super magician

Chapter 83 [Tickling...]

('A great god in the cross talk world once said that if you want to find a woman, you must either know nothing or know everything. This word is regarded as a sacred scripture by many people! Come on, this is at most the preface of the holy scriptures, and the words of another little Huangwen master can complete the content of the scriptures...

The greatest achievement of conquering women is to make a pure girl who knows nothing willing to do everything for you, or to make a girl who knows everything become a pure girl in the eyes of others for you!

Whether Wenmin belongs to those who understand or those who don’t, it’s too difficult to distinguish in this era!She came out to work hard at the age of 16. If she said she 'didn't understand', no one would believe it. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she should have seen a short movie!But if you say she understands, Zhang Wei will definitely not miss you, she must be a young girl, and letting her take the lead will definitely get you in the door!

To hook up with such a woman, Zhang Wei is not sure, whether it is to make a pure girl willing to do anything for you, or to make a beautiful girl become a pure girl in the eyes of others... But looking at the dodgy Wen Min on the other side of the video, Zhang Wei did have the idea of ​​hunting flowers. Of course, his purpose is different from the one-night dew in his previous life. Zhang Wei wants to build long-term friendships, gain a deep understanding of each other, and promote the guild's internal development. unite...

"What's wrong, sister Wen, you have such a good figure, brother, I just want to take a look..." Zhang Wei teased softly, women are auditory animals, although I don't know which muscle of Wen Min is not right, but For a woman whose position has begun to become unsteady, speaking softly can definitely have a critical effect.

Sure enough, Wen Min hesitated and struggled. A woman under the age of 20 would definitely hide her face and hide her shame when faced with such a situation, and might even run away... But as the eldest sister in the shared inn, Wen Min's ID is 'Queen of Mosquitoes', Of course there is no possibility of escape.If she can be determined to turn off the video conversation, maybe she will be able to restore calm in a while.But she believed that Zhang Wei was being chased and killed. She stayed up late every day to help her calculate and write the strategy. She was so moved that she almost cried. How could she refuse Zhang Wei?In addition, she is single, and a single woman has no moral constraints, so it is always possible to be bolder...

At this time, Zhang Wei took advantage of the victory to pursue and pursued, and hurriedly said: "My good sister, I will never spread the picture, and I will not tell others about it, so you can secretly show it to me..."

Women are hesitant, most likely there is something to be said for it. At this time, what they are worried about is definitely not getting too involved with the man, but that the matter will be exposed and let people know!Most people have a madness in their bones, but if the atmosphere is not suitable, they generally cannot be guided.Some women's madness is like a torrent. Once successfully guided, it will be a torrent immediately. It is not an exaggeration to counterattack and overthrow the man all day.The madness of some women is the spring rain, which falls slowly little by little. Don't think that the energy is small. The rain will continue to fall, and it may even last for more than ten days without stopping.In Zhang Wei's view, Wen Min should belong to the latter group. As long as she is guided correctly and not too abruptly, her femininity that has been pent up until she is 27 years old will definitely be able to fully elicit...

Wen Min is very hesitant. Zhang Wei is very different now. Usually Zhang Wei only loves fitness and boxing. Zhang Wei has blown up many sandbags. People often complain to the property management that the shared hotel plays heavy metal music. There were shouts of killing and blows, and it was suspected that there was a fight with weapons...

Now Zhang Wei is still very keen on boxing, but he no longer shows his madness like before. Even when he was boxing, the strange cry that imitated wild animals turned into a dull breathing sound. Wen Min didn't know this was Zhang Wei later developed a habit. After all, killers are not warriors. When shouting to kill, he will reveal his desire to attack, which is equivalent to reminding the enemy that he is going to use a big move... Zhang Wei, who is punching in a muffled voice, gives Wen Min the feeling , seems to be calmer and stronger, just like Simbuck the lazy lion, usually unhurried, and will definitely show shocking power when it explodes!For some reason, Wen Min suddenly thought that if Zhang Wei threw himself down like Simbuck, he would definitely not be able to break free. He is so strong, and he can strip people naked in two or three strokes...Compared with before, Zhang Wei still has more One difference, that's 'grown up', obviously interested in a woman who seems to be...

The last time I told Liuliu about the invitation, she seemed indifferent on the surface, but in fact it was a bit uncomfortable and bitter. This is definitely not love, and it cannot be called liking... But today, Zhang Wei treats her so well, and this feeling has been magnified. It made her have the illusion that she actually has a little...

"I'll only post it this time, don't pass it on to others." Wen Min said suddenly.

"Why am I willing to..." Zhang Wei looked at Wen Min with a smile, but his words were not just a skill that he had practiced in the flowers of his previous life, but came from the bottom of his heart. Appreciate it slowly, spread it out for others to see, that is really God will not spare him!

End of video chat...

Just as Zhang Wei was wondering, a request to send a file came from the communicator. It turned out that Wen Min was embarrassed and didn't want Zhang Wei to see her expression!Although what Zhang Wei likes the most is seeing women shy, but the distance between them is so far, the two of them haven't developed to that point, and they can't ask for too much...

Things received successfully!

This is a stack of photos of the landlady practicing yoga in her room against a nearby projection screen.Zhang Wei finally understood why the 27-year-old landlady looked like a 20-year-old girl!It turned out to be because of yoga!She must have recorded herself exercising, and then captured the wonderful shots for collection... Girls are all narcissistic, and the more beautiful they are, the more so!Although the photos are somewhat shady, but Wen Min originally saved them for his own viewing, so what does it matter?

Things in the small room are a bit messy, clothes are thrown around, ahem, Wen Min is really a talent for sweeping the world, but her ability to clean the house is... The woman Zhang Wei in the projector next to her is too lazy to look at it, anyone can see it He was really not interested.Wen Min, who was practicing on the bed in the room, was where his eyes focused. When he thought of the queen who usually wore a work suit and scolded people in the company, at this moment...

Bodybuilding dresses are the same thing as high fork swimwear!In fact, it is to connect two sections of swimsuits together. People who have not experienced that era do not know the allure of "5 minutes a day".

The posture of raising her head and chest, the softness of the woman's body is perfectly displayed at this moment. Although she is wearing a half-meat shield equipment, her figure is really comparable to that of an elf... Her breasts are tall and straight, although it is not comparable to a six-six bust, But definitely a B+ as well.The abdomen is flat, and the waist is no worse than Xu Xiaona's.The hip bones have grown and matured, the butt is round and upright, and the thighs are also slightly fleshy.Although there must be a small underwear inside, the shape of the panties can occasionally be seen in the photos of the briefs... All kinds of kicks, kicks, and Zhang Wei can do it, but the flavor is naturally different when women make gestures...

The most exaggerated movement, the person is lying on his stomach, his chest is raised, his buttocks are turned backwards and his head is pressed, he is really not from the earth, Zhang Wei can't even do this movement... But once this movement is made, the shape there It all came to the fore... Zhang Wei is really, it was hard to see for a moment, I didn't expect that there were even photos of this action... Also, how can I do it without taking pictures to commemorate the difficult action?Look at the softness of this body, it is really possible to do any difficult posture...

In addition to her beautiful appearance and graceful body, Zhang Wei soon discovered other advantages of the landlady, her bare feet are white and tender, well maintained, her fingers are long and slender, and she can definitely press 8 piano keys... A person who is too pure, I don't understand why Zhang Wei stares at Wen Min's tender feet and white tender hands...

"How's it going?" Zhang Wei didn't reply for a long time, Wen Min couldn't help sending a message.She passed the file just now, only to suddenly remember the 'big action' in the pile of photos, and now her face is completely red...

"Sister Wen, you are so beautiful. You can tell that you are soft when you look at your body. It must be easy to touch... However, I am typing with both hands to prove that I have mastered it... Dear sister, let me have a few more..."

Zhang Wei's reply made Wenmin's breathing rhythm change. She is also a person who often hangs around the Internet, so she naturally knows that the sentence below is "the one who typed with both hands, don't think I don't know you are licking the screen", but at this moment she is It can't be like this, because the person in the photo is her!Why didn't I read it first, why did I send that photo too!

"Miss Wen?"

"Hello, I'm sorry, please leave a message if you have any questions... Typo, it's 'things'..."


"Hi, I'm busy right now..." The communicator was really offline this time.

Wen Min turned off the communicator, and was going to go offline to hide from Zhang Wei... We are all in the same room, if Zhang Wei really plans to do something, what's the point of hiding like this?

"Sister Wen, who are you chatting with?" Liuliu just made a big deal and earned about 20 blessings, which is a lot of wealth for her, but more importantly, this It is the beginning of success!She was very happy, and wanted to report to Wen Min to show off, but she saw Wen Min hastily shut down the communicator, with that expression, there was something wrong... Did she also make a big deal like herself?

"Damn girl! Don't peek around if you have nothing to do! Continue with your business! I still have documents to sort out, so let's quit first!" Wen Min pointed at Liuliu with one finger, don't think she can't stand the head of a big sister in front of Zhang Wei. The score, in front of Liuliu, there is no problem at all!Liu Liu stuck out his tongue, and continued to see if there was any business to do.Wen Min looked at her young and cute, and suddenly felt a little sad. The girl who just turned 18 is 9 years younger than him. If he was younger, even if he was only 5 years younger, he would definitely not let Zhang Wei out like this. At least he should try. Let's hang out!

After going offline and leaving, the sky was getting brighter, and after Wen Min took off the electronic equipment, he suddenly stopped moving...

After a pause of about ten seconds, she finally reached out and touched the bottom of her trousers slowly. There was an unusual trace of wetness on the silky panties...


【Ask for a ticket~】

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