phoenix sky

Chapter 724 The death of Zifeng, the soul flies away

Chapter 724 The death of Zifeng, the soul flies away (fourteen)

 "Can you still talk?" Mu Ruyue smiled coldly, "Zifeng, this is just the beginning. Later, I will let you experience what purgatory is like on earth!"

Zifeng only felt the excruciating pain in her body, as if all the bones in her body were torn apart, suddenly, she took advantage of a gap to push Mu Ruyue away, and ran towards Yanyun.

"Master Yanyun, save me!"

With a fierce kick, Zifeng was kicked out, and fell to the ground with a puff.

There was disgust in Yan Yun's eyes, and more of that grief and pain: "You shouldn't have deceived me! You shouldn't have used her to deceive me, and even killed my beloved woman. It would be kind of me not to kill you. Don't kill me!" Count on me to save you!"

This woman killed his beloved Shangguan Yun, and even used this appearance to deceive him.

It's enough to dazzle once, and he will never believe it a second time.

Yanyun's heart trembled, and he closed his eyes in pain. In a daze, he seemed to see that stunningly beautiful woman looking at him innocently...

Whoever killed her deserved to die!

Fierce anger welled up in his heart, but he suppressed it. Slowly, Yan Yun opened his eyes, and the original expression was no longer in those eyes.

Instead, the coldness...

Zifeng trembled, looking desperately at these people in front of her.

Could it be that her fate will be explained here!

But she is not reconciled!

"Brother Wuchen."

Suddenly, Zifeng seemed to think of something, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said: "Brother Wuchen, I really know the whereabouts of the Zi family. Although the members of the Zi family are all dead, their souls have all gone to a certain place." place, I can tell you their way out!"

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Mu Ruyue stopped what she was doing, and stared at her with deep and cold eyes.

Zifeng is a little proud, she understands that the Zi family still has a great place in Wuchen's heart...

"Brother Wuchen, I want you to divorce this woman!" Zifeng's gloomy eyes swept across Mu Ruyue, and said fiercely, "No, not only divorce her, but also kill her life, so I will tell you Where the hell is your Zi family!"

While speaking, she turned her head and looked at Ye Wuchen with gentleness like water, but that expression was so ferocious in line with the bloody face.

"Brother Wuchen, don't worry, without her, I will be with you. I can give you many, many children, definitely more than hers. I won't always ask you to do things for her like her. I will pay tribute to you like a god, as long as you kill her, not only can you get the whereabouts of the Zi family, but you can also get me..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, no one thought that Zifeng would say such shameless words, and even threaten a man to love her in public?

A red light flashed, and Zifeng was thrown away like a violent storm, and it landed after drawing an arc in the sky...

"Mu Ruyue, you keep saying that you want to avenge the Zi family, but now you are abandoning the Zi family for your own selfishness! Do you love Brother Wuchen like this? You are a selfish woman at all!"
ps: By the way, will anyone read the Huaxia article I will write in the future? I will write it if someone reads it. If no one reads it, I will save some effort. O(∩_∩)O haha~~
(End of this chapter)

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