Empress Shen Gongjiao

Chapter 1240 Let me hug you for a while

Chapter 1240 Let me hold you for a while
After a pause, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he added: "I'm busy with political affairs today, please tell my mother for me, let's wait another day."

Hongyu glanced at the neatly arranged official documents on the case, obviously before she came, he was not busy with his so-called political affairs, but was flirting with the little maid.

Raising her eyebrows, she turned around, "Okay, then I won't bother you."

Nangong Che also followed her gaze, apparently understood what she was thinking, but just pressed his lips tighter without any explanation.

When she walked to the door, Nangong Che suddenly stood up from the stool and rushed in her direction. In just a moment, his figure flashed, and Hongyu didn't even react at all. He suddenly crashed into a warm and firm embrace, and was tightly held by iron tongs.

Hongyu frowned slightly, she could feel his trembling, stiffness, worrying about gains and losses, all from his embrace, even his heavy breathing spread all the way along the base of her ears, burning her heart violently.

"It's just a meal, why do you want you to come and tell me in person?" He asked in a hoarse voice, "Can't you just send someone here?"

She thought so too, but mother insisted on letting her come.

Hongyu smiled, although it was a little difficult to be held by him, she still turned her head and looked at him, "Why are you unhappy when I come?"

Looking at it like this, it seems that she hopes not to see her, which is completely different from before.

If he hadn't suddenly rushed up to hug her right now, she would have thought that he was really going to give up, or that he was really tired and didn't want to continue.

From Nangongche's angle, you can only see her small profile, delicate and glamorous, like a ten thousand-year-old female fairy who sucks human blood, especially with the fake smile on the corner of her mouth that he hates the most. laugh.

In fact, she doesn't have to smile, but he would rather she not laugh, at least she is sincere like that, then he won't feel so powerless.

After about half a cup of tea, he still hugged her like this, Hongyu's patience was gradually worn out, and she was not very happy, and struggled a few times, "Didn't you say you are busy, you can let me go now ? Mother's meal is almost ready, I'm going back to eat."

"Let me hold you for a while, and I'll go with you."

"..." Hongyu choked for a moment. Could it be that she begged him to go, so he had to be hugged for a while before he could show mercy and go have a meal with her?

Her delicate eyebrows furrowed, and she said impatiently, "Then don't go."

Nangong Che knew that she had misunderstood what he meant, his eyes rolled around several times, and he said in a low voice: "No, it's because I want to hug you, and it's also because I want to eat. Mother's cooking is very good, and I haven't tasted it for a long time." He knew she didn't like it. I like it, so even if I really want it in my heart, it's not good to bother her every day.

"Then go quickly. Mother will be ready when I come out. If she is late, she should wait."

"Okay." Nangong Che nodded, let go of her, but immediately took her little hand in the next second, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

At the beginning, she would resist all his close movements, but she forgot when it started, and she gradually stopped sticking to them.

At that time, he almost thought that she had finally let go of her knot and was willing to accept him again.

It was only later that she realized that she was just too lazy to continue resisting.

(End of this chapter)

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