Chapter 1131 Miss, Your Ring ([-])
As soon as Yao Yiyang didn't mind, he was reported by the noble lady, and the expression on his face was undeniably ugly.

But this kind of etiquette is normal in foreign countries, so he can only endure it.

Seeing that the lady wanted to chat with Yao Yiyang, this is the door, Ji Anning felt very unsafe, so she planned to go alone first.

So he winked at Yao Yiyang, then stepped forward and continued to walk out of the gate.

"Li Nianjia has already gone out. You arrest her and send her to the pool lounge in the backyard. It's quiet there. No one goes there except my uncle. Lock her there until my uncle comes back to deal with it."

Watching Ji Anning walk out of the banquet hall alone, Korea stood on the second floor of the banquet hall, with a sinister smile on her lips, she took the walkie-talkie, put it to her mouth, and ordered: "Don't let the city know. , or you will all be out of luck.”

There was an immediate response from the intercom, "Understood."

Ji Anning, let me see who will save you this time, who can save you.

Korea grabbed the guardrail with one hand, looked at the gate of the banquet hall, and smiled sinisterly.

Ji Anning ran out of the gate of the banquet hall. Before she could take a few steps, the butler stopped in front of her with a few female bodyguards.

"Miss Niannian, today is Mr. Char's 50th birthday, you should stop making trouble. I'll take Miss Niannian to the backyard to have a sit, okay?"

The butler humbly discussed with Ji Anning.

Ji Anning disagreed, facing the direction of the living room, and said loudly: "I want to see Ji Chicheng, don't stop me."

She wanted Ji Chicheng to hear it, and hoped that he could hear it.

"If Miss Niannian insists on breaking in, then we can only take extraordinary measures."

Seeing Ji Anning yelling, the butler was afraid that she would alarm Ji Chicheng, so he quickly winked at the two bodyguards beside him.

The two bodyguards stepped forward immediately, and stood by Ji Anning's side.

Ji Anning stepped back and stared at them, "What are you guys doing?"

She covered her stomach with her hands and threatened them with the child in her stomach, "I am pregnant with your Mr. Char's grandson in my stomach. If something goes wrong, can you bear it?"

Hearing this, the housekeeper became a little more scrupulous, because Mr. Char did explain that Miss Nian Nian was pregnant, so he must not do anything, even if he did, he had to make sure that it would not cause any harm to her body.

The old man looked at Ji Anning with a look of embarrassment and said: "Don't embarrass us, we are also following orders, Mr. Chall won't let you enter Chall's house again, if we don't stop, then Mr. Chall will blame you, All the servants in the whole Charles family will be in trouble."

"Then I want to see Ji Chicheng too." Ji Anning raised her head and shouted towards the living room, "Ji..."

But before she could shout out, a female bodyguard reached out and covered her mouth. They were all well-trained and strong.

Not to mention two, one can easily restrain Ji Anning.

It's a no-brainer.

To the east is the parking lot, there are constant guests coming and going, the butler asked two bodyguards to take Ji Anning to the backyard from the west.

Watching them turn and disappear, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Korea: "Miss Korea, Miss Nian Nian, we have sent her to the bath lounge in the backyard to rest."


Ji Anning, today is your death day.

(End of this chapter)

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