Chapter 2530

Because the Purple Nightmare had been hidden in Jun Yunqing's spirit weapon before and was not released, Nianying didn't know them.

Fortunately, Zimao and the others had Jun Yunqing's aura on them, but Nianying didn't recognize him, he hugged the little gray duck that was screaming, and squeezed its small mouth curiously.

"Da da!" Oops!Its mouth is already flat enough!This is going to be pinched even more flat!

The little gray duck flapped its wings desperately, but it couldn't escape Jun Nianying's "claw".

It's strange to say that Jun Nianying's little hands are chubby and fleshy, but no one can escape whoever he wants to catch!
The little gray duck had already exhausted all its strength, but Jun Nianying giggled and grabbed it in his hand, ravaging it fiercely.

Also heart tired do not love.

When one person and three pets were making noise nearby, Jun Yunqing also started to make a move.

That machine-like meat worm was apparently specially made by the Dahl clan to make puppet worms, and it had no attack ability at all.

This will sense Jun Yunqing's killing intent, and it immediately screamed sharply.

That ear-piercing sound wave almost shattered all the air in this forbidden area!

At the same time, it wriggled desperately, trying to avoid Jun Yunqing's attack!
With its almost no IQ, it is impossible to figure out why the Dar family in front of him wants to kill it!
Shouldn't she be protecting it? !

Because of this cognition that subverted common sense, the meat worm wanted to avoid it, and at the same time wanted to get closer to Jun Yunqing!

When the meat worm raised its head and made a sharp sound wave, Jun Yunqing also attacked!
A phoenix-feather and dragon-scale gun appeared in her hand, and the dragon chants and phoenix chants echoed each other.

The pieces of dragon scales and phoenix feathers spread out on it, which is extremely beautiful and extremely chilling!


The long spear drew a sharp and menacing curve in the air, carrying a tremendous force in the air, and blasted on the fleshy worm in one fell swoop.

The power of the ancestors in Jun Yunqing's body was fully released at this moment, and the strength of the great lord level exploded impressively.

Just this one, almost blasted that meat worm into a meat paste!

The fleshy worm howled sharply, the tragic injury made its sound waves extremely shrill and sharp.

And when the meat worm screamed fiercely, in the entire base, the countless cyst nests that had been severely injured by the meat worm also trembled violently, sending out one after another sharp and shrill sound waves!

The entire forbidden area is wailing!
"Forbidden area! Something happened in the forbidden area!"

At the same time that the meat worm howled sharply, the nearby guards sensed it.

However, before they rushed into the forbidden area, they heard the sharp sound waves resonating from countless sac nests!In an instant, the whole person was stunned!
"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Someone attacked the forbidden area!"

"Protect the forbidden area!"

All the troops chasing Brother Min and the others also received the most critical warning at this moment!

"Forbidden land!"



All the troops, at this moment, pulled back and rushed towards the depths of the alien starry sky, just like they chased out before!

Even compared to that time, the speed is even faster!


Feeling that most of the troops of the foreign race had withdrawn, only a small number of people were left to chase and kill them. Brother Min and others broke through the siege together with Jingyun's people in a panic, and rushed towards the outermost edge of the starry sky of the foreign race!

"Where's Jun Yunqing?! She didn't come out?"

After finally getting rid of the overwhelming pursuit of those alien troops, Mingo grabbed a startled high-level man and asked, "Where is the person I told you to save?!"

"My lord, we didn't see the person you mentioned!"

A woman with a child, there is no such person here!
Those who escaped safely with Brother Min and the others were almost all strong men, except for Su Ya, who was under the special care of Jun Yunqing and who was very familiar with Brother Min and the others!

Almost all the women and children who fled with them were hunted down and killed by the alien army on the way!

Escaping was no different. At that time, Brother Min, Mr. Zhang and the others had concentrated their strongest attacks, and they were powerless to care about others!

He also just made time to inquire about Jun Yunqing's situation.

Hearing that Jingyun's high-ranking officer said that he didn't see Jun Yunqing, he was startled, and then looked up in the direction where the alien races were retreating.

Could it be that Jun Yunqing is still in the alien starry sky?
what is she doingWhy don't you go?

Brother Min would not think that the sudden retreat of the alien army was because he and others were lucky!

Someone must have done something more horrifying and unbearable to the aliens than their escape, so that those aliens could not even care about themselves and others, and all retreated!

Jun Yunqing, what did she do?
"She's still inside, I'll go back and have a look!" Brother Min turned around to go back, but was hugged desperately by Mr. Zhang and the others.

"No! My lord! You managed to escape! If you go back now, you may not be able to come out!"

"That's right, it's just a woman, my lord, why are you doing this?! And that Jun Yunqing is someone else's woman! Her husband is here! My lord, we have nothing to do here! Please wake up!" a high-ranking Jingyun Stamped his feet.

"Husband?" Brother Min paused when he heard these words, turned around to look at the senior Jingyun, frowned and asked, "Who is it? How do you know?"

"It's Bei Mingying! He came with us! And it was definitely for Jun Yunqing! He guessed Jun Yunqing's name only from the word "Jun" and a woman with a child. We Guess he should be her husband." The senior Jingyun said honestly.

"That's right! My lord, Jun Yunqing's husband is not an ordinary person at first glance. The people who follow him are all dragons and phoenixes, and their majesty and demeanor are not inferior to your lord! When I heard Jun Yunqing's name at that time, the whole Everyone is so excited, this meeting has already brought people to find her! Let's stop participating, shall we?"

"Bei Mingying..." Brother Min chewed the name carefully. For some reason, he always felt a little familiar. He seemed to have heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"My lord, let's go now while those people from other races are being lured away! Bei Mingying and the others went to pick up that girl named Jun Yunqing, and it should be fine!" a Jingyun said humanely.

"Yes, my lord, let's go quickly! Otherwise, we may not be able to leave when those alien troops catch up again!"

The rescue this time was more thrilling than any other operation.

Although when he came, he had already made a pre-estimate of the dangerous situation he would face in this operation.

But when they really saw so many alien troops attacking overwhelmingly, they all thought that they might be accounted for here today!

After all, there are so many troops, except for a few people like Brother Min and Mr. Zhang who may be able to break out of the encirclement, everyone else is likely to die here!
Unexpectedly, in another village, the alien army suddenly withdrew, leaving only a small group of people chasing and killing them!

This will be able to rush out soon!
(End of this chapter)

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