Chapter 125 It's Him
Since Dong Jian was not driving fast, all four of them were not seriously injured.

Ke Jiyun pulled Tang Xiaoying out of the car in shock, and Cheng Yingzhi immediately asked her if she felt any discomfort.

Tang Xiaoying shook her head with a pale face, and looked at the truck.

The whole truck rolled over, skidded a long way on the road, and then broke the roadbed and rolled under it before coming to a stop.

Fortunately, there were no cars on the road during this time period, so Dong Jian and the others were the only ones who suffered.

Cheng Yingzhi's face was very dark.

Dong Jian yelled: "You deserve it for hitting you to death! Damn, can you drive a car, Sabi, if you want to die, do it as soon as possible, don't endanger others!"

Ke Jiyun pulled Dong Jian back, "Call the police first."

Dong Jian became angry when he remembered that he almost died just now. If Cheng Yingzhi hadn't reacted so quickly, all four of them would be lying there now!
At the same time Dong Jian called the police, Ke Jiyun also called Meng Beichen: "Boss, something happened to us!"

The three boys didn't notice that the truck driver climbed up from below, bleeding like a devil, and pointed a gun at Cheng Yingzhi and pulled the trigger.

"Ah, be careful!" Tang Xiaoying, who had been looking over there, screamed, and threw herself in front of Cheng Yingzhi.

A bullet pierced Tang Xiaoying's shoulder, and the piercing pain made Tang Xiaoying's forehead covered with cold sweat, as if all the strength in her body was drained at once, she said silently: "Should, go away, he There are guns!"

Cheng Yingzhi's eyes widened, and he hugged Tang Xiaoying tightly reflexively. In an instant, the blood all over his body froze, and his whole body felt cold.

Seeing this, Ke Jiyun and Dong Jian threw their cellphones and rushed towards the truck driver.

And the truck driver probably exhausted all his strength. After hitting Tang Xiaoying, the gun in his hand fell with a clatter, and he also fell limply.

"Xiao, Xiaoying..." Endless fear swept over, Cheng Yingzhi hugged Tang Xiaoying tightly, trembling uncontrollably, as if a piece of his heart had been severely torn off...

Ningxia heard Tang Xiaoying's screams and gunshots, and her eyes suddenly turned cold.

Regardless of violating the traffic rules, Meng Beichen turned around directly, positioned Dong Jian and the others, and stepped on the gas pedal to the end!

Meng Beichen's cell phone was still beeping, but the atmosphere in the car was condensed and suffocating.

Ning Xia stared at the front, wishing she could fly over with her wings.

Sakura must not have any accidents... Ning Xia kept rubbing her fingers, deeply feeling the tension and urgency.

They were not too far away from the scene of the car accident, and they arrived at the scene after a few minutes at Meng Beichen's maximum speed.

As soon as Ning Xia jumped out of the car, she immediately saw Cheng Yingzhi half kneeling and hugging Tang Xiaoying, her left shoulder was soaked in blood, Cheng Yingzhi was distraught.

Blazing anger flashed in Ningxia's eyes, she rushed over to check Tang Xiaoying's gunshot wound, Cheng Yingzhi had already treated it urgently, and she just had to wait for the doctor to arrive.

"What happened?" Meng Beichen's expression was gloomy.

Ke Jiyun narrated it calmly, and Meng Beichen walked over, took pictures of the driver and the truck, and then sent them out so that people could find out the results in the shortest possible time.

The police and ambulance also arrived quickly, Tang Xiaoying was sent to the ambulance, and Cheng Yingzhi followed.

The scene was blocked by the police, and when the police lifted the driver, Ningxia saw the driver's face.

It's him!Ningxia immediately remembered that she had seen this person in the student union building that day. At that time, there were so many people that she only remembered the face of this sneaky person. Later, she forgot about it because of the student union election!

"Let Gu Lan adjust the school video!" Ning Xia suddenly said to Meng Beichen, "Let's go back to school right away."

"Did you find anything?" Meng Beichen asked.

"Go and have a look first." Ning Xia immediately called Gu Lan and briefly explained what happened here.

Gu Lan, who was on the way to Meng Beichen's house, had a serious look on her face, and immediately asked Zhou Qingyao to turn around and go back to school.

When the two of Ningxia arrived at the school, Gu Lan had already found out the video of the time range Ningxia wanted.

Ning Xia fast forwarded to the past and quickly confirmed her thoughts.

Since November No. 16, that person has frequently been in and out of the construction site of the Haohan Student Union Building, and often has some weird behaviors.

For example, I always look in the direction of the teaching building, touch my pockets from time to time, bow my head or walk away when people come...

"Lan, do you have a list of people who entered and exited the construction site of the student union building?" Ning Xia said solemnly.

"I have this." Zhou Qingyao took the words, "Wait a minute, I'll get it for you."

"What's going on? How is Sakura?" Gu Lan was very anxious.

"The injury was serious. Fortunately, he didn't hit the heart. He has already been sent to Jishi Hospital." Ever since he knew that Tang Xiaoying had been shot, Ning Xia had been tense and cold.

"It's too much!" Gu Lan was very angry, "Who the hell wants to do such a cruel thing, Tang Xiaoying is an ordinary girl, who did she provoke?"

Ning Xia didn't answer. If it was because of her, the only ones who openly feuded with her would be the Qiu family, plus Meng Qing!
The Qiu family is exhausted, and Meng Qing would not be so stupid to use such extreme methods... Could it be because of Tang Xiaoxiao, or because of Cheng Yingzhi?
"The list." Zhou Qingyao came in with a document and handed it to Ningxia.

Ning Xia quickly looked through the list of foreigners who entered Haohan Middle School during the period when that person appeared in the video, and immediately locked on a person named Liu Jinkai.

"It's him!" Ning Xia pointed at the name.

Starting with this person, the mastermind behind the scenes will soon be found out.

No matter who it is, he will have to pay a heavy price!

Jishi Hospital.

Cheng Yingzhi stood outside the operating room, staring at the three words in the operation, with a cold expression, and a strong low air pressure exuded from his whole body.

Everyone who passed by him couldn't help being afraid to walk around him.

For Cheng Yingzhi, every second is suffering like hell, he has never been so afraid of losing.

If he could have reacted faster at that time, Sakura would not have to suffer such a crime!Cheng Yingzhi fell into deep self-blame.

"Excuse me, is Tang Xiaoying in the operating room?" An eager female voice reached Cheng Yingzhi's ears.

Cheng Yingzhi looked up and saw that his appearance was somewhat similar to Tang Xiaoying's, so he nodded.

"What's wrong with my little Sakura?" Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't hold on to her capable appearance.

"She, she was shot!" Cheng Yingzhi used a lot of strength to say these words.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaoxiao froze and trembled all over: "You, what did you say?"

"I'm sorry!" Cheng Yingzhi bowed deeply.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes were suddenly misty, "What happened?"

Cheng Yingzhi lowered his head and briefly described what happened.

At this moment, the door of the operating room opened suddenly, and a nurse hurried out, "Who are Tang Xiaoying's family members?"

"Me!" Tang Xiaoxiao immediately stepped forward, "What's wrong with my sister?"

"The patient is bleeding heavily, his blood type is scarce, and he urgently needs a blood transfusion. Please ask the family members to come with me for a blood test immediately."

 The second update is over, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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