." Zhao Ziyang nodded, approving Pandora's reasoning.

This military supply warehouse is indeed not simple. It is not simple because there are very few materials stored, only a few military uniforms and bedding, and there is not even the necessary logistical strategic reserves.This is obviously impossible for a military base where 800 people are stationed. Since it is impossible, there will be a lot of articles in it.

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