Chapter 1079 Return of the Purple Evil ([-])

Just when Gu Ruoyun was stunned, a red dress suddenly appeared on the screen.

The red dress was very familiar, and it gave her heart palpitations.However, just when Gu Ruoyun wanted to continue watching, the screen suddenly disappeared——

The entire cave was still peaceful.

Gu Ruoyun fell silent, looking around the entire cave, and finally landed on the cauldron stove in the center of the cave.

"It turns out that the Nine Emperors were born here. No wonder he led me here. However, I am curious about the origin of the person who can create such a treasure as an artifact."

What made her even more curious was the red dress that appeared in the picture last.

Unfortunately, the picture disappeared so quickly that she couldn't see who was entering the cave in red.

"Zixie, it seems that this magma is just the hometown of the Nine Emperors, and there is nothing else. Let's go, it's time to leave here." Gu Ruoyun slowly raised the corners of her lips, and a murderous intent flashed through her eyes.

"Let's go to the main city now. I will never allow anyone to be deceived in the name of Honglian's territory."

Zi Xie smiled: "You can leave here from this cave, girl, there is a reason why the Nine Emperors recognize you as the master."


Gu Ruoyun was stunned, could it be that the woman who forged the Nine Emperors was someone she knew well?

Or, is there a blood relationship?The Nine Emperors will choose her?
Thinking of this, Gu Ruoyun laughed dumbly, and shook her head, she could clearly feel that she didn't know that woman!As for the Nine Emperors choosing her, maybe it's because of the similarities between him and that woman...

"Zi Xie, I know you don't want to tell me everything, but I believe that one day, I will find the answer myself."

She is not someone who likes to get to the bottom of things. Since Zi Xie is unwilling to speak, she will not force him either.

And after saying that, she walked towards the depths of the cave...


Feng Luo Village.

In the cave above the back mountain, a fire dragon is hovering into a ball, absorbing the aura in the air.

Of course, this fire dragon can't compare with the one in the magma, and its size alone is more than half smaller!More importantly, this fire dragon is just a soul body, even the soul is as weak as a piece of paper, as if it will be wiped out at any time.

"Damn, why is I so unlucky? I just wanted to find a body to take me out of here, but I encountered that kind of plague god, who actually devoured my soul! How many years."

Huolong was full of grievances, probably the most regretful thing he did in his life was to set his sights on the plague god's body, and almost killed himself in the end.

If it wasn't for the body being saturated when the plague god devoured its soul, it believed that that guy would definitely eat his soul like a meal.

"Forget it, I think it's safer for me to stay in this cave for the rest of my life. Human beings are too scary! Worse than demons! I don't want to meet that plague god again in my life!"

The more Huolong thought about it, the more he felt that his decision was right, and losing his freedom was better than losing his soul.For it, there is no safer place than this cave.

Thinking about it, the fire dragon couldn't help being happy, just when it wanted to continue to restore its soul, it suddenly caught a glimpse of two people coming out of the cave behind it——

(End of this chapter)

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