Chapter 1998

When Hongyu and the others came, they saw her vomited faintly, with a worried face, stepped forward to help her straighten her back, and said distressedly: "Why is it so serious?"

I don't know if it's because of the disappearance of the cold syndrome, but at this moment Hongyu's face is very rosy and beautiful.

"Mother, I don't know, I feel so uncomfortable in my stomach." Nangong Qianqian felt wronged and wanted to cry.

"Come here, go down and get some lotus seed porridge, don't get too tired."

Hongyu ordered the servants, and then helped her to lie down on the imperial concubine chair.

Only now did Nangong Qianqian realize that being a mother is so hard. Looking at her mother, she said gratefully: "My mother, it turns out that it was so hard when you had me. It's really hard work for you."

Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, the bamboo jade hairpin inserted obliquely on the bun swayed, making it look very dazzling.

"At the beginning, I was not as serious as you."

"Queen, tell me, it's been so long, why hasn't he come back to see, does he really not care?"

Nangong Qianqian had a sad face, and her tone was suddenly uncertain. Although she believed that the two were in love, this abnormal attitude still made her feel uncomfortable.Pregnant women are quite sensitive.

Hearing this, Hongyu's eyes dodged a little. He had repeatedly told Qianqian not to let Qianqian know about it. Now Qianqian's mood is not stable. If she tells her now, if she gets pregnant...

Sensitive Nangong Qianqian sensed her dodging gaze, felt a little bit in her heart, pulled Hongyu to face her, stared at her and said, "Queen, tell me, are you still hiding something from me?"

This feeling is very strong. I don't know why, there is no reason at all. In the past, when I asked these questions, the queen mother would not dodge her eyes at all. Now, if there is nothing else, she really is. Stupid.

"Qianqian, what can be the matter? Don't worry, just have a good pregnancy. The mother is just worried about you. You were not in good health after the miscarriage last time. I was just thinking about how to nourish you. , let your body get better slowly?"

Although Hongyu's perfect excuse made Nangong Qianqian suspicious, she was still moved, thinking that the queen mother must be worried about her body, which is why she was like this, and she didn't think of so many things at all...

"My queen, after having this child, my mood has really improved a lot, so ah, I will be fine in the future!"

In Nangong Qianqian's mind, she was looking forward to their happy life in the future, and even the outline of the child could be vaguely seen.

Seeing her yearning for happiness so much, Hongyu couldn't bear it, and didn't know how to tell her, this matter must be very difficult for her to accept...

"Qianqian, the queen mother doesn't want anything else now. She just hopes that when something happens in the future, you can take good care of yourself. Don't forget that you still have your child, you know?"

"Okay, don't worry, queen mother!"

Seeing her innocent appearance, Hongyu really couldn't say some words, after comforting her, she hurriedly left.


"Tell me, what should I do? Qianqian is thinking about Yao'er's return now, but Yao'er has no news. Even if she is dead, she still needs to see the body! What is it now, just disappearing out of thin air?"

Hongyu's face was irritated, and she walked back and forth in front of him, even her tone of voice was slightly blamed, as if it was because the people he sent were useless...

(End of this chapter)

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