Medicine door witch

Chapter 2213 Jue Crane Knows the Truth

Chapter 2213 Jue Crane Knows the Truth (1)

When I was in the human world before, I just pestered myself to call my mother, and now I'm pestering the woman named Qiancheng to call me my mother.

Suddenly, the silver-haired Qiancheng turned his head, looked at the upper right air, and raised the perfect corner of his lips to Ling Luo.

That smile seemed to show off.

Full of triumphant taunts.

That smile seems to be saying, as long as it is yours, Ling Luo will take it away, and it is easy.

When Ling Luo woke up, her face was very ugly.

Qingcheng Yeling had just passed the news about Qiancheng and Chi You to herself, and the warning dream came here.

Does she have reason to believe that everything was premeditated by Qiancheng, and even Xiche secretly sent her a message, which was also within her expectations?

Ling Luo's heart turned cold.

This silver-haired Qiancheng, she is clearly playing with herself.The woman was telling herself that everything was under her control.

From that day on, the silver-haired Qiancheng became a vigilante, always spurring Ling Luo and urging her to practice harder.

Three months later, the date of the Fairy Meeting arrived.

As for Ling Luo, he has already practiced Qingdi Wood Spirit Art to the stage of Mahayana.

On that day, Ling Luo was sitting in the elixir world of the Alchemy Department, breathing out the wood emperor's spiritual energy.

Suddenly, she felt the dantian, and there was a sense of overflow.

She suddenly opened her eyes.


"The Yin-Yang realm, connected to the heavens and the earth, understands Yin and Yang. It turns out that is such a feeling."

Ling Luo's body was enveloped by extremely thick wood emperor aura, and a thick layer of wood emperor armor condensed on the surface of her skin.

For cultivators, entering the Yin-Yang realm is a qualitative leap.

It will also usher in the first catastrophe on the way of cultivating the divine way - the catastrophe of wind and fire.

Rumor has it that the Great Calamity of Wind and Fire is completely different from the Calamity of Nine Heavens of Thunder and Thunder, it is truly destroying heaven and earth.

Ling Luo's lips curved into a slight smile.

What are you afraid of?
It is an excellent opportunity to take a bath and wash your body.

Ling Luo raised her head slowly.

But at this time, with her as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles, a raging fire suddenly ignited.

The raging hurricane swirled the flames, layer by layer, towards her body, sweeping madly.

She was like an old monk in meditation, sitting in the raging fire of purgatory, with a faint smile on her lips, and I stood still.

"Dry flames are real fire."

Ling Luo's eyes were shining brightly, and in the pupils, there was a scene of a catastrophe raging.

"This is the dry flame real fire that Master Xiling Muxue once mentioned to me. Among the seven real fires in the heaven, the dry flame real fire is in charge of punishment!"

Ling Luo took a deep breath.


Very painful.

The tongue of dry flames frantically licked every inch of her skin.

The dry flame and the real fire will only appear when the gods send down the punishment of heaven.But all cultivators who have stepped into the yin and yang realm will be tempered by the real fire of dry flames.

Eighty to ninety percent of the cultivators would be burnt to ashes because they couldn't bear the pain of the catastrophe, and even the primordial spirit would not be left behind.

When he was in the human world, Ling Luo was a god of extreme fire, and he was never afraid of fire.

But this time.

Ling Luo really felt the pain of the burning fire.

The flames scorched her flesh and turned into scorched blood. The hurricane was like a knife, slashing at her inch by inch, as if cutting her soul apart.

(End of this chapter)

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