Jiangshan into painting

Chapter 13 Li Long in the Dungeon

Chapter 13 Li Long Trapped in a Dungeon

Li Guogong was sitting in the mansion, and suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps in front of him, Li Guogong's heart tightened.He is now a soldier, and the wind is jittery, and he feels frightened when there is a turmoil.

When someone came in, he saw that it was his housekeeper.The butler is also an old man, so it stands to reason that he shouldn't just barge in like this, it seems that there is something taboo about it.Li Guogong felt even more uneasy, and hurriedly stood up and asked, "Li Fu, what's wrong?"

Butler Li anxiously replied: "Duke, go to the third prince's mansion and rescue the second lady!"

"What?!" Li Guogong listened, and sat back on the chair.Then he stood up all of a sudden and ran outside in a hurry.

While running, he asked: "What's going on? Why did the second lady come to the third prince's residence?"

Li Fu also ran out after him, and replied out of breath: "I went shopping on the street just now, and the fourth prince called me in a hurry, telling me to send you to the third prince's mansion to save the miss, he Said that the third prince sent someone to arrest the second young lady."

Li Guogong secretly groaned, the heart of the third prince was poisonous, and he was extremely vicious, and he tortured and killed many people in his government office.Li Long didn't know the severity, so why did he fall into the hands of this devil, and if he suffered any pain, how could he explain to his wife!

Thinking of this, Li Guogong rode on the horse prepared by his family, and rode the horse towards the third prince's mansion.Just after going out, I remembered something, returned to the horse and said to Li Fu who was just about to get on the horse: "Go to Lord Huo's mansion, and tell the eldest lady that she must not leave the mansion in the next few days. Stay by Princess Huo's side !"

That's all for asking, seeing Li Fu nodding his head in agreement, he rode his horse to the Third Prince's Mansion again.Several families followed closely behind, and Li Guogong just sighed when he heard the sound of horseshoes behind him.It's a matter of two people, whether they can enter the Third Prince's Mansion or not.The third prince of the weak country didn't see him, so he had to go to the palace and ask the king of Yue to come forward to save people.

In front of the Third Prince's Mansion, the gate of the mansion was closing in, and on both sides stood the imperial army in bright armor.Li Guogong was also the commander-in-chief of the Yuqian Army before, so many soldiers knew him, and they all greeted him when they saw him.

Li Guogong naturally knew at this time that he was already a phoenix in the past, and he dismounted early when he saw the soldiers, and asked, "A few generals, do you know that the third prince brought the little girl here?"

Several soldiers shook their heads, and one of the older ones asked: "Master, we have been on duty here, and we didn't go out to invite anyone back today. Why did the Duke ask Miss to come here?"

Li Guogong couldn't explain clearly, so he evaded a few words, and then asked: "The third prince is in the mansion?"

Several soldiers nodded and said yes.Li Guogong smiled and asked: "Then I want to ask to see the prince, can you inform me?"

"It's not difficult, I'll report it to you." The elderly military academy turned around and went up the steps, knocking on the door of the mansion.The door opened, and an inner guard came out and asked, "What's the matter?"

The older military academy said: "Grandfather Li wants to meet His Royal Highness the Prince."

The servant also saw Li Guogong at this time, hurriedly came out to greet him, and asked: "Is there something wrong with the prince?"

Li Guogong pondered for a while, and said directly: "I heard the report from the family, saying that the third prince brought the little girl over, and wanted to take the little girl back to the mansion."

The servant was still smiling all over his face at the beginning, but when he heard this, his expression changed drastically.He said repeatedly: "I don't know about this. If you want to see the prince, just wait and I will report back."

At first, the servant didn't know that the women captured in the morning belonged to the Li family, but now that he heard from Li Guogong that the three women were actually Miss Li's family, he naturally knew that the criminals who fell into the hands of the third prince were from the Li family. None got out alive.It seemed that Li's mansion was going to be in trouble, but he was still willing to talk to Li Guogong, turned around and entered the door, closed the door and went to his own business.

Li Guogong waited for a long time, but there was no reply. He was worried. He knew that the longer the time passed, the more dangerous his daughter would be.He saw the servant's face change before he entered the door, so he guessed that he must be locked inside.Now I can't get in, and I may not be able to get in if I try hard, so I can only ask the king of Yue.

Thinking of this, Li Guogong said goodbye to several soldiers, and hurried to the palace.

At this moment in the dungeon, Li Long was already scared out of his wits.She saw a servant girl who was stripped of her clothes and cut to pieces by several butcher-like executioners. The servant girl screamed incomparably shrill.After cutting more than a dozen knives, the executioner splashed salt water on the girl's body, and the girl fainted immediately.

The other maid on the side had fainted several times from fright, and was awakened several times by the screams.Now he was trembling all over, muttering indiscriminately, and couldn't hear what he was saying.

Li Long only felt that he was having difficulty breathing, and felt like vomiting, but he couldn't.She also knew that it was useless to say anything to the third prince now, so she could only pray silently in her heart that her father and sister would know that they were suffering here, and come out as soon as possible.

The Third Prince waved his hands when he heard the maidservant's silence, and the executioners stopped and stood on both sides.The third prince had someone help him walk to another maid's face, stretched out his hand to touch that maid's face, and then kept walking on her body with his hand.The maid was almost suffocated, and wherever the third prince's hand touched, the maid felt a frightening coldness.The servant girl was so frightened that her small chest rose and fell sharply, panting heavily.

The third prince's hand stopped on her chest, and lightly ### a few times.Then he asked: "So, now you will tell me whatever I ask you, right? Don't be like that girl, you can't say it until you want to!"

Then he squeezed the servant girl's chest hard, and the servant girl screamed in pain.The third prince withdrew his hand in satisfaction, and asked: "Then tell me now, is your lady in collusion with a businessman from Qi State? Often pass information about our Yue** team to him?"

The maid turned her head to look at Li Long, Li Long already knew that this time the third prince wanted to force them to admit the crime of communicating with the Qi army, and collaborating with the enemy during a war is a serious crime to destroy the nine clans.It seems that the third prince wanted to make himself a sinner of the family, force the servant girl to confess, and then plead guilty to himself, so as to use his own confession against his father.The entire Li Mansion will be destroyed in the conspiracy of the third prince and one handbook.

The maid in front refused to admit that the young lady colluded with Qi Shang according to what the third prince said.The third prince tortured her directly. A teenage girl, who had endured such torture, was already on the verge of death.

Seeing the other maid looking at her begging for help now, Li Long didn't know what to do.If you don't admit it according to what the third prince said, the result will be like the first maid, who was stripped naked and cut by knives sporadically.But according to what the third prince said, if he confessed to those crimes that he never committed, so what?Will you let them go!

Li Long couldn't say anything to the maid, but closed her eyes.Biting his lips tightly.She secretly decided in her heart: Even if she dies here, the third prince's plot will never succeed.

Hearing that the maid hadn't spoken yet, the third prince snorted a few times, and asked gloomily, "I won't repeat my torture. Do you think you can survive the knife? Just want to try? I'll give it to you." Change the pattern! Do you want to be skinned by me, or do you want me to burn your whole body slowly with fire?"

The maid screamed 'Ah' and shouted: "I said, I said, I will do what you say!"

The third prince smiled sinisterly when he heard the maid's cry.

Tears dripped from the corners of Li Long's eyes. She didn't resent that maid, a teenage girl followed her, and suffered such hardships for nothing, she couldn't bear it.

The third prince had someone question the servant girl sentence by sentence, recorded it in the confession, and then signed it, and sent him to the cell on the other side.Before the Li family's crimes were confirmed, this maid was still useful to the third prince, so she saved her life.

Holding the testimony in the book, the third prince put it on his nose and smelled it.Someone helped her to walk in front of Li Long, smiled triumphantly, and said: "Sister Li, your personal servant girl has confessed, so don't make things difficult for yourself anymore, learn from her obediently, and be honest. , so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!"

Li Long just closed his eyes, turned his head to one side, bit his lip and said nothing.

The third prince leaned forward, touched Li Long's face with his hand, and smiled sinisterly.Li Long felt as if a poisonous snake had climbed onto her face. The cold made her shiver all over.The third prince said softly: "If you don't want to talk, I'll let you stay with those people for a while."

As he said that, as soon as he waved his hand, several executioners came over, grabbed Li Long's hands and feet, loosened the rope, and carried her into an iron cage.Then he lifted two more cages, and Li Long discovered in horror that there were actually two women who had lost both arms and feet in those two cages. They were naked without any cover, and their skins were covered with scars. Like earthworms snaking around his body, this person is also writhing in the cage, looking at himself with a vicious look, his mouth is open, his teeth are bared, and a low roar is coming from his throat.

The third prince shook his head and said proudly: "These people and snakes have been hungry for a few days. Now that they see such fresh and delicious food as you, they will probably be eager to take a few bites. Sister Li, you said I was for you Should you tie your hands and feet, or not?"

Li Long was so frightened that she curled up inside the cage, wept, and said in a low voice: "No, don't let them in, don't."

The third prince followed the sound and walked towards the iron cage, and asked Li Long inside: "I'm asking you now, are you willing to answer?"

Hearing his question, Li Long could only cry in a low voice, but couldn't answer.

The third prince snorted coldly, and ordered: "Open the cage, let the human snakes in, and feed them well."

Just as the executioners were about to open the cage, the cell door was pushed open, and a young man broke in from the outside.Shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Hearing the sound, the third prince turned around, let out a 'huh', and asked a little strangely: "Why is the fourth brother here?" Then he asked the soldiers outside in a cold voice: "Is this a place where the fourth prince can come? You brought the fourth prince in!"

The soldiers outside immediately knelt on the ground and shouted in unison, "Forgive me!"

The fourth prince said to the third prince: "Third brother, I don't want them, I forced my way in."

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