With a "snap", the hunting fox's wrist was grabbed by Mandala.

"You can't punish you." Mandala said softly to Hunting Fox with a smile on his face, and pushed him aside.

Foxhunting was also generous. He quickly put away his saber and said, "Oh? Then I want to see what your punishment is. It seems very interesting to attack your former teammates."

Faced with Foxhun's taunt, Mandala was unmoved. She looked Seth up and down carefully, as if looking for the best place to strike the knife.

"Mandala, don't you really want to torture me?" Seth was nervous for a while.

He knew that Mandala was a guy who was keen on all kinds of punishments. As long as she did it, it would definitely make people desperate for life.If she wants, she can linger people, and smash people's spine... In short, she has many ways to torture people to the point of collapse, no matter how tough they are.

"Perhaps you can ask me." Mandala pursed her lips and smiled, which was very pretty.

Facing Mandala's smile, Seth flinched. Although Mandala was very pretty, he really couldn't enjoy this beauty.

"Okay." The colonel spoke to stop Mandala. He glanced at Seth and waved his hand and said, "Hang this guy outside."

Two mercenaries set up Seth from left to right and walked out.

"Wait." Mandala stopped the mercenary, grabbed a handful of thick salt and stuffed it into Seth's mouth, forcing him to swallow it.

"Bah! Bah! You traitor, cousin!" Seth, who was full of salt, yelled and was pulled out and hung up high.

The baron in the corner was somewhat dissatisfied and puzzled by the colonel's behavior, and a faint voice came out.

"Colonel, why did you let him go?"

Glancing at the baron huddled there, the colonel said in a deep voice, "Don't you think it's a pity to torture Seth? This is a treasure and a talent. If you have Seth's ability, you can do it without any hesitation." Kill him without hesitation."

The baron didn't speak, and continued to shrink in his corner.

Seth is a computer genius that every country strives for. As long as his mind is still clear, he can be guaranteed to live well.Because his use value is too great, it cannot be compared with a few fighting talents. If he is given a good environment, he can make a country chaotic by himself.

On the sand dunes, Zhao Ziyang looked at Seth, who was hanging in the air with his arms folded, and felt anxious in his heart.It was obvious that the defenders would not kill these two people easily, so they naturally had no fear and started a psychological war with them.

"Very good." Zhao Ziyang said to himself, raised his sniper rifle to aim at the defender mercenary below Seth, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The gunshot sounded, and the sniper warhead directly penetrated the mercenary's chest, lifting the opponent's body heavily and falling to the ground.The dark red blood flowed on the ground, greedily sucked by the thirsty land, leaving a dark black mass.

"Special soldier, you did a great job, hahaha..." Seth laughed crazily, but he couldn't laugh anymore after a few laughs.

The salt flowed from his mouth to his body, and under such a hot steaming, the water in his body flowed away at the fastest speed, and then evaporated.

If you have no impression of Seth's situation at this time, just imagine how pickles are pickled.We all know that there is an essential step in pickling pickles: dehydration.The process of dehydration is to sprinkle salt, and use the salt to let the moisture of the vegetable itself flow out.

At this time, Seth's situation is similar to that of pickling pickles. It is also dehydration. Through the dehydration of the body through salt, it is what it is like for Seth to enjoy extreme thirst.

Zhao Ziyang, who killed a mercenary, turned on the radio and said to the radio: "Colonel, I killed one of your mercenaries, are you going to kill one of us too? Hehehe..."

The laughter was full of cruelty and madness, Zhao Ziyang was persuading the colonel to kill.

When the colonel in the room heard Zhao Ziyang's words, he gritted his teeth with hatred.That's right, he can kill, the lives of Seth and Zhao Changzheng are in his hands, and he can kill them at any time.

But he can't kill them. Once he kills these two people, people like himself will be attacked by lurkers without any scruples.Being surrounded, their counterattack is very weak, and they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

For a while, the colonel hesitated. He wanted to use the two hostages to restrain the lurkers, but suddenly found that they were restraining himself.

He didn't expect this special soldier to be so ruthless, he didn't care about the lives of his companions, maybe he should reposition the new leader of the Lurkers.If Black Hawk is here, if Black Hawk is here, it will definitely not be like this!

"There are still 24 minutes." The colonel looked at the time and said to Zhao Ziyang with a relaxed smile: "Even if you don't kill him in 24 minutes, I have to kill Seth. But now, kill that little guy first, A life for a life."

The colonel suddenly realized that he was countered by Zhao Ziyang. The reason was that his plan was implemented so well that there was no possibility of rescue for the lurkers.If you change the terrain, change the terrain that can be infiltrated, the lurkers will definitely rescue them at all costs.But there is no rescue here at all, as long as they show up, they will be sniped, and in such a situation where there is nothing to do, it will only make the other party go to extremes.

"Kill that little guy?" Zhao Ziyang gave a dismissive smile, and asked back: "Colonel, do you think you will be comfortable killing this little guy? I can guarantee that if you kill him, the defenders are really close to death." Far away, I assure you."

Hearing Zhao Ziyang's words, the colonel frowned. He heard the meaning of Zhao Ziyang's words, and couldn't help thinking deeply.

"Special soldier, I have to admit that you have good tactics in your heart, but it's not good for me." The colonel still said to Zhao Ziyang very relaxedly, and waved to a mercenary: "Kill this little guy."

The voice of ordering to kill Zhao Changzheng came clearly from the radio, making Zhao Ziyang and the Lurker mercenaries nervous.

"Wait!" Zhao Ziyang yelled into the radio.

"Oh? Afraid? Hehehe, interesting..." The colonel laughed softly, he knew that he had escaped this intolerable restraint, no matter whether it was a special soldier or a lurker, they would not let go of their comrades.

Pandora on the lurker's side waited quietly with a sniper rifle in hand, allowing Zhao Ziyang to fight the colonel.It is undeniable that the whole situation has become beneficial to the lurkers in a simple conversation, but whether Seth and Zhao Changzheng will be killed in the end depends on the development of the situation.

Zhao Ziyang was extremely anxious. He had to counter and attack the Colonel's psychology in a short period of time, otherwise this psychological battle would be completely defeated.There is only one consequence of defeat: kill your comrades with your own hands!

"Colonel, do you think I'm really scared?" Zhao Ziyang suddenly made a very surprised voice, as if he felt very ridiculous at the colonel's words.

"Save your teammates? Then you can come out, and I will replace them when you come. I will give you 30 seconds to think about it, and you will replace the two of them alone. I will guarantee it with the honor of the defender. "

Changing hostages is a very impulsive condition, and it is also the weakness of human nature.If your closest person is kidnapped by others, and the kidnapper offers to exchange hostages with you, will you agree?Yes, you will promise that your humanity will allow you to make this sacrifice and you will have no regrets.

But if Zhao Ziyang agrees to exchange Seth and Zhao Changzheng, the Lurker mercenaries will definitely go to die one after another. This is a situation that Pandora can't control.

"Huh..." Zhao Ziyang took a deep breath, wiped the sweat off his forehead, thought for a few seconds and said firmly to the colonel: "You can kill, but before you kill, listen to me."

The colonel didn't speak, and was quietly waiting for Zhao Ziyang to say what he wanted to say.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know who this little guy is, but he has a father, and his father's name is Zhao Zhengrong."

"Zhao Zhengrong? I don't know him."

"It doesn't matter if Zhao Zhengrong doesn't know you, you should know Dragon Knight." Zhao Ziyang clenched his fists, trying to make his tone normal, so that the colonel would not catch the clue.

After about ten seconds, the Colonel's voice came.

"His father was a dragon rider?"

This question of seeking confirmation is full of dignity, which shows how important the word "dragon rider" should be in the colonel's generation of soldiers.

"Yes." Zhao Ziyang nodded heavily, affirming this fact.

There was silence on the radio again, the three words "Dragon Knight" completely disrupted the Colonel's thoughts.

In fact, this was a lie uttered by Zhao Ziyang. He didn't know who the Dragon Knight was, he only knew that the Dragon Knight was an invincible existence in the eyes of Black Hawk.If this is the case, then the dragon rider must be an unsurpassable figure in the era of Black Hawk, the colonel must have heard of it, and there may be unexpected situations.

Zhao Ziyang clenching his fists nervously waited for the colonel's response, he was betting on the deterrent power of the word "Dragon Knight General" to the colonel.If the word "Dragon Knight" is useful to the colonel, no matter whether he is an enemy or not, he will always save Zhao Changzheng's life first, there is no doubt about it.

"Special soldier, you are lying to me." The colonel's gloomy voice came: "Dragoon General died on the battlefield a long time ago, yes, he was indeed dead long ago."

"No." Zhao Ziyang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and said to the colonel extremely easily: "Dragon Knight General is not dead at all. If you don't believe me, kill the only son of Dragon Knight General and see if he will come or not." Trouble with you."

Already sitting on the gamble, Zhao Ziyang had to continue to play the gamble, he could hear the colonel's taboo against dragon knight generals, and he won for sure.

The colonel was really undecided, he didn't know whether to kill the little guy tied outside.If the dragon knight is indeed dead, then killing this little guy will be nothing. If the dragon knight is not dead... the consequences are not something he can bear.

"Captain, who is the dragon rider?" Fox Hunting asked the colonel.

"Dragon Knight...Dragoon General..." The colonel revealed a wry smile, shook his head and said, "Dragoon General is invincible. In fact, I doubt that he is still alive."

Since it is invincible, how can it die so easily?Maybe what I see is not real, and the real self will never be seen.

"What is Dragon Knight? I'll kill him." The baron in the corner made a faint voice, dismissing the word Dragon Knight.

"Shut up!" The colonel yelled angrily, staring at the baron and growled: "You'd better put away your disrespectful language, or you will be killed without knowing it!"

"Is it that powerful?" Hunting Fox touched his chin and continued to ask.

"The Earl of Gurkha, the Black Eagle of Lurker, Morgan of EO, and Jesus of the Cossacks are all soldiers of the Dragoon. Don't look at them competing with each other, but as long as it is related to the Dragoon, they will Let them give up fighting and become the closest comrades-in-arms again!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the defender mercenaries all changed.The names that the colonel said were very familiar to them: Earl, the leader of the Gurkha mercenaries; Black Eagle, the leader of the former Lurker mercenaries; Morgan, the African leader of the EO mercenaries; Jesus, the head of the Cossack mercenaries .Any one of these people can set off a huge storm in the world, and they are all soldiers of the Dragoon General!

The baron closed his mouth, and his face became extremely ugly, even paler.He knew that if his words were spread, it might be the same as what the colonel said, and he didn't know how to die.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Fox Hunt asked the colonel.

The colonel who was asked this question walked around the room twice quickly with a solemn face, glanced at Zhao Changzheng who was tied outside, and said helplessly: "Wait! Maybe the special forces lied to us. Anyway... this man Can't kill."

"Then our efforts were wasted this time?" The jaguar questioned uncomfortably, and was very unhappy with the colonel's retreat at this time.

"That's right, he's just a Chinese. There's nothing to be afraid of." Xuedao echoed, with arrogance in his eyes, and he tightly held his two long knives with both hands.

It is really aggrieved to carry out an ambush mission that is enough to completely defeat the lurkers. They will naturally blame the colonel, although they dare not disobey the colonel.

"Shut all your mouths!" Foxhunting growled, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing the angry hunting fox, Jaguar and Xuedao chose to keep their mouths shut, shrugged and walked away.

"Maybe you think I'm alarmist, maybe you think the Dragon Knight is just exaggerating, but I have to be responsible to you and the lurkers. Remember, we can't make too many enemies. If this kid is really the son of the Dragon Knight, if we really Kill him, Earl and these fellows will definitely take bloody revenge on us." The colonel pointed out the root cause, what he was afraid of was not the dragon knight general alone, but the thousands of households responding to the dragon knight general alone.

"Captain!" Hunting Fox suddenly made a surprised voice, pointed out the window and said, "That little guy is gone!"

The colonel and others who heard the voice immediately looked in Zhao Changzheng's direction. They didn't see Zhao Changzheng, but only a pile of cut ropes.

Everyone raised their guns immediately to be on guard, there is an enemy infiltrating!

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