phoenix sky

Chapter 1114 Fief

Chapter 1114 Fiefdom ([-])
Is there anyone in the world who is more miserable than them?
After Mu Ruyue left the mountain, a fire burned down the whole mountain.The brothers of the Wang family couldn't bear to look at the mountains where they lived for more than ten years, and all the brothers who led the bandit group left here with Mu Ruyue...

In Nanyang County, the outside of the county governor's mansion is covered with a layer of dust. The door plaque was broken in two and fell to the ground, and a few footprints were stepped on. It is so dilapidated and backward.

"Wang Hai, go knock on the door."

Mu Ruyue frowned.

There should be people living in the sheriff's mansion, so why is it such a dilapidated scene.

"Okay, boss."

Wang Hai responded respectfully, then walked outside the door, knocked twice, and after a long time, an impatient voice came from inside.



The dilapidated wooden door was opened, and suddenly an old figure came out, and looked at the few people outside the door suspiciously.

"You are……"

"The new sheriff!"


The old man was taken aback, and looked at Mu Ruyue suspiciously: "You are the county chief? No, every time you come to take office, it's either the elders of the academy or the students who are about to graduate. You look too young. How could it be this county sheriff?"

"This is the token, you can take it and see it yourself."

Mu Ruyue raised her hand, and a jade tablet fell into her palm.

The old man glanced at the token with his eyes open, and nodded: "Yes, this is indeed the token of the college. It seems that you are really the county chief."

"Can you tell me what happened here now? The sheriff's mansion has not fallen to this level!" Mu Ruyue raised her brows and asked lightly.

The old man smiled wryly: "Your Majesty the Sheriff doesn't know that the forces of the North Wind Plain are already complete, so they can't tolerate the influence of outsiders, and they don't even want to admit that the North Wind Plain is the territory of the Seminary! Therefore, every county chief who comes here They will be oppressed by all forces, and the previous one was even assassinated by them! So since then, no one is willing to take up the post. I wanted to leave after a while, but I didn’t expect that the academy came to inform that there would be another people came to be sheriff."

Speaking of this, the old man's voice paused: "Governor, I still advise you to leave as soon as possible, don't be in this muddy water, there are too many strong people in the North Wind Plain, otherwise the high-level people in the college will also be defeated." You will not show up, you can only have the same fate as the previous ones when you come here, but you are so young and still have a lot of time, there is no need to waste it in this place."

Mu Ruyue's eyes sank little by little, it seemed that the situation in Beifeng Plain was even worse than she imagined.

But that's what makes it challenging, isn't it?

"Since I'm here, I won't leave." Mu Ruyue lightly raised her eyes and said flatly, "I want information on all the forces in Nanyang County."


The old man sighed heavily, and shook his head with a wry smile.

In his opinion, Mu Ruyue is just young and energetic, after a while she realizes the difficulties and dangers of being the sheriff, she will definitely give up...

"County Chief, I have already said what should be said. Since you are determined to be here, I will do my best during the time you take office. In addition, I am the housekeeper of the county governor's mansion, Kong Fan. "

Mu Ruyue yawned, and said lightly: "I'm tired, go down and rest first, let's talk about everything after I wake up..."

(End of this chapter)

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