super magician

Chapter 75 [Tactical 'Ball Distribution'! 】

('Actually, what the Yellow River Ferry said is correct. This level 20 dungeon of hell difficulty can only be killed with team skills when the equipment of the 20-man team is +9. But this is just a well-behaved monster killing The method, when you actually go on the battlefield, you must consider the terrain, skills, and techniques carefully. If you only look at the points to judge whether you can fight, what is the point of boxing and other competitive competitions? Just compare whoever has the heavier punch and give it to whoever Wouldn't it be enough to advance? There is no need to fight wars between countries, just see who has the strongest equipment, and just throw in the towel for the weak!

In Zhang Wei's view, the reason why miracles are interesting is largely due to the game strategy... Of course, this view is not shared by everyone. Some people like to fight for equipment (Zhang Wei also likes it), and some people like to fight The team's real combat power, some people simply get into life skills and can't come out. Everyone's gameplay is different, and this is the attraction of miracles.

Zhang Wei walked in the front, and the shield warrior 'Human Bear' and the blasting expert 'Depth Charge' followed Zhang Wei.Zhang Wei was a little surprised that the Depth Charge player was the Ice Mage. He thought that the blaster would like Fire Mage as much as he did.

"Report your agility points," Zhang Wei said.The two reported agility points, and they were not as good as the skeleton soldiers, but the problem was not serious. Zhang Wei's skills were not bad, and he would not make mistakes and need to escape.Before Zhang Wei said that the configuration of the seven-member team was unreasonable, with too little control, that is, an ice calculation control, Yuye Xinghe and their "martial arts masters" can only be regarded as weak control, worse than Zhang Wei's control skills ...

"Cannon God, what are you going to do?" Seeing Zhang Wei touching the wall and walking towards the strange area, Ice Master Depth Charge couldn't help but feel bad. At a glance, he could see seven skeleton soldiers on the other side of the passage. In fact, it must be more Too many, the three of them almost made them destroy the group just now, if there is a mistake, they will be brought together...

"The two of you are waiting for me at the entrance of the passage. After I release the magic missile, you can use the normal method to attack the monster." Zhang Wei didn't explain much, it was too troublesome to explain.Immediately afterwards, he chatted with the team again, "For a while, those with a single attack power of more than 1000 can shoot, and those with a group attack power of more than 800 can shoot. If the attack power is not enough to cover, don't make moves until the critical moment, save the medicine bottle."

Medicine bottle?Everyone's eyes lit up, it turned out that there was another trick!

A simple explanation, for example, a middle red can add 1000 points of blood in total, and the hardest shield in the team with skeleton soldiers is about 200 points of blood, then this medicine bottle can add 5 times of damage.Skeleton soldiers hit the most fragile person with 1000 damage, so they can only repair the damage once.Everyone is equipped with +1 equipment. Naturally, everyone can attack and defend as much as they want, and give full play to the team's maximum combat power, but the problem is that everyone's equipment is not enough now, so as long as the strongest shield takes more than 9% of the damage, let the highest attack People account for 80% of the output, so it will definitely solve the problem of insufficient potion perfectly!

Everyone used to play games without worrying about potions, everyone just focused on output and dodge... If everyone here fights output, at most, everyone will have no potions after beating Skeleton King!One sentence from Zhang Wei solved the problem of not enough potion!Before everyone, there were still a few people who were not convinced by Zhang Wei. After all, the forum videos were just watched, and their senses were very different from participating in and worrying about it in person.

In fact, this is a very simple competitive issue. If you think about it in the NBA, you must let the strongest defensive center and power forward defend, and let the strongest offensive small forward and shooting guard attack. The potion is the possession of the ball. Players have unlimited fire rights, and it’s okay to fight fish belly (normal leveling), but if you encounter a strong team (hell dungeon), it’s suicide.However, no one else would think of miracles and the NBA together.

'There are so many skeleton soldiers over there, let's see how you attract monsters one by one. After thinking about it carefully, the Yellow River Ferry was taken aback by Zhang Wei's idea. It turns out that it can solve the problem of insufficient medicine in this way!However, he was still very unconvinced in his heart. He always had to see Zhang Wei's performance mistakes somewhere to be comfortable.

People and bears were waiting at the entrance of the passage, Zhang Wei went in, the passage was about 70 meters...

Zhang Wei sneaked to the exit of the passage, leaning against one side, carefully observing, and at the same time using his perception to judge the enemy's position...Eighteen, very good!Even he can upgrade after finishing this wave!

The method of attracting monsters is generally one by one, so if it succeeds, it will form an advantageous situation in which one's side fights more and less, and sometimes can kill the enemy before the enemy fires.Generally, archers and assassins are used to lure them, because they have explosive speed moves to escape, and they can sneak to hide if they can't.Although mages and paladins also have long-range attack skills that can attract monsters, they cannot escape if they make a mistake, and their survivability is relatively weak, so they are generally not allowed to attract monsters.Now I saw the skeleton soldiers walking around outside the passage, everyone was sweating, it was impossible, it was impossible to attract only one...

call out!

A cheap and easy-to-use energy ball flew out... Eighteen skeletons looked at Zhang Wei together...

'Oops! "Yuye Xinghe was startled, this strange lure is too scumbag, it shouldn't be let the mage to lure the monster, the mage throws an energy ball and throws a flash bomb, just thinking about it with his toes, he knows that a single lure is impossible ah!

"Haha..." The Yellow River ferry almost couldn't help laughing out loud...

"Damn, this is... amazing!" But then, the two, no, it should be said that the other 19 people in the team all showed shock!Zhang Wei ran into the passage. The passage was about 3 meters wide and about the same height. A group of skeleton soldiers rushed in from behind, forming three parallel... Zhang Wei shot back a magic missile, blowing a skeleton soldier back. The other two naturally stood in the middle, becoming two side by side...

2 cards and 3 cards, in addition to these 5, there are 13 more!Zhang Wei passed by with a spider web, and temporarily held them back...

"Shield armor, hurry up and beat the monster! The ice controls the enemy's speed! Come on behind, attack in groups! Don't kill thousands of faces if you attack alone!" Zhang Wei shouted while running, and everyone recovered at this time Come on... Zhang Wei planned to attract 18 of them from the beginning!In order to save the potion, they are so insane!Although the stats of minions are close to bronze, their intelligence templates are still miscellaneous fish, and this is where they can be used!In fact, even the Bronze intelligence template is still very low intelligence, only the Silver-level intelligence template is more difficult!

The human bear and the depth bomb go up to the top, and the other fires the ice bomb to slow down the enemy... The control ability of the ice bomb spell is not very strong, but if it is well matched with the terrain, this is also a magic skill!There are no rubbish skills, only rubbish players, this saying is very popular in the late stage of Miracle!When these two joined forces, they actually withstood 18 monsters!

Only two skeleton soldiers can hit the bears. The damage to the bears is much worse than when they were against three. After all, the previous three were only against three shields... At that time it was one-on-one, but now it is a pair two!

However, the fight is obviously easier than before. Two healers can continue to frantically heal the bears. Unlike the previous skeleton soldiers who have high output and aggression deviation, the healers are in a hurry... Depth bombs are iced After that, another earth mage came to cast the slow spell on the enemy... In fact, if he knew the stone skin spell, it would be easier to fight, but forget it, the slow is not bad...

The 18 skeleton soldiers are obviously easier to deal with than the previous 3. Players with high attack power who can attack in groups will attack casually, and the rest will paddle temporarily and wait for experience...



-2674!Crit!The rainy night star river has a very high attack power!

Everyone tries to avoid the first two monsters as much as possible. Although killing the first two monsters by mistake, it seems that they can get stuck again, but it is better not to take risks... If you are stuck like this at a distance of 2 meters, at least 2 seconds to pass! 70 seconds is enough to use more than 20 moves. Everyone reckons it is enough to kill monsters, but when one person makes a move, no one bothers to calculate this...

Zhang Wei retreated to the back, aiming at the skeletons in the second row was a blasting technique!




The next 17 were all implicated - more than 3000!

"Hahahaha... I like this output method the most! The identity of the king of fire and destruction can only be revealed at this time!" Zhang Wei is a destruction enthusiast. One after another, the skeleton soldiers were beaten tremblingly, and at the moment of death, they were blown into countless bone fragments and splashed... Everyone stopped attacking and looked at him blankly, probably the skeleton soldiers only walked halfway. , it all became a pile of experience...

Several golden lights lit up, including Zhang Wei, there were actually three people upgraded!One 4000 experience, 18, add up to 7 experience!Zhang Wei's level is more than 5%, those people average level 3, at least 24%.

Seeing blue light emitting from Zhang Wei's body, it was obvious that he was replenishing his demons, and everyone lost their voices for a while...

"Damn, his output in that wave of attack just now reached more than 70... The output exceeded 70% of the whole team... Am I dazzled..."

"This cannon is really accurate... No wonder it's called the God of Cannon..."

"Shit, he's level 34..."


【Come and count the tickets~】

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