Mu Nanrui slapped Lan Lan's butt twice again, not hard, but it must have been too much for that little girl.

But if I don't 'clean up' her well today and let her continue to behave like this, I don't know how she will make trouble in the future.He didn't mind at all, but the old man at home was really hard to explain.

"Help! Help! &&..." Lan Lan kept calling for help in all the languages ​​she had learned.

No matter how much she yelled, Mu Nanrui threw her into the car as if he didn't hear her, and then drove back to the hotel.

When she returned to the hotel, Lan Lan was taken aback by the scene.

She has always known that Mu Nanrui's power is astounding, but she never thought that even the US army could be mobilized by him at will.

The dark military personnel surrounded the hotel completely.

Lan Lan didn't know what the man who looked like an officer said to Mu Nanrui.

After taking her back to the room, Mu Nanrui told her some things, warned her not to run away again, and then left.

It has been a full three hours until now, and he has not seen him back.

Lan Lan also thought about running away again, but Mu Nanrui knew her personality too well.Every plan she might think of to escape, he had prepared in advance.

So she had to obediently stay in the room, unable to go anywhere.The TV programs were all in English, and she couldn't understand a few words, so she fell asleep watching them.


When Mu Nanrui came back, he saw the little girl nestled on the sofa, as lazy as a kitten.After a while, she moved and changed to a more comfortable sleeping position.

He walked over, knelt down beside her, gently stroked the broken hair on her forehead, bowed his head and kissed her forehead.He raised his hand to check the time, it was already late at night.The cooperation with the U.S. government was almost discussed before, and this time I came to make a decision.Unexpectedly, the conversation lasted for several hours, forgetting that it would be boring for her to stay alone in the hotel.

He was reluctant to wake up his little woman, and gently carried her into the room and put her under the quilt.After making sure she was sleeping well, she turned and walked to the bathroom.Coming out of the bathroom, the little woman unintentionally lifted the quilt from her body, revealing a large area of ​​spring.

In front of her, he has always had no self-control.The Adam's apple rolled twice rapidly. At this moment, he had only one thought, which was to pounce on her, want her, and punish her severely.

He is an absolute activist, and he will act with the fastest speed when he thinks of it.He tore off the bath towel on his body, revealing his strong and muscular figure that he had exercised all year round. He stepped onto the bed and dragged her into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her lips domineeringly.

Lan Lan slept very deeply, but with the instinct of the body, he opened his lips slightly. The moment the lips opened, he took the opportunity to stick his tongue in. "Well—" His offensive was too domineering, making her tremble uncontrollably, and then he let him do whatever he wanted.

Her unintentional cooperation is like the best emollient, making him even more wildly inviting her soft | tender tongue to dance together in her mouth, lingering | to the fullest.

The fiery kiss lured | her initial enthusiasm, and the familiar masculine breath filled her breath, but within a short time, she was completely ignited.

It took a long time before he let her go and looked at her with fixed eyes.His little woman was still sleeping, her eyes hadn't even opened.Her breathing was unsteady, only her small mouth opened|closed, which was very seductive.

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