Empress Shen Gongjiao

Chapter 1826 Just To Save People

Chapter 1826 Just To Save People
The seemingly comfortable layout made him feel a sense of ambiguity, and his eyes deepened...

"Hi, guest officer, our place is number one in the world. Last time, there was a girl who ate a lot of our signature dishes and praised her repeatedly!"

The chef in the shop was specially hired by the boss behind the scenes with a lot of money, and the chef has a particularly bad temper. Cooking every day is completely capricious depending on the mood!
When he heard the first floor in the world, Nangong Yao raised his eyebrows, ignored his chatter, and said, "Just serve some special dishes."

After the shop waiter heard it, he smiled and retreated...


In the back kitchen, the waiter's voice seemed particularly nervous, and even his tone raised a bit, "Cook, how can you do this? Do you know that the young man who came outside is a high-ranking official! Are you not afraid of offending him like this? ?”

The man on the opposite side looked at him obliquely, and said in a cold tone, "What's the matter with me? Uncle is in a bad mood today, don't provoke me!"

The shop clerk also knew that he had no right to dispatch him, and he might have angered the old man, so he would not be safe in the future.

He spat secretly, seeing the money he got flew away again, he threw the rag in his hand on the desk, and left angrily.

"If you don't do it, just talk to the guests yourself! I don't care!"

There was no ups and downs in the man's eyes, as if other people's affairs had nothing to do with him. Looking at his leaving back, he was in deep thought. Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he decided to go to the elegant hall to find out!
Nangong Che had a look of tiredness on his face, he was really tired after riding the horse for many days.Sensing someone approaching, he thought it was the waiter from the shop who came to deliver the food, and slowly opened his eyes.

"It's you?"

Looking at the person in front of him in surprise, Nangong Che's eyes were filled with surprise.

The last time we left, I inquired about him from many sources, but found nothing. I thought I would never have the chance to meet again in this lifetime!
The man was also taken aback, and instinctively wanted to kneel down, but was supported by a pair of hands, making his bent legs stand straight instantly!
"Emperor... why are you here?"

The voice that came out of his mouth suddenly changed his address. For his arrival, he was never expected. It reminded him of the recent chaos in Japan...

"The chaos in Japan has nothing to do with me. I came here just to save people."

Even though I haven't seen him for many years, but he was cultivated by himself, and Nangongche certainly knows what he thinks.

The man nodded, "I thought that after you disbanded us, there would be no chance to see each other again."

Recalling the past, Nangongche sighed endlessly. If it was not a last resort, who would want to dissolve his hard work with his own hands?

This matter started shortly after Nangong Qianqian took action. Although he was in power at that time, some officials below were always eager to move. Give him a hand.

However, who would have thought that the person he cultivated by himself would become a sharp blade!When there are too many people, greed will be revealed, someone betrays, and finally the city is full of trouble...

In order to save the hearts of the people, he had no choice but to reluctantly cut off this force...

Of course the man knew what he was thinking, and he scolded himself which pot he didn't open and which pot he picked up, "Master, I'm going to cook for you now, please wait a moment!" so neglectful...

(End of this chapter)

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