Empress Shen Gongjiao

Chapter 910 She Wouldn't Do Such A Thing

Chapter 910 She Wouldn't Do Such A Thing

Feng Qian looked at her in astonishment, and obvious tremors flashed in her star pupils.

I have to say that the Empress Dowager really said some nice words—whether sincere or false.

If she directly said that she wanted to have a good relationship with her or want to get close to her, she might not be so convinced and moved, but "I don't like it, but I reluctantly accept it for my son and grandson's change of mind", so true words make people have to believe , even a little empathetic.

She also doesn't like the Queen Mother, so she still accepts it for Jun Moying?
"Queen, if you say so, let..."

"Qian'er, actually there was a reason why Aijia hated you in the first place, so maybe it's not that difficult to stop hating you." The Queen Mother interrupted her lightly.

"At that time, I suspected that you were a secret agent sent by Xi Que, so it was impossible to like you. But you child, you said that there was no big problem, but because Aijia had already preconceived it at that time, so I found you annoying everywhere. Especially—the emperor has disregarded the ancestral system and violated the principle of doing things countless times because of you, how could the Ai family like you like this?"

Feng Qian pursed her lips, but actually understood what she said very well.

Even if this is not in the palace, but just a modern couple of ordinary mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, similar contradictions will arise.

The mother-in-law felt that she had worked so hard to raise her son for so many years. Why should she be abducted by her daughter-in-law?

The most important thing is that for her, Jun Moying did a lot of things that are not understood by ordinary people.

Although monogamy is very normal in her eyes, but in the eyes of these ancients, doting only on a woman from an enemy country is either a fatuous emperor or a concubine who confuses the country. Accepted by the people of the times.

Back then, the Queen Mother didn't like her because she thought she was Xi Que's spy, but that didn't even wrong her, she really was.

So those emotions can't be blamed on the Queen Mother. If she were the Queen Mother and changed places to think differently, maybe she would also look at people with such a mentality through colored glasses.

The only difference may be what the Queen Mother did later.

No matter how hard she hated, she would never do such a thing.

"My queen, I know what you said."

Feng Qian lowered her eyes, it was rare to be so gentle and thrifty, "Since the matter has passed, you don't have to blame yourself too much now. Although what happened is irreparable, you still have a long, long future, if you are willing if……"

She paused, as if she didn't know how to express herself.

When she raised her eyes, she saw that the queen mother was staring at her for a moment, as if her answer was very important to the queen mother, and there was even a hint of anticipation.

Feng smiled slightly: "If you are willing, the emperor and I will honor you, as well as your grandchildren."

A smile that is too bright, so bright that it almost dazzles people's eyes.

The queen mother narrowed her eyes slightly, and her heart trembled.

For a moment, she was almost moved by such a smile.

Perhaps, this is indeed a good woman, perhaps placed in an ordinary person's home, even if she is a nobleman, she will like Fengqian very much.

It's a pity that there is no if, Xi'er died because of Feng Qian.

A white-haired man sends a black-haired man, how can he not avenge such an enmity?

(End of this chapter)

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