The national goddess is super attractive

Chapter 623 2 aunts are clearer

Chapter 623 Second Aunt Knows More

After getting the evidence from Cheng Yingzhi, Gu Lan chatted with them for a while, and found that Zhou Qingyao's face was still not good, so she dragged Zhou Qingyao to leave.

Gu Lan originally wanted to go back by herself, but at Zhou Qingyao's insistence, she had no choice but to ask Zhou Qingyao to send her back.

"Be careful, Gu Qitian might jump over the wall in a hurry." Before Gu Lan got out of the car, Zhou Qingyao held her and told her carefully, "I have arranged someone to protect you, but you still have to be careful, you know?"

"Well, you too." Gu Lan nodded.

Zhou Qingyao lightly pressed a kiss on Gu Lan's forehead, then let her get out of the car, watched her walk into the gate, and didn't let the driver leave until she was no longer in sight.

Gu Lan walked on the familiar path, feeling unspeakably complicated in her heart.

This time, I really want to tear myself apart with Gu Qitian...

Probably because of a heavy heart, the path in the courtyard is obviously very short, but it is extremely long for Gu Lan to walk.

The servants cleaning up the weeds in the courtyard saw Gu Lan, and they all stood up and bowed respectfully to say hello, but Gu Lan nodded and gave up.

Thinking of what will happen later, Gu Lan doesn't want to pay attention to anyone.

There is always a moment when you don't want to face it.

Gu Lan took a deep breath and stepped into the hall.

"Our eldest lady is finally back, she's so arrogant, she doesn't listen to anyone's phone calls, and I don't know who taught you to be like this!" As soon as Gu Lan stepped in, Fang Ziqing's harsh voice rang out. .

Gu Lan took the slippers handed by the servant and changed them on, walked over unhurriedly, and then glanced coldly at Fang Ziqing: "Who are you targeting? Second Aunt!"

Fang Ziqing was startled by Gu Lan's eyes, and was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly came back to her senses, and immediately cried out in a sharp voice: "Dad, look at Gu Lan, I have planned on my sister, and now even my own uncle Don't let it go, she is going to destroy the Gu family. Dad, you have to take good care of her, if you don't care about her, she will go to heaven. "

Gu Lan frowned in disgust when she heard the sound. If she hadn't been the second aunt in name, Gu Lan would have made her shut up immediately.

The Gu family is not as good as the Zhou family, but it can be regarded as a wealthy family in G city. How could there be such a shrew?

Mr. Gu looked straight at Gu Lan, and asked coldly, "What did you do outside? Where's your second uncle?"

Seeing the old man questioning, Fang Ziqing immediately smiled proudly at Gu Lan: "Look at how arrogant you are!"
Gu Lan said calmly: "Grandpa, it would be better for you to ask Second Aunt about this matter... After all, she and Second Uncle are husband and wife, and Second Aunt should know better than me what unreasonable things Second Uncle did!"

The smile on Fang Ziqing's face froze immediately, and she yelled sharply: "Gu Lan, what do you mean? What do you mean to be harmful to nature? Isn't it you who are harmful to nature? Ah? What did you do to your sister? You still have a conscience Are you still talking nonsense to smear your uncle now?"

"Smear? I'm just stating the facts. Second Aunt, are you so eager because I exposed your faces?" Gu Lan smiled.

"Dad, look at Gu Lan! Since taking over Gu's enterprise, how arrogant has she become? She still has this Gu family in her eyes? Are there people with the same blood as her? Qi Tian was arrested by the police for no reason today. After taking her away, I realized that she was playing tricks behind her back again, in order to drive Qi Tian out of the company! How can such a femme fatale woman be worthy of being the child of the Gu family?" Fang Ziqing jumped.

"Enough! What's the noise? Is it plausible to spread the word? Gu Lan, tell me, what's going on? Why was your second uncle taken away by the police today? Is it really your fault, as others said? ?” Old Master Gu asked sharply.

"What charges will be announced soon, Grandpa, I have never been sorry to the Gu family, and the Gu family has done a lot to me. When did I care about it? Especially you, second aunt, who gave you the face to stand here? Pointing and cursing at me? Do you need me to list out what you did one by one?" Gu Lan looked cold.

Fang Ziqing was taken aback by Gu Lan like this. In her impression, Gu Lan has always been good-tempered, no matter what grievances he receives, he doesn't like to defend himself, but today he actually lost his temper?

Hehe... What Mr. Gu hates the most is damage to the reputation of the Gu family. Fang Ziqing thought of this and made things worse.

"Gu Lan, do you think that by licking your face and hooking up with Zhou Qingyao, you will be the young wife of the Zhou family from then on? Old man, you don't know how ugly the Zhou family speaks outside, that Mrs. Zhou tells others every day that Gu Lan is shameless. Haunting Zhou Qingyao, even climbed onto Zhou Qingyao's bed, threatening..."

"Shut up!" Mr. Gu was really furious. He pointed at Gu Lan and said sharply, "Gu Lan, is that so?"

When Gu Lan heard it, her temper also came up: "Grandpa, if you have already listened to it, is my explanation still useful? You have watched me since I was a child, and you still don't know what kind of person I am?"

Mr. Gu was so angry that he thought that Gu Lan was angry with him, and he became even more angry: "It's unreasonable, Gu Lan! You have been too kind to you all these years, and you dare to do things that will damage the reputation of the Gu family! Come on, Bring up the family law, I will give you a good beating today, and let you know what courtesy, righteousness and shame are!"

Fang Ziqing only felt that all the anger in her stomach had been vented. She was not worried that something would happen to Gu Qitian, because she felt that it was impossible for Mr. Gu to let Gu Qitian be imprisoned, and he would definitely use his contacts to rescue him.

On the contrary, it was Gu Lan, Fang Ziqing always looked down upon her, took the opportunity not to sow discord so that she would be taught a lesson, Fang Ziqing always felt that it was not enough.

Old man Gu's words and deeds made Gu Lan feel cold. She didn't care what others said, but she always respected her grandpa. She never thought that grandpa would think of her like that in the end... Gu Lan felt very sad.

She looked at Mr. Gu, a little sad: "Grandpa, don't you ever think of me for the best? In your heart, I am so ruthless and disregarding right from wrong? Do you also think I plotted against Gu Chang?"

"Isn't it? On the outside, we are bitter to the heart. Changshang has always been well-behaved and obedient, how could he do such a thing?" Old Master Gu was heartbroken, "What kind of hatred is that to put her to death? "

Gu Lan smiled bleakly, she knew that no matter how much she valued these relatives, it was useless.

Because in their hearts, they never really understood what she wanted, what she longed for.

Compared with power and interests, she cares more about family affection, but it's a pity that family affection is always worthless in the Gu family.

Heh, what kind of close relatives, what kind of family affection... can't compare to her friends, the friendship she has.

In this Gu's family, she never knew what it means to be warm, nor what it means to be cared for. Apart from endless calculations and hiding a knife in a smile, what else is left?
(End of this chapter)

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