Empress Shen Gongjiao

Chapter 1871 I said what are you waiting for?

Chapter 1871 I said what are you waiting for?

Feng Chenyuan became very irritable, this kind of silent confinement is better than a real fight.

Nangong Yao raised his eyebrows, looking at his recent irritable behavior, he was a little puzzled and asked, "What are you bothering about?"

"Nonsense! The outside is my family, the ones who are threatened are my father and my sister, this is Dongying where I was born, no matter how much you look down on him, he is my family! You want me How can you not be in a hurry?"

Feng Chenyuan's words made Nangong Yao's heart tremble. In the past, his face only showed boredom, when did he have such deep feelings?
"If you go now, you will let the public opinion push you to the top of the storm again, and once again you will recruit yourself endlessly. Don't you know the prestige of the fourth prince in the hearts of the people now?"

"I know! But if you let me just watch like this, I can't do it, I really can't do it."

Scratching his hair, Feng Chenyuan's face turned livid, knowing that what he said must be reasonable, but in his heart, he just felt uncomfortable...

"Feng Chenyuan, now you can only stand still, the enemy is in the open, and I am in the dark, do you hear me?"

Looking straight at him with sharp eyes, Nangong Yao lightly reprimanded him, wanting to calm down his violent heart slowly.

After venting, Feng Chenyuan began to calm down, covered in cold sweat, luckily the one beside him was Nangong Yao, if it was someone else...

"Fifth Princess, don't worry, the emperor has a genius doctor by his side now, and he will definitely be able to survive Xiao Zhoutian."

Nangong Yao's words were a little stiff, maybe it was because he couldn't comfort others.

Feng Chenyuan squatted aside decadently, and nodded desolately.


in the palace.


Dong Yinghuang, who was asleep on the bed, suddenly got up and bent over, spitting out a mouthful of bright red blood...

The chief eunuch wiped it hastily, Dongying Huangfu fell on the bed again, his eyes were open, empty.

It was already the fourth day, and he had already vomited blood. Although he didn't see it in the eyes of the emperor at that time, the blood actually flowed out of his body. He even felt that his life was being lost a little bit.

After the miracle doctor came yesterday, he gave him a pill, saying that it was an improved version of the pill. Compared to the emperor's uncle's seizure on the fourth day, he was indeed much luckier...

"Hey, is this still my father? How can you be so weak? If the people see you like this, will I be crowned?"

The fourth prince was not absent every day, and he had to come to personally check for a few minutes before he was relieved. Seeing that person was getting worse day by day, he was overjoyed, and the little devil in his heart that was ready to move was exposed even more.

Dongyinghuang didn't even have the strength to confront him, so he could only close his eyes that were gradually clouding.

"Father, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and issue the edict. You may die suddenly one day. The court cannot be left alone for a day, and it will be bad if it causes riots."

He didn't care if that person ignored him, the fourth prince sat down in front of the bed and said to himself.

"Bastard! Impossible!"

Dongyinghuang pointed at his son who was still smiling with trembling hands, regretting deeply in his heart, why did he agree to this bet!
Now, everything has come true.

"Father, I will see how long you will be stubborn. At that time, you will die, and my ascension to the throne is a legitimate thing. If you want to force it, you will be powerless."

(End of this chapter)

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