Chapter 816 Xia Ming's Conspiracy ([-])
Emperor Gao was furious, and landed a fist on the tree beside him. He gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes full of anger: "Who is it? Who dares to frame my emperor's son? It's just that the imperial physician Qi said that the emperor My son is just sick, why is it a sorcery?"

"Father, what kind of person do you think the Imperial Doctor Qi is?" The little princess sneered, and said sarcastically, "He has been treating the emperor for so many days, and the emperor still hasn't improved, there is nothing real at all. What you have learned! How can you compare with Brother Mo's master?"

Gao Di coughed dryly twice, and his face was a little embarrassed.

After all, Imperial Physician Qi is second only to the Sage of Medicine. If there is an illness that even he can't cure, I'm afraid I can only ask the Sage of Medicine to help!It's just that the medical sage's whereabouts are uncertain, even if he is found, he may not be willing to save him.

Therefore, Gao Di can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

"Miss Gu, the emperor—"

"Don't worry, I've said it before, saving him is the first betrothal gift I give to the little princess for my apprentice, since I said it, I must do it!" Gu Ruoyun's eyes flashed a light, his tone He said calmly, "You can prepare some medicinal materials for me later, and I will give him the injection."

"Okay, I will order people to prepare it right away, but I don't know how long it will take to cure it?"

"Three days!"

Three days was the most conservative time Gu Ruoyun gave himself!However, if the medicinal materials are prepared enough, she is [-]% sure of the treatment.

Gao Di was stunned. You must know that Qi Yu's doctor spent several months, but only kept the prince's body from further deteriorating, but he still couldn't heal him completely.The young woman said, only three days?

"You go and get the medicinal materials now, and I have to make some preparations."

The light in Gu Ruoyun's eyes flashed, and he ordered without haste.

"Come here!" Gao Di was in a state of mind, and ordered the eunuchs and maids behind him sharply, "All of you obey Miss Gu's orders, as long as she orders, even the treasury can come and go freely!"

The little princess looked at Gu Ruoyun excitedly, if the prince really recovered, then she wouldn't have to marry Qi Haoran!

This is the best news for her!


"What did you say?"

In Xia's study room, Xia Ming suddenly stood up, his face changing unpredictable, and asked: "Gu Ruoyun is the apprentice of the medical sage Bai Zhongtian?"

"That's right," Lu Chen nodded, "Before you asked me to pay attention to Gu Ruoyun's whereabouts, I sent someone to follow him, but I saw him enter the palace, and then I asked our Xia family's spies in the palace to go and find out. , Whoever knew it could have heard their conversation in the Imperial Study Room."

"No wonder, no wonder she defended the medical sage before, so she is also an apprentice of the medical sage!" Xia Ming sneered, clenched his fists tightly, and his face was gloomy, "This can explain why she knew Xia Ruoyun! It's just that I I never knew that the Medical Sage had another apprentice besides Xia Ruoyun!"

"Uncle Xia," Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and murderous intent flickered in his eyes, "Do you want me to send someone to kill her?"

Xia Ming fell silent.

After a while, he shook his head, and his eyes flashed: "No need! Although we have used enough evidence to frame the medical saint Bai Zhongtian in front of Jindi, I know Jindi is still dubious about this matter, so he We have worked hard to find the Medical Saint! Therefore, we can completely blame the Medical Saint through that woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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