Playful Concubine Le

Chapter 2447 Cooperation

Chapter 2447 Cooperation
Chapter 2448

Everyone else was cleared.

A group of people were extremely excited.

Especially after Jun Yunqing told them that within [-] meters of this area, she had turned into her sphere of influence, and until the hunting was over, there would be no more alien races coming, everyone was even more excited and relieved a lot.

Seeing the attitude of those alien races towards Jun Yunqing, they didn't doubt her words at all.

But Jun Yunqing also told them that she has some enemies in the foreign race, they still try to be careful not to be too far away from the house where she is, lest someone deliberately target them and take them there.

Everyone was very cautious when they heard the words, and they all nodded.

Nianying was taken out by Su Ya to play.

The little guy doesn't recognize his birth at all.

Maybe he still remembers the aura on Su Ya.

He didn't resist Su Ya's hug at all, and had a great time with Su Ya, giggling from time to time.

"Jun Yunqing, before you went out, I didn't expect that you would come to us so soon."

Brother Min asked Jun Yunqing to sit down, looked at her, and said in a deep voice.

His eyes glanced at Jun Nianying who was smiling happily because Su Ya threw him high, and his words were full of emotion.

"I didn't expect to be able to see such a happy scene."

"Here we are, we haven't laughed in a long time."

"There will be in the future, and there will be many opportunities." Jun Yunqing looked at him and smiled.

"The purpose of my coming to you this time, you must have guessed it."

"Yes." Brother Min looked at him with suppressed excitement in his eyes.

"Do you have a way out?"

"Yes." Jun Yunqing nodded, "I am now in the barracks of the foreign race, and I already have a certain prestige. Soon, I will be able to open the barrier of the foreign race to the outside world."

"But..." She looked at him and said word by word: "There is only one chance! You also know that alien races are very strict with barriers, and the way I open the passage is definitely by force! In this way, we The identity of the alien race may be exposed!"

"Even if it's not exposed, and the foreign race strengthens its control, I may not have a second chance."

"So, I need you to talk to me frankly and make sure that this plan is foolproof! In this way, it is good for both of us."

"If you keep hiding it, then it's meaningless! At worst, I will open the barrier and leave by myself. Although this is more dangerous, it's better than ruining the opportunity, don't you think?"

"You can go alone, why do you have to come back to help me?" Brother Min was silent for a while, and looked at her.

"Don't say that everyone is human and should help each other. You have also seen that just now, Tie Ya and the others can push us out to the aliens to die in order to survive!"

"People's inferiority is all self-interested, not to mention you have a son by your side, if there is any danger, you don't want him to go through it."

Brother Min pointed out the most critical point.

"You're right." Jun Yunqing's voice was flat, "I'm not willing to take my son on a risk, but taking you all away together would be a huge adventure!"

"But... I didn't say we're going to leave together?"

She raised her head, with a pair of bright starry eyes, she looked at Brother Min sharply.

"I can create an opportunity for you to leave here, and at the same time find a cover for myself."

"At that time, whether you can leave smoothly and escape the pursuit of the alien race is not in my consideration." She said word by word, "I just give you a chance."

"And this opportunity, even if I don't provide you with it, once I open the barrier myself, I will definitely be exposed. Among them, I don't think there is anything wrong with helping you by the way."

"People are selfish, but on the premise of not harming my own interests, I am still willing to help my compatriots."

"After all, aliens are our common enemy."

"Human beings have bad roots, but human beings also have their own advantages. Otherwise, why would there be so many people around you who would sacrifice their lives for you?"

Jun Yunqing's eyes were sharp, staring closely at Brother Min's eyes.

"I'm grateful that you guys rescued me while I was unconscious and gave birth. In return, I'd like to help you. But if you screw up yourself, I won't go back and help you a second time."

"No one can save anyone all the time."

"make a deal!"

Brother Min looked into her eyes and said without hesitation.

He likes Jun Yunqing's open and concise way of negotiating.

And everything is as Jun Yunqing said.

She doesn't lose anything if she helps them or not, so what if she helps them casually?

"Okay, then we can talk about the content of the cooperation now. There are nearly three hours of carnival in the hunt, enough for us to finalize all the details."

"Next time I hunt, I won't show up here again. I think you should know the reason."

Because next time she hunts, she won't be in the starry sky of this alien race.

In less than seven days, it will be the battle for the ancestral soul blood pool!
After those few days, no matter the outcome of the ancestral soul blood pool battle, she will start preparing to leave!

Brother Min nodded.

"Tell me what you think." He said, "What do you decide to do?"

"I will open the barrier for you to the outer starry sky. Before that, you have to break through the defense of the human slave concentration camp." Jun Yunqing looked at him and said.

"I won't help you with this."

Because she helped, she was in danger of being exposed early.

Jun Yunqing would only help them open the passage to the outside of the foreign race, and then leave from another place with Nianying after Brother Min and the others attracted most of the attention of the foreign race.

Jun Yunqing didn't shy away from her thoughts at all.

Brother Min didn't think there was anything wrong with it either.

Jun Yunqing had no obligation to help them!

Being able to help them open the barrier to the outside is already a great kindness.

As for her using herself and others to attract the attention of other races...

Could it be that if Jun Yunqing didn't do this, the aliens would not notice them?

it's out of the question!

Therefore, this is a matter of cooperation and mutual benefit, and there is nothing to complain about.

He nodded.

"Okay, I agree."

When he said this, his hands clenched slightly.

Brother Min's manpower in this human slave concentration camp is not limited to the people who are following him now.

Just in order not to attract the attention of others, they are distributed to various areas.

When there is no one around him, these people will come to him one after another.

So far, Brother Min has changed three groups of people, and they all died for him!

He could gather these people together and storm the barriers of the slave camps that day.

But in that case, most of these loyal soldiers who followed him would die again.

Thinking of this, Brother Min's heart ached.

(End of this chapter)

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