Concubine Chang's Arrogant Poison Doctor Miss

Chapter 2724 Battle of Subjugation 3

Chapter 2724 The War of Subjugation Thirteen ([-])
Tantai Chenxi's consciousness slackened bit by bit, and the pain in his body was continuously enlarged, as if it even occupied his thoughts.

How much he wished that he could not hear or see anything at this moment, and only the pain would be left.

However, even if he deceived himself repeatedly, he could not deceive his heart.

He was afraid of all of this, but he remembered it all.

Until the end, I can only use my own method to keep all this.

What a terrible, hateful, hateful but pathetic person.

He let the best people bear his pain, the depression and suffering that he had nowhere to put in his chest.

Such a person is selfish, yet talented.

If it weren't for this series of changes, I'm afraid he would be a generation of Mingjun.

However, he chose to use such a heroic and appalling method to give up his life in a place where he could never give up...

He personally experienced the suffering of those who were devoured by the corpse soldiers today.

Because he knew that only in this way could he feel everyone's fear, everyone's resentment towards him, and the confusion in their hearts before they died...

It was as if he used everything he had suffered to take revenge on King Jin Linxiu.

He also made a mistake, and he was wrong too much. He knew his mistake well, and he couldn't correct it, and he couldn't control it...

Who is at the last moment, he is willing to use his body to make up for...

Let him experience the pain of being swallowed alive, and let him enter the six realms of reincarnation after death to suffer.

He is willing to do all this.

His only request is not to keep memories of this lifetime...

That's all, without thinking, without thoughts, in the cycle of purgatory, suffering the bitter fruit, that's enough...

Because, with such pain, he really didn't want to try again.

He was in pain, he was afraid, but he had nowhere to tell.

He is alone in the world, so lonely...

So lonely that tears flowed from the corners of my eyes without knowing it.

Tantai Chenxi slowly closed her eyes and finally stopped breathing.

Lin Xiu just watched, watching Tantai Chenxi with a smile on his face, being carve up and nibbled by those monsters bit by bit, watching his expression become more and more peaceful... But he saw it, but tears were streaming from his eyes.

The shock in Lin Xiu's heart cannot be described in words.

He never imagined that it was him who witnessed this scene in the end!
It is him who is an enemy!
Soon, from Tantai Chenxi's hands and feet, to his body, and finally to his facial features...

These guys ate very cleanly, without leaving any scraps or viscera. If it weren't for the blood flowing and the smell of blood in the air, he wouldn't even be sure if Tantai Chenxi was hiding something. People run away.

It was as if, Tantai Chenxi didn't leave any trace in the world, just like a gust of wind, it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Lin Xiu witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and the boundless chill spread from every corner of Lin Xiu's body, twisting into a terrifying force, clamoring to drag him into the abyss forever.

He curled up his body as much as possible, for fear that he would be discovered by these monsters.

It's just that they didn't seem to see him at all, and went straight to chase others.

After the whole hall became silent, Lin Xiu slowly came back to his senses.


It's all so scary...

If he is allowed to suffer this kind of pain, he will definitely go crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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