Chapter 1432 Let's Get Married (V)

Xin Xiaoxiao turned over, her side was empty, she frowned, and slowly opened one eye, the man was no longer by her side.

Uh... what time is it?

She opened the other eye, raised her head and looked around the room. The curtains were drawn tightly. Just as she was looking for her mobile phone to check the time, a familiar figure came out of the bathroom.

She frowned and asked depressedly, "What are you doing up so early?"

While asking, he yawned.

"Go to work." Xiang Yiqing just came out of the bathroom, his upper body was naked, he walked to the closet, opened the door, and took out a set of clothes from it.

The light blue shirt was buttoned up slowly.

"I tossed you so much yesterday, you should sleep a little longer." Xin Xiaoxiao sat up a little bit, half-recumbent and half-lying, yawning continuously.

As the saying goes, if you don't act, you won't die. She really acted too much last night, and now her body is limp and weak.

She is already in such a state, so it must be even more unfavorable for him to work so hard.

Thinking about it, she was very distressed, and with enough strength, she sat up, stretched her arms, grabbed the corner of Xiang Yiqing's clothes, and pulled him a little closer to the bed, "Take a rest, I see you are so early in the morning Going to the hospital doesn’t mean treating patients right away.”

(End of this chapter)

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