Planar martial arts myth

Chapter 72 Taihu Water Pirates

Ling Muyun and Huang Rong talked for a while, then they blew out the candles and clothes and lay down and fell asleep.Sleeping in the middle of the night, suddenly there was a whining sound from a distance, both Ling Muyun and Huang Rong woke up, listening carefully, it seemed that someone was blowing conch shells, after a while, the whining sound sounded again, one after another, It's not one person, the blowers are far away, and they are obviously greeting and answering.

Huang Rong whispered, "Brother Yun, let's take a look?"

Ling Muyun knew that Lu Guanying gathered Taihu Water Pirates to prepare for the robbery, but he didn't know that under his influence, Lu Guanying and the others robbed the imperial envoy of the Kingdom of Jin or Yang Kang?Curiosity arose, so he nodded to Huang Rong and said, "Okay, Rong'er, let's go and have a look."

The two gently opened the window and looked out, only to see many people lighting lanterns in the courtyard, and many people coming and going, not knowing what they were busy with.Huang Rong raised her head, and saw three or four people squatting in the dark on the roof, obviously condescending and watching, the lights flickered when the lantern moved, and the weapons in their hands shone.

After waiting for a while, I saw everyone walking towards the outside of the village, so Ling Muyun and Huang Rong walked around to the west window, and seeing no one outside the window, they jumped out lightly. It was as silent as fallen leaves, and the vigilant people on the roof didn't notice it.

Huang Rong gestured to Ling Muyun, and walked in the opposite direction. The road in Zhuangzhong turned eastward and westward, with twists and turns. What's more surprising is that the railings and pavilions at the turning point are exactly the same. ?Huang Rong, on the other hand, seemed to be at her own home, and ran away without any hesitation. Sometimes, when she saw no way out, she burrowed into the rockery, circled around the flowers, and turned to the corridor again.Sometimes it seems to have come to an end, but there is another secluded place behind the screen and behind the big tree.When the road was wide open, she refused to go through the moon cave door, but pushed open a door on the wall that was completely invisible.

Seeing this scene, Ling Muyun couldn't help admiring secretly, this strange formation technique is really wonderful, if it wasn't for Huang Rong who is also proficient in strange formation technique to guide him this time, he would have lost his way alone.

The two turned seven or eight turns and came to the wall of the backyard.Huang Rong inspected the terrain, counted silently with her fingers, and counted steps on the ground. Ling Muyun heard her whisper: "Zhenyi, Tunsan, Yiwu, Fuqi, Kun..." Knowing that she should be I am using the knowledge of gossip to figure out the way out.

Huang Rong walked while counting, stopped at one place, turned her head and said to Ling Muyun, "You can only go out here, there are all organs in other places."

While speaking, Huang Rong jumped onto the wall first, and Ling Muyun also jumped out of the wall with her. The two left the Zhuangzi, and Huang Rong said to Ling Muyun with a bit of satisfaction: "Brother Yun, Zhuangzhu Lu's Zhuangzi was built according to the 64 hexagrams of Fuxi." Yes, there are organs all over it. But my father is very good at these strange gossip techniques. It is rare for Master Lu to beat others, but it can’t be hard for me.”

Ling Muyun smiled and praised: "That's right, don't even look at who my Rong'er is, how can I be troubled by this little bit of power?"

Huang Rong blushed when she heard his praise, and said coquettishly, "Brother Yun, you are making fun of me, I will ignore you."

"Rong'er, you misunderstood me. I really praised you, and I didn't say anything false."

The two chatted and laughed in a low voice, then climbed up the small hill at the back of the village, looked east, and saw a group of people holding up lanterns and torches, walking towards the lake.Huang Rong tugged at Ling Muyun's sleeve, and the two chased after him with light kung fu.When he got close, he lay down behind a rock, and saw a row of fishing boats parked by the lake, and people boarded the boats one after another. After boarding the boats, the lights were turned off.

They waited until the last group of people boarded the boat and the shore was completely dark, then they jumped out quietly and landed on the back of the largest covered boat. People don't notice.The two of them looked down through the gap in the bamboo canopy, and saw a person sitting in the middle of the cabin, who was the owner of the young village, Lu Guanying.

The boats rolled out for a few miles, and the sound of conch in the lake was heard again. One person on the big caravan went to the bow and also blew the conch.After shaking for a few miles, I saw rows of small boats on the lake. If you look around, there are countless boats like ants gathering, just like ink spots splashed on a big green paper.The man at the bow of the big boat blew three long conch blows, the big boat dropped its anchor and anchored in the middle of the lake, and more than ten small boats approached from all directions as if flying by.Ling Muyun knew that there was going to be a fight, so he lowered his head and looked into the boat, only to see that Lu Guanying was calm and relaxed, not at all nervous before facing the enemy, so he couldn't help nodding secretly. The atmosphere is still good.

After a while, the ships approached.Someone from each boat came one after another, or one or two people, or three or four people.Everyone entered the cabin of the big ship, saluted Lu Guanying and then sat down. They were very respectful to him. The order of seats seemed to have been arranged, some came first and sat at the back, while some came late and sat at the top.It's only a cup of tea, and everyone sits down.These people looked rough and behaved aggressively. Although they were dressed as fishermen, they all seemed to have martial arts, and they were by no means ordinary fishermen who made their living by fishing.Huang Rong was secretly surprised, but Ling Muyun knew that these people were the leaders of the Taihu water bandits.

Lu Guanying cupped his hands and asked one of them, "Brother Zhang, how are you doing?"

A thin and thin man in the seat stood up and said: "Reporting to the young master, the Jin Guoqin envoy is scheduled to cross the lake overnight, and the commanding envoy surnamed Duan will arrive in more than an hour. This time he is in the name of welcoming the Jin Guoqin envoy , searched all the way, so it was late, and I haven't joined the Jin Guoqin envoy yet."

Lu Guanying said: "How much did he plunder? How many soldiers and horses did he bring?"

The man said: "Every prefecture and county has paid for it. His soldiers are still looting in the countryside. I saw that when he got on the boat, his relatives carried more than 20 boxes of belongings. It seemed very heavy. It should be gold and silver. It is estimated that there are 10,000+ taels of silver. The horse infantry led by him totaled [-], and those who crossed the lake were all infantry. Because there were not enough boats, about [-] boarded the boat. "

Lu Guanying nodded upon hearing the words, and then said to everyone: "Brothers, what do you think?"

Everyone said in unison: "I would like to listen to the command of the young master."

Lu Guanying embraced her arms with both hands, and said: "These are people's fat and people's anointings collected by corrupt officials. Since they passed through our Taihu Lake, it would be against the law of heaven not to take them. Let's just take them all and give half of them to them." The other half of the poor people in the vicinity were divided into villages."

Everyone burst into applause.It was only then that Huang Rong realized that this group of people were all bandit leaders in Taihu Lake, and it seemed that Lu Guanying was the general leader of each village.

Lu Guanying said: "It's not too late, let's do it right away. Brother Zhang, you take five small boats, and then go to sentry." The skinny man took the order to leave the cabin.Lu Guanying followed the assignment, who will be the vanguard, who will be the support, who will lead the water ghost to drill the bottom of the enemy ship, who will take the property, who will capture the officer, and the command is very orderly.

After Lu Guanying's order was finished, everyone was about to go out to work separately, one of the people stood up and said coldly: "We do this business without capital, and eating rich businessmen and big businessmen is enough. This way, we can get along with the officials." If we go to war, can we still stay by the lake? The Imperial Envoy of the Great Jin Kingdom will not be offended even more."

Ling Muyun and Huang Rong heard the voice very familiar, followed the sound, it turned out that it was Sha Tongtian's disciple, the soul-destroying whip horse Qingxiong among the four ghosts of the Yellow River, somehow got mixed up here.

The two of them didn't know that the reason why Ma Qingxiong came here was Huang Rong's credit. It turned out that the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River were repeatedly teased by Huang Rong, which made Sha Tongtian lose face in front of Wanyan Honglie and others. Sha Tongtian had a bad temper. , In a fit of anger, he directly expelled the four ghosts of the Yellow River from the division.After the four ghosts of the Yellow River were expelled, they each found their own way of life. Among them, the soul-destroying whip horse Qingxiong came to Taihu Lake all the way south. After being introduced by someone, he joined the water pirates all the way. So he was directly promoted to the leader, so he was able to attend the meeting this time.

As soon as Ma Qingxiong finished speaking, Lu Guanying's face suddenly changed color, before he had time to speak, three or four people in the group of thieves shouted and cursed at the same time.

Lu Guanying forced a smile and said: "Brothers, don't get angry. Brother Ma just came here, so he doesn't know the rules here. Since everyone wants to do it together, we will be completely wiped out, and we will die without regret."

Ma Qingxiong said: "Okay, you do your job, I don't want to mess with this." After finishing speaking, he ignored everyone's reaction, turned around and was about to leave the cabin.

Seeing this scene, Huang Rong whispered in Ling Muyun's ear, "Brother Yun, this guy probably wants to be a real ghost this time!"

Ling Muyun nodded in agreement, how could Lu Guanying let Ma Qingxiong leave at this time?If Ma Qingxiong were to just leave like this, Lu Guanying would not only lose his prestige, but also bear the risk of leaking secrets. Who would do such a thing?Ma Qingxiong's actions are tantamount to looking for death. It is estimated that he, one of the four ghosts of the Yellow River, will become a water ghost of Taihu Lake tonight.

The development of the matter did not go as expected by Ling Muyun and Huang Rong. As soon as Ma Qingxiong was about to leave, two men stopped at the hatch and shouted: "Brother Ma, you have beheaded the chicken head and made an oath, everyone is blessed to share!" , feel the same difficulties, I'm afraid it's not right to leave like this!"

"Go away!" Ma Qingxiong cursed, waved his hands, and immediately threw the two people to the sides, and he was about to continue to leave the cabin.

"Ma, leave it to me!" Seeing this scene, Lu Guanying jumped up with a shout, and slapped Ma Qingxiong on the back.

Ma Qingxiong sensed a gust of palm wind coming from his back, he hastily stepped aside, pulled out a dagger from the boot with his left hand, and stabbed it backward with his backhand.Lu Guanying stretched out his left hand quickly, put his left arm on the outer door, and stepped into his palm.Ma Qingxiong raised his right hand, followed by the dagger in his left hand, and the two immediately fought hand to hand in the narrow cabin.

Ling Muyun took a second glance and knew that Ma Qingxiong was not Lu Guanying's opponent. Although Lu Guanying's martial arts were not high, they were only between the third and second rate, but it was enough to deal with a third rate expert like Ma Qingxiong.

Sure enough, just as Ling Muyun expected, as soon as the two fought against each other, Lu Guanying fought for the upper hand. After more than a dozen moves, Lu Guanying suddenly grabbed Ma Qingxiong's dagger-holding wrist with one grabbing hand, and punched out with the other hand, " "Bang" hit Ma Qingxiong's chest firmly.Ma Qingxiong immediately fell back with a cry of pain, and the two men behind him who had been felled by him raised their knives and slashed at once. Ma Qingxiong only had time to scream and died on the spot.

Lu Guanying asked the two men to throw Ma Qingxiong's body into the lake, and then said to the group of thieves: "Brothers, the traitor is dead now, everyone has to fight bravely for a while."

The group of thieves agreed abruptly and went back to the ship.In a moment, all the boats rowed side by side with thousands of oars.Lu Guanying's big boat was behind the formation, and it was heading eastward for the lake.

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