Chapter 1534 Meeting ([-])

Woohoo, master, this man is so scary!
The little guy continued to shrink his body inward, trying to avoid the gaze of the silver-haired man, but the more he hid in Gu Ruoyun's clothes, the colder his eyes looked at it, with a vague killing intent.

At this time, the little guy feels very innocent. Who has he provoked? Why does this devil-like man just stare at it?Could it be that he fell in love with its little chrysanthemum?

Thinking of this, the little guy hurriedly covered his little chrysanthemum, his whole body was trembling, wishing he could get his head into Gu Ruoyun's clothes.

It likes women, not men!

If this little guy could speak, he would definitely yell out this sentence.

"Little Lord?"

Zuo Hufa cautiously raised his head to look at Qianbeiye. When he saw the murderous intent shrouded in Qianbeiye's body, he was overjoyed. It seems that this time, Gu Ruoyun was indeed a victim!
Because Qianbeiye didn't like others to stare at him, after Qianbeiye appeared, everyone in Hades lowered their heads, and no one could see the tenderness that first appeared in the man's eyes.

But when the protector said this, Qian Beiye had already walked in front of Gu Ruoyun, without saying a word, he grabbed the little guy out of Gu Ruoyun's chest, and let the other party struggle hard in his hands.

"Little Lord!"

Seeing Qianbeiye's actions, Zuo Hufa finally plucked up his courage, looked at the peerless man with his back to them, and said respectfully: "Our subordinates have found the lost spirit beasts for you, subordinates..."

The moment Zuo Hufa wanted to step forward to claim credit, he saw the man in front of him raise his hand, and the little guy who was still struggling in his hand had already been thrown out by him.

That's right!

It was indeed thrown out without any hesitation!

It's as if that little guy is not some powerful spirit beast, but just an ordinary thing.

Zuo Hufa was stunned, and looked at Qian Beiye with some confusion, his mind went blank.

Could it be that the young master doesn't care about this spirit beast?Then since he didn't like this spirit beast, why did he snatch it over?
Qianbeiye didn't give anyone a chance to think, and looked at Gu Ruoyun sadly and aggrievedly: "If it wasn't for the fact that this spirit beast is still useful to you, I would have killed it long ago! Every inch is mine, and no one can touch it, not even spirit beasts!"

You know, there are some parts that even Qian Beiye himself has never touched, but this little guy is lucky enough to put his paws on her chest!
Can he not be wronged?

Guardian Zuo froze on the spot as if struck by lightning, his mind was in a mess, and he looked at Qianbeiye with dull eyes.

What did the young master mean by that just now?
Why do you feel like listening to him, as if you and this woman are lovers?

The rest of the people present were also dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that the peerless man with a sad face like a resentful woman was the legendary Young Master of Hades!Didn't Guardian Zuo say that the young master of the Underworld doesn't like Gu Ruoyun very much, and that Gu Ruoyun also stole the spirit beast of the Underworld?

The plot reversed too quickly, didn't it?
Dong Fang was the first to react. He who was still full of worries before straightened his back and complained: "My lord, the left guardian of the underworld said that Miss Gu had tried to seduce you, so she stole the spirit beast eggs from the underworld. Now the underworld is hunting her down! Oh, by the way, she even insulted Miss Gu, saying that you people from the underworld will not let her go."

(End of this chapter)

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