Chapter 1148
At this moment, under the guidance of Ye Shiba's sound transmission, Jun Yunqing was about to lead people to the direction of Dongyin Pavilion. Hearing this, his eyes narrowed suddenly, covering the flashing cold edge inside, and turned around. Get up.

After seeing the person coming, her eyes flickered slightly.

"What's the matter with the senior sisters calling us?" She asked with a smile.

"Which pavilion are you from?" The one who stopped them was a group of Miaoyin Palace disciples, one of them was the first one with a silver qin pattern embroidered on his chest, with a clear face and a hint of arrogance in his brows and eyes. After approaching them, Looking Jun Yunqing up and down, his tone was arrogant.

"Returning to Senior Sister, we are from Dongyin Pavilion." Jun Yunqing said neither humble nor overbearing.

In her eyes, the information detected by Ye Shiba flowed down invisible like a waterfall, and she soon knew the identity of the visitor.

"I don't know if some senior sisters from Xiyin Pavilion called us, what's the matter?" She asked politely, "I have my teacher's order, and I still want to take these Su Embryos to meet the elders."

"It seems that you recognize us." Regarding being called out by Jun Yunqing, the few Miaoyin Palace disciples did not show any strange and surprised expressions on their faces, but took it for granted.

"Yes, when I was with Senior Sister Yaoqin, I met Senior Sister Qin." Jun Yunqing said with a smile.

The Senior Sister Qin she was talking about was exactly that arrogant woman.

According to the information obtained by Ye Shiba, the other party is a genius disciple of Xiyinge's generation. His strength is comparable to that of Yaoqin, but because of the latter's heart for Qin, his talent and potential are still overwhelming her, which makes her very dissatisfied. !

In the Miaoyin Palace, the disciples of the four major sound pavilions in the east, west, south, and north compete with each other. Among them, the competition between the East, West, South, and North Sound Pavilions is more intense, while the East, South Sound Pavilions, West, and North Sound Pavilions are united with each other.

Looking at these invisible words in Jun Yunqing's eyes, he really gave Ye Shiba 1 thumbs up in his heart!

It really is murder and arson, a must for home travel!

Without Ye Shiba, it would not be so easy for her to sneak into Miaoyin Palace with shadowy daughters!

After all, it is one of the four venerable forces, if it is so easy to sneak in, it will be wiped out in minutes!

The tokens on the mountainside were all transformed by Ye Shiba's avatar!It was so realistic that the two women in green clothes guarding the mountain couldn't see the clue at all!
If Jun Yunqing made the imitation by herself, not to mention that it is difficult for her to find out the style of the entry token, but if she finds out, it is difficult to take care of the material and some small details, and the possibility of exposure is extremely high!
And Ye Shiba made a move, but she didn't have to worry at all!
This will be stopped, if it weren't for Ye Shiba, she would definitely show some flaws because she didn't know this Senior Sister Qin, and it would be easy for others to see through.

But how come it's not going well since mixing in!Always be stopped!
Jun Yunqing felt helpless for a while.

"It's good that you know me." Hearing Yaoqin's name, senior sister Qin's eyes flashed a few traces of gloom, followed by a burst of joy.

Taking her look into his eyes, Jun Yunqing raised his eyebrows slightly, thoughtful.

"Is this the plain embryo you found this time? The quality is good! I'll take the first one! You can offer whatever you want!" With his head held high, Qin Lou looked at Chu Hao and the others with a haughty look, and said.

The one she was talking about was naturally Chu Hao!

Jun Yunqing rolled her eyes when she heard the words, she couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry!
She said why she kept being called out!It turned out that Chu Hao's "quality" was too good to blame!

Knowing the purpose of the other party's visit, Jun Yunqing felt relieved, and just about to refuse, suddenly, in her eyes, the invisible handwriting projected by Ye Shiba changed, sending her an important message!

Jun Yunqing paused for a while, she looked around and saw that there was no one else around, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Senior Sister Qin, this is not good for you. If there is no accident, the quality of this embryo is the best this year." One of them! If I gave it to you, the elder would know that he would not spare me."

At first, when she heard Jun Yunqing's words in front of her, that senior sister Qin's complexion had already darkened, but after hearing the words behind her, she eased up a bit.

It could be heard that Jun Yunqing was obviously moved, but he was afraid of being punished, so he dared not agree.

"What's the matter!" A disciple of Miaoyin Palace said disapprovingly, "You just returned to the palace, who knows how many embryos you brought back! It doesn't matter if one is missing, our Senior Sister Qin can't do without your benefits! Think about it With the identity of our senior sister Qin, with her help in the future, you will be able to get ahead faster!"

It is true that Jun Yunqing brought back several plain embryos this time, and generally no one would count them in detail. She gave one to Senior Sister Qin, no one would know about it, and she could reap great benefits for herself!
These Xiyin Pavilion disciples are sure that Jun Yunqing will agree.

Even that Senior Sister Qin took the time to look at Jun Yunqing.

Jun Yunqing pretended to be agitated and entangled, and finally ruthless, nodded vigorously and said: "Okay! If Senior Sister Qin can help me enter the underground palace to obtain the qualification to practice Shayin Dao, I will give this plain embryo To the senior sister!"

This is exactly the news that Ye Shiba got from investigating the Miaoyin Palace—today is the day that Miaoyin Palace selects disciples who practice Shayin Dao!
And the place where the disciples of Miaoyin Palace practice Shayin Dao happens to be in the underground palace!

The thing in the brocade box of the Underground Palace is indeed the root of Miaoyin Palace's Shayin Dao!
This is a good opportunity for Jun Yunqing to enter it openly!
It was after getting the news from Ye Shiba that Jun Yunqing changed his rejection!
Hearing her words, the expressions of all the girls in Xiyin Pavilion changed.

That Senior Sister Qin's complexion immediately sank, "You really dare to open your mouth like a lion! A plain embryo can be exchanged for the qualification to practice the Killing Sound Dao. Do you think the qualification to practice the Killing Sound Dao is so easy to get?"

Killing Sound Dao is the capital of Miaoyin Palace in the central Tianyu, and it is the most important thing for the selection of disciples!There are so many considerations, not everyone is qualified to practice!Generally speaking, only the disciples recommended by the Four Great Sound Pavilions, who have passed many tests and proved to be extremely talented in the practice of Shayin Dao, and who are also very loyal to Miaoyin Palace, can do it!

When she opened her mouth, several other Xiyinge disciples also lowered their faces.

But Jun Yunqing didn't care at all, she raised her head and looked at Senior Sister Qin and said, "Senior Sister is wrong to say that! Everyone knows that the quality of this plain embryo is very good! I'll take it back, nothing else, the elder said There must be rewards! I think my talent is not bad, otherwise I would not be favored by the great elder Siyin! As long as I have those rewards, no matter how hard I practice, I will always have the opportunity to be qualified to practice Shayin Dao in the future!"

She said, casting a glance at several people, and said, "Now I just want to obtain the qualification to practice Shayin Dao in advance! What's wrong? How can I be called a lion? It’s a huge risk! If the elders of our Dongyin Pavilion know about it, let alone being severely punished, you will never even think about practicing the Shayin Dao in this life! I will definitely ask for the most beneficial reward for me!”

"I don't think there is anything wrong with my request! If Senior Sister Qin can't do it, then I will leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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