Chapter 909 Let The World Know Your Relationship ([-])

The alcohol was getting stronger and stronger, and Xin Xiaoxiao couldn't stand still at all. In order not to let herself fall, she instinctively hugged Ji Chicheng's arm with both hands.

Ji Chicheng wanted to escape, but he didn't have time.

In the dark, the lens of the camera caught this scene and shot wildly.

After throwing Xin Xiaoxiao to Ji Chicheng, Xiang Yiqing ignored him, walked away with long legs, and walked towards the direction where he parked in peace of mind.

"Oh, Master Xiang."

Seeing that Xiang Yiqing just pushed Xin Xiaoxiao to Ji Chicheng, and he left by himself, Special Assistant Wu shouted anxiously after him.

Their young master still has business to do.

"Ah pain!"

Xiang Yiqing ignored Special Assistant Wu's cry, and Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly cried out in pain.

Special assistant Wu looked back, Ji Chicheng had already left, and Xin Xiaoxiao sat on the ground, clutching her right ankle and screaming in pain.

"Young master, this..."

Special assistant Wu looked at the back of Ji Chicheng walking away, feeling very embarrassed. He felt that it was not right to leave Xin Xiaoxiao behind, but it was not right to take her with him.

"Leave her here."

Ji Chicheng's voice came from the front, saying that he stopped, glanced at Xiang Yiqing who was about to reach the parking lot, and curled his lips, "He is the female version of the Virgin."

Special Assistant Wu: "..."

The female version of the Holy Mother, is there anyone more detrimental than their young master?

He didn't dare not listen to the master's words, so he could only cruelly ignore Xin Xiaoxiao's wailing.

"You are all bad people, bad people, I was abandoned by the whole world... I am a child that no one loves..."

Xiang Yiqing was about to open the door, when he heard Xin Xiaoxiao's cry, he looked over and saw her sitting on the ground alone, in a panic.

Don't look, Xiang Yiqing, don't meddle in your own business.

He turned his head quickly without looking at Xin Xiaoxiao, opened the car door, bent down to get in the car, when Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly started shouting again.

Ji Chicheng, I count you as cruel!
Master Xiang gritted his teeth, closed the car door, and rushed towards Xin Xiaoxiao.

Special Assistant Wu, who was far away from the entrance of the bar, was moved to tears when he saw the scene of Xiang Yiqing going back to help Xin Xiaoxiao away.

It's really touching, the young master actually knows his friend so well.


Ji Anning didn't know what time Ji Chicheng came back last night. When he woke up, he found him lying on the sofa, with a tall body, curled up on such a small sofa, which made people feel distressed.

She picked up her phone and checked the time. It was only past six o'clock, and the people around her were still awake.

Not wanting to wake them up, she tiptoed out of bed, in order not to make a sound, she didn't even wear her shoes.

Walking to the sofa, he reached out to pick up the blanket on the backrest, and gently covered Ji Chicheng's body.

Then she bent down and squatted in front of Ji Chicheng, looking at his sleeping handsome face, his eyebrows, his closed eyes, his thick and long eyelashes, his high nose bridge, and red and sexy lips.

In my heart, I am very satisfied.

She looked at it, lost in thought, and sat slumped on the ground, resting her chin on one hand.

"Does it look good?"

The lips of the sleeping man suddenly moved.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his eyes, looking at her with deep and bright eyes, with a deep smile.

Ji Anning straightened up in surprise, "Uncle, you're awake."

Ji Chicheng didn't speak, he reached out to hug her, pressed her head to his chest, and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

Ji Anning could clearly feel his temperature, hear his heartbeat, and her own heartbeat miraculously kept pace with his heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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