phoenix sky

Chapter 54 The Secret Love

Chapter 54

"Then let's go."

Mu Qing turned around and walked towards the door, so he didn't notice the viciousness flashing in the girl's eyes behind him.

That bitch Mu Ruyue has caused sister Ting'er so badly, why should she be allowed to come back to Mu's house?She would not allow that vicious bitch to step into this place.

What's more...

As long as Mu Yixue thinks of that handsome and innocent young man, her heart will hate Mu Ruyue even more.


In Mu Zhai, Mu Ruyue hugged the back of her head with her hands, and lay lazily on the imperial concubine chair. The sun in the sky made her unable to open her eyes, and she only half-closed her eyes to look at the blue sky.

"My lady, my lady..."

Suddenly, an innocent voice came from the front.

She turned her eyes, and immediately saw Ye Wuchen running towards him excitedly, with an innocent smile on that handsome face, and her pure eyes were full of smiles.

"Miss, look, what I brought you."

Ye Wuchen spread his hands, and a necklace made of emerald green beads appeared in his hand, and he handed the necklace to Mu Ruyue: "Lady, I think these beads are very beautiful, so I will string them together and give them to Mu Ruyue." For the lady, do you like it, lady?"

Mu Ruyue was moved by Ye Wuchen's thoughts, and she linked the necklace. Suddenly, her eyes fell on the emerald green bead directly below.

This bead is different from the others, and there is a breath of vitality in the crystal clear green.

"Yingshu fruit? Is this Yingshu fruit?"

The appearance is the same as the pearl, but it is the fruit of the Yingshu fruit.

Mu Ruyue tore the Yingshu fruit off the necklace, and asked excitedly, "Wuchen, where did you get this Yingshu fruit?"

Ye Wuchen blinked his big eyes, and looked at Mu Ruyue curiously: "What is Yingshuguo?"

"Yingshu fruit is a fruit with a lot of vitality. It is different from medicine pills. Generally speaking, warriors will not easily take medicine pills to break through. After all, there will always be some sequelae after using medicine medicines to break through, which will affect future cultivation. But Ying Shuguo is different, if you take him down, you can directly make the warrior break through to the first level."

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so excited.

But at this point, Mu Ruyue couldn't help laughing and shook her head, no matter how much she explained, Ye Wuchen probably wouldn't be able to understand.

Sure enough, facing Mu Ruyue's words, Ye Wuchen blinked his eyes in doubt: "I don't know what Yingshu fruit is, I picked up these beads before, and I plan to give them to my future daughter-in-law, lady, you are me." daughter-in-law, so this necklace is yours."

In the dark, the man in black who had been following Ye Wuchen almost fell to the ground after hearing these words.

My master, you worked so hard to find Yingshu fruit to give to the future mistress, but you used such a lame reason, why are you planning to give it to the future wife?It seems that before you met the hostess, you had no intention of marrying a wife.

And the hostess seems to have not accepted the master, when will the master give the name of the lady?In this way, perhaps the Ghost Palace will become more popular...

At this moment, I saw a figure running in quickly from the front yard. After seeing Mu Ruyue, Li Lu heaved a sigh of relief, and said aggrievedly: "Master, didn't you ask me to be loyal to you?" ? After the competition, you disappeared, and I searched for a long time. If someone hadn't found your trail, I wouldn't have been able to find you so quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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