Chapter 2003
In this situation, seeing Master Shuixin's eagerness on his face, Father Bei seriously doubted that if he said that he had already used up the trapped yuan cable, the one that Master Liuyue took away was the only one. Root, will he die a miserable death?

"this and that……"

Just when Father Bei's mind was stuck for a while, Bei Shaotang, who was unwilling to give up, came out to jump again.

"Master Shuixin! How could you and Master Liuyue do this? It's obviously a fake and shoddy red-gold grade impoverished cable! Master Zhang has seen it all! How can you pretend that you didn't see anything?! And deliberately Competing with each other like this?! You are covering up!"

Bei Shaotang couldn't believe that there was any magical power in that trapped Yuansuo that could make Master Liuyue and Master Shuixin rob each other regardless of their identities!

This is too exaggerated!

He could see clearly that if Master Liuyue hadn't taken a step earlier, they would have already started fighting!
If it was a purple-gold grade impoverished yuan cable, he could still convince himself that the two masters really love their talents like their lives!
But that's a red-gold grade impoverished cable!

To super masters, this kind of thing is completely rubbish. How could it cause two super masters to scramble for the first, and almost fight? !

This play is too exaggerated!
Bei Shaotang would rather believe that the two masters had received some favor from Beicheng, so he had no choice but to help Beicheng wash away the stains this time!
It's just that the two masters have been obsessed with research all year round and don't know how to act at all, so they seem so exaggerated!
And Master Liuyue's behavior of grabbing something and running away made him affirm his own thoughts even more!

If it wasn't for destroying the evidence, why would Master Liuyue do this?Regardless of the identity of the master!
Thinking of this, Bei Shaotang firmly grasped this point, but did not let go.

It's not that he has to fight against the masters, but now he can only seize this point to make a big fuss, so that the masters can give up the idea of ​​defending Bei Cheng and Bei Fatty and dealing with the Bei family!
If Bei Cheng and the others really did something harmful to the Bei family, even a super master can't be unreasonable, right?
Their Bei family is cleaning up the door, so it is impossible to be blocked because of this, right?
Bei Shaotang currently has only one way to go, so his voice is particularly hysterical.

"Fake and shoddy products? Inferior pure gold-ranked Yuansuo?" Master Shui Xin looked at him with a cold face, "Who told you?"

"Master Zhang! Master Zhang has seen it! That's the question! Master Shui Xin, Master Zhang is still your apprentice, Master Feng Ling! How could he have read it wrong? And I have seen the red gold-level trapped yuan cable before. It is true that the vitality is scattered, and the power of sealing the spirit inside is extremely weak!" Bei Shaotang pulled Master Zhang who was next to him over.

The latter's face was pale, and he almost hated Bei Shaotang to death.

It was Bei Shaotang who asked him to come here with money before, saying that he was appraising a poor-quality red-gold-grade trapped yuan cable, and then let him call that pure-gold-rank trapped yuan cable as rubbish!
Bei Shaotang swears that it is definitely a low-quality red gold-grade impoverished cable. He thinks that as long as he can make a lot of money by doing this, why not do it? !
Now it's suffering from being tricked by this bastard!

When Master Shuixin and Master Liuyue appeared just now, Master Zhang kept shrinking back and did not speak, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

Bei Shaotang was so angry that he became stupid, he is not stupid!

Two super masters came together, obviously Baoding Beicheng's family.

In this case, whoever jumps out is a fool!

So what's wrong with that poor-quality red gold-ranked trapped element cable? !

If the masters say no, then no!
Who can be more authoritative than the words of the super masters?

Therefore, Master Zhang remained silent all the time. He didn't expect Bei Shaotang, a stupid bastard, to just kill himself and drag him into the water as well.

Master Zhang wanted to strangle Bei Shaotang to death!
"Master..." He bite the bullet and called.

Before he could get rid of his relationship with Bei Shaotang, Master Shuixin snorted coldly and said, "You said that this red gold-ranked Yuansuo is inferior?"

Master Zhang is really in a dilemma at this time!
admit?Isn't that the face of Master Da Shui Xin and Master Liu Yue? !

The two super masters broke their heads for a poor-quality red gold-level trapped yuan cable!

This play is too fake!

But to deny it is to lie!
Although the face of the two super masters is maintained, it may also leave a dishonest and opportunistic impression in front of the masters.

Who knows if the master will dislike him because of this incident in the future?
Master Zhang thought, he wanted to die already!

He hated Bei Shaotang even more to the bone!
If he hadn't invited him here, he wouldn't have encountered such a thing at all!
If his future future is damaged, he must kill Bei Shaotang!
At this time, Bei Shaotang, who wanted to prove Bei Cheng's accusation of enriching his own pocket, didn't know that he had completely angered a master Feng Ling!

He thought that by keeping the Bei family, he saved his own life, but he forgot how terrible it is to offend a Master Feng Ling!

Master Shui Xin and the others may be too lazy to argue with him, but Master Zhang is different.

But now Bei Shaotang couldn't think of so much.

"Master Zhang, tell me quickly! Didn't you make it very clear just now? There is indeed something wrong with this red-gold-ranked Yuansuo cable. Maybe the two super masters didn't notice it for a while." He urged eagerly. .

Master Zhang gritted his teeth, wishing he could grab Bei Shaotang and roar, "I can see the problem, but the super masters can't see it! Bei Shaotang, you are so good! You actually want to kill me!" Right?! You wait for me!"

Master Zhang had no choice but to close his eyes in the end and said, "Teacher, the student is not good at learning, and it is true that the power of sealing the spirit is extremely weak and the energy is scattered. thing."

"Teacher, you often teach us to be honest and diligent, and not to be too ambitious. The students have always kept it in mind. This time, the students may have neglected to see the mystery hidden in it. Please don't be angry, teacher."

I rely on!talent!

Fatty Bei looked at Master Zhang and almost wanted to say hello to him!

This is so artful!
He admitted that he thought it was a counterfeit product, but also said that he was not good at learning, so there might be some mystery that he didn't see.

This is paving the way for super masters!

So that they have a step down!Not too slap in the face!

This guy is so talented!
Fatty Bei sighed, but also felt guilty.

He didn't know that there were so many specialties in the trapped Yuansuo, he thought that the pure gold graded Yuansuo was the pure gold graded Yuansuo, so there were so-called inferior products?

However, it is the first time for Brother Jun to refine the Chijin-level Yuansuo, and it is not bad to be able to refine it!

Fatty Bei didn't blame her at all for claiming this "inferior" red-gold rank poverty to him.

Probably Brother Jun himself doesn't know the difference!

It's not Feng Lingshi, who knows so many twists and turns!
And Brother Jun himself is going to use these red-gold-level trapped Yuansuo to catch high-level Hunyuan beasts!

(End of this chapter)

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